3rd cycle looking to use tren ace in this one with test prop, looking for some advice on dosages for tren to start off with etc. Previous 2 were
Wk 1-4 Dbol 50mgs ED
Wk 1-12 Deca 300mgs EW
Wk 1-14 Test E 600mgs EW
Second was pretty much the same but upped the deca to 400mgs EW and the test e to 700mg EW, had no real sides at all with either cycle and kept a majority of my gains. Will prob keep the prop at 100mg ED leave out the orals as im using fast acting esters and keep the same pct as last time, clomid, nolva and hcg with letro on hand during cycle. Was thinking of running the tren for first 10 wks and prop for 12? If anyone has any suggestions im all ears!!