Because as TMOS pointed out, this is the Lounge so anyone can post in whatever thread they want. That being said, if there is some problem with j418 or whatever his name is, why hasn't it been reviewed? Why hasnt he been suspended or banned? If you guys are flaming him in an attempt to drive him out of the board for some misdemeanor of the past, it's clearly not working. What is happening though is that flaming IS becoming more prevalent, not just to this guy but in general. Now I know we're all big lads but we're also men, not boys. Some of us, including myself, are over the age of 30, yet seem to be acting like teenagers. Im not going to say anymore on this cause it's just seems to be falling on deaf ears anyways. It just seems lately that you give someone an inch, they will take a mile. I probably do come across as a moaning bastard lately, but I like this forum, its my favourite forum on the net and it's a shame if it's just going to turn into some massive flame fest. It wasn't like this two or three years ago.