The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
dang, some of these girls have some big hands..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
Ok, I'm done... I have an eerie feeling that one of you clowns is going to recognize enough to id me and sell my ass out. That's why my current is not going up here.
lol.. nice collection bro...
Thanks Jamy, I'm officially an idiot but I wanted to contribute...
Raven is a master photographer...
haha actually the panties are the reason the picture was taken funny you joked about it... when she lost most of her weight from the baby I bought her like 200 dollars worth of stuff from Fredericks of Hollywood online, so since i'm in iraq, she took pictures of them on her haha
got balls to post a wife/gf on a steroids board
she finds out you may not wake up with a penis
id have to go through my million saved emails to find pics of even a few of my girls. most are x rated anyways
too much work.
mine won't care, she probably be kinda embarrassed at first. but we are married its not like i'm just posting random girls or ex's on here...
and even though this site is run by it is not a direct steroid board, heck i probably only have 5 posts that aren't in the powerlifting, workout, news, supplement or lounge... I have never even done steroids. though I will admit I would like to.
get the wackin
what she put on my facebook after i told her i gained some weight lol.. my current wifey wasnt very happy
. you could never be a fatty babe.. there would just be more of you for me to grab hold of and and **** till my *****s content....
thing is her parents have facebook too.. and they saw this and were pretty pissed/disgusted as well.. no point in eracing it because it would look like i was trying to hide something.. so i just left it up there.. lol
Last edited by scribbs12; 06-22-2009 at 05:27 PM.
my new wifey right there... shes thick and i love it.. lol
my X is my avy by the way. i dont think i have any pics of her... that i can find...
Last edited by scribbs12; 06-23-2009 at 12:11 PM.
Last edited by scribbs12; 06-23-2009 at 12:12 PM.
this girl is pretty good looking too.
Last edited by scribbs12; 06-23-2009 at 12:12 PM.
Last edited by scribbs12; 06-23-2009 at 12:12 PM.
oh come on bro, we know you're the black guy in the hat with your wife
and i dont know why that black dude is next to her.. i got down on her for that.. i was like so while i was on spring break in panama city florida... this is what you were doing!?!? partying with that scrub.. !... lol
no not really... thats not me...
this is me..
im a beast... bigger than arnold !! lol.. i wish..
Last edited by scribbs12; 06-22-2009 at 05:38 PM.
i love those last 2 pics.. i specifically tried to copy that arnold pic so i can put it on my myspace side by side .. r0fl
haah ur a good sport bro
yeah and please dont ask me what my friend is doing next to me.. i decided to edit him on paint lol.. i was bored..and i dont think he'd want me posting his face either.... even though hes like 6-10lbs like 206 there.. hes around 213+ but hes 6'3.. im short...
she looks like she looks good.... nice bod.. that your girl? i always say im going to make my next girlfriend a white girl... i fish for white girls... i pull out beaners!.. lol... its like when i go to corpus and im looking for some red fish or amberjack or something.. but i keep catching gaf top or hard heads.. damn cat fish.. r0fl.. but i cant complain... theyre good to me.. for the most part.
First one is of the WIFE.. Had to take her Face out.. lol.. the next two are of my EX... She was a SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY !! So hence the EX .. but Good Goddamn was she smoking HOTT !!! At least my WIFE is cool !! and down to earth and still has a tiny smokin body that I LOVE RUNNING MY TONGUE OVER !! And I think she is BEAUTIFUL so that's all that matters.. plus she loves Tattoos just as much as my ex... lol... I have a thing for Tattooed women.. can't help it !!!
P.S.- I still talk to my Ex.. SHHHH the Wife DON'T KNOW !! and if she sees this POST !! I am a dead man !!!
Last edited by The Deuce; 06-22-2009 at 09:35 PM.
No not my current girlfriend even though that girl is the one I feel the worst about posting. I didnt post my current bc I know that out of all my friends/enemies that also use this board I'd get ID'd in a second annnnnd probably called out. Which is why I'm not going into who or when explanations with any of them haha...
Good hunting though bro, I wish you luck
Mustache Daddy Eh?
Scribbs why is your avy a pic of your ex, are you still obsessed with her?
no, not obsessed i just really like that pic of her.. and my comp crashed a few months a go... lost the majority of pics i had with her. Would like to have a few good memories... she was a big part of my life... 4 years. too bad she hates me.. because i kick her and her new bf out of every club they go to. only after they pay cover and buy their first drinks lol..
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