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Thread: Test Enanthate Only First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Test Enanthate Only First Cycle

    Hey everyone, im new on here and am about to start a 12 week Test Enanthate cycle. This will be my first ever cycle of any sort. I decided to stick with a single compound for the 12 weeks, thanks to everyone on here who helped me decide. I have been training religiously for five years now, started out severely obese, but have gotten into really good shape. I am currently 214lbs, and had my body fat caliper tested today at 10.8%. I stand at 5"10. I am no newbie to training and nutrition info, as i have a Phys Ed Degree. I also manage a fitness centre and have spent several years doing personal training and helping my clients with nutrition. I plan on running about 400 mg a week, split into two injections, Tues night and Sat morning. I have decided to stay with a low dose to see how my body reacts, if after the first month or so im feeling good i may go up to 500 mg but no more then that. I plan on doing my first injection tonight, in my right quad. I picked up some 23g pins, 1 inch and plan on using that. Next week for my glutes i will go to 1.5. I am also using 18g pins to draw, as i have heard this helps. Im gonna post new pics once i figure out how, i took them today after work. Im hoping to stay lean on this build, i do not want to retain alot of water as it is summer and i also dont want to be captain obvious, as i mentor a group of teens and preach the good word of health and nutrition. For these reasons i plany on keeping my diet extra clean, around 3500-3700 cals a day. I will be aiming for aobut 260-280 grams of protein per day. I will eat all types of lean meats and also lots and lots of fresh fish, which is one thing i have noticed is often left out of the diet sections. As for the carbs they are often over looked but equally important as the protein for building muscle. I will be eating lots of oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato, then also lots of green veggies, with some fast acting carbs after every workout. As for fats they will be sourced from olive oil, fish oils, nuts, cocunot oil and flax, plus the fat that occurs naturaly in the meat. Meals will be six times a day, with the biggest one being first thing in the morning, and they get smaller and lower in carbs as the day goes on. Anyways, and help or advice will be greatly appreciated, HERE IT GOES!!! I plan on keeping a detailed account of these next 12 weeks.

  2. #2
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    May 2009

    First One Done!!

    I just did my first injection, as mentioned earlier i chose my right quad. I went with the 23g 1 inch pin. I used about .8 of a ml, or 200mg of test enthanate. Went so smooth i was a little surprised. No pain or bleeding what so ever. Tomorow i will be hitting the gym for a back and bicep workout, i will update after that and let everyone know if there is any pain.

  3. #3
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    These pics are me at 206, im slightly heavier now, 213. I will put up my current ones tomorow
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  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006
    How old are you?
    You only have 3 posts, all in here, how did we help you decide on this cylce?
    Do you have an AI on hand?
    What do you have for your PCT?

    GOOD LUCK with the cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I am 23, these are my first posts but i read alot of others and the general consensus seemed to be to stick with the single compund. What do you mean ai? I have novadex and clomid readily available. My post cycle i have not exactly figured out, but i have some help. The gym i manage has several canadian champions training with us, which is awesome motivation. Thanks for the interest

  6. #6
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    May 2009

    Day 2

    Well not much pain at all in the leg, which is nice. The area where i injected feels like there is small bruise, but nothing visible on the skin. Today in the gym was a chest and tricep workout, which i absolutely killed! I am feeling really focused and remotivated to train hard!! I started with flat bench and worked up to 205 for six reps, incline dumbelss were 4 sets of 8-10 with 85lb dumbells. Then it was 80's for decline, also dumbells, then cable flys. For tris i did some dips and underhand ezbar cable extensions. Finished with some core traing and 15 mins cardio. Diet was textbook, i will post it later this week.

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    don't count on your champions, please make sure you get your PCT figured out and looked at HERE, and you SHOULD have that done and IN HAND before you start this cycle

    AI= Aromatase Inhibitor , like Arimidex. It helps during cycle IF you get some gyno signs or water retention

    Nolva/clomid is good for PCT

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Southern California
    yeah get ur pct figured out although it seems u already have it on hand. good luck and keep us posted. its nice when u include info on diet and work outs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Just curious, why quads and not glutes?

  10. #10
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    Well i was doing some research on the pct, i was going to use nova and clomid but i have been wondering about h.c.g? I took your advice and spoke to a friend and he had armidex on hand if i need it, thanks for the advice. Im gonna include my food log for today as i believe it was almost perfect and i will be on something very similar for the duration.

    Breakfast/ pre workout

    6 eggs scrambled with olive oil
    large bowl of oatmeal with blueberries

    After workout

    Shake with mangos and peaches
    4 scoops mass builder with o sugar and a complex carb blend
    fish oil

    3rd meal

    4 chicken thighs
    brown rice
    green veggies

    4th meal

    Basa fillets
    .5 cup of quinoa

    5th meal

    Homemade meatloaf (lean beef, oatmeal, onions, eggs, spices) thats it
    2 0z hard cheese

    6th meal

    green apple
    cottage cheese
    small protein shake iso 25 grams

    Each one of these meals had 40-50 grams of protein
    Carbs are higher in the mornings and less as the day goes
    Calorie count would be around 3500-3800, but very clean and nutrient dense.
    There is quite a bit of fat as well, but only the good kinds
    I usually make a huge bowl of oatmeal first thing and try to eat it all but what i cant finish i eat with my postworkout shake.

  11. #11
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    May 2009
    I was gonna do the glutes but the shoppers buy my house only had 23g1 pins, so the pharmacist said he would order me some 1.5s in. Man i love Canada

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    what is that you do for you job? just wondering cause it appears your forearms are bigger than your upper arms lol u swing a hammer or something?

  13. #13
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    May 2009
    HA Ha no hammer swinging for me, i manage a fitness centre. lol. Today was my second injection, left quad, went very smooth. Ive started to notice the skin on my face has become more oily, nothing to bad. There is one small spot on my forehead where i still am prone to breakouts, and it has brokeout slightly but no big deal. My girl works at proactive, so she got me some of that stuff incase it gets any worse. Workouts have been really good. I am more focused in the gym, and am ready to start making some gains. Diet was good today as well. I went to a friends barbecue and had a steak and some aspaaragus and stayed away from the booze and greasy food. Tomorow im off but am going to do maybe 40 mins low intensity cardio, burn off a little extra fat and look after the old ticker.

  14. #14
    seems like you can look forward to some good results. your diet seems on point and congrat on getting to where you're already at

  15. #15
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    May 2009
    Thanks for the compliment! Today is the end of the first week, wednesday will be my third injection. Today in the gym was a back and bicep workout. I started with sets of 8-12 body weight wide grip pull ups. I was going to do seated row next but my lower back was still sore from saturdays deadlifts so i went with one arm rows instead. After that it was some rack high pulls and some lat sweeps. Next was close grip pull ups, dumbell curls followed by burning out the bi's with the cables. I have my bodyfat done every tues, and today i was 214lbs, and 10.9 %. Last week i was 215 and 10.7%, so no big changes there. Diet has been very good, im worried about my skin so that has been a great help in staying away from any greasy food. I usually try to have only 50-75 grams of protein a day from whey powders, the rest is meat, fish or eggs. I am still getting my six meals and about 3700 calories per day. My skin seems less oily then at the start of the week, which is a good thing. The small pimple on my forehead has gone away, and my skin looks nice and healthy. I am making sure i drink atleast 4 litres of water per day, so i am pissing like a race horse every hour or so. So i guess everything is going well so far.

  16. #16
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    Last night was the third injection, went very well. This time there was really no pain afterwards at all, which was quite nice. The diet was very good today. First meal i did not feel like making oatmeal so i went right to the chicken, brown rice and vegetables, with a double expresso to kickstart my leg workout. Post workout was the mass builer shake, with some frozen fruit, oatmeal, glutamine and fish oils. Next was a big bowl of homemade chili and an apple. 4th meal was tuna with quinoa and cheese. 5the meal was back to the chciken but no rice this time just a full plate of veggies. LAst meal will be before bed and it will be a steak and mixed green salad with olive oil and vineager dressing. I will probably have a small shake as well right before i go to sleep. Calories today would be atleast 4000 with about 300 grams protein. Leg workout was good, nothing spectacular but i did do some real heavy leg presses, stronger then before which was a nice bonus. Nothing bad to report so far, skin is nice and clear and does not seem oily. Tomorow is shoulders and i am quite looking forward to it!!

  17. #17
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    good luck your in for a fun ride!

  18. #18
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    May 2009
    Well not alot new to report, 4th shot was sunday night. No pain afterwards or anything else. Diet is still very good, my weight is sitting at 210lbs today and had my fat retested and i was sitting at 10.4 %. So again, not much change from last week. Workouts have been very good and focused, strength is going up slightly but no real changes. I am now about two weeks in and have not experienced any sides what so ever so far. I am about to start some german volume training, i believe it will be very good for hypertrophy. It involves some very slow reps, for example on squats you take fours seconds to go down then one second up, and similar for bench, deads etc.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    btw a front shot with your shirt off would have helped out alot with pre cycle pix.

  20. #20
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    Things are still going very well. Today i had my body fat done once again, i broke the 10% barrier today and am down to 9.7%. My weight is up to 212, last week was 210 and 10.5 percent. I actually gained 3 lbs of lean muscle this week, as my fat went down and weight up. The trainer that does the testing for me was quite impressed. My workouts are awesome, strength has not changed much but i am still very focused. The german volume training by Poliquin is definetely worth taking a look at. I have added atleast 4 bike rides a week, which is a nice fat burning workout for myself. Diet is going great, trying to get a new variety of meats going, this week was bison and elk. Next week im gonna go hard on the fish. I may up my calories from 3700-3800 to over 4000 as well. I stocked up on HCI, with the amount of food im taking in i figured the stomache could use some digestive aids. Im also adding one day a week where i take in twice the normal amount of calories, 7000-8000 in one day, and there will be some greasy foods in the mix to get the calories in, should be fun!! The only side i have noticed so far is slight changes or cracking in my voice, nothing serious at all but it kinda reminds me of puberty lol.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    btw a front shot with your shirt off would have helped out alot with pre cycle pix.
    Yeah i meant to include that, i think i have it somewhere. You are a real photo hound!! lol I seen you on others threads screaming for pics!! lol J/K

  22. #22
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Trimaxis210 View Post
    Things are still going very well. Today i had my body fat done once again, i broke the 10% barrier today and am down to 9.7%. My weight is up to 212, last week was 210 and 10.5 percent. I actually gained 3 lbs of lean muscle this week, as my fat went down and weight up. The trainer that does the testing for me was quite impressed. My workouts are awesome, strength has not changed much but i am still very focused. The german volume training by Poliquin is definetely worth taking a look at. I have added atleast 4 bike rides a week, which is a nice fat burning workout for myself. Diet is going great, trying to get a new variety of meats going, this week was bison and elk. Next week im gonna go hard on the fish. I may up my calories from 3700-3800 to over 4000 as well. I stocked up on HCI, with the amount of food im taking in i figured the stomache could use some digestive aids. Im also adding one day a week where i take in twice the normal amount of calories, 7000-8000 in one day, and there will be some greasy foods in the mix to get the calories in, should be fun!! The only side i have noticed so far is slight changes or cracking in my voice, nothing serious at all but it kinda reminds me of puberty lol.

    I dout it was all muscle but good job bro! 3lbs of pure muscle is alot! it was prob muscle and water weight. think about what 3lbs of steak looks like and add that to your frame lol Im in week 3 of my first test e cycle and I have only gained about 2lbs....I was told by week 4-5 I should start to really feel things kick in so Im pumped!

  23. #23
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Trimaxis210 View Post
    Yeah i meant to include that, i think i have it somewhere. You are a real photo hound!! lol I seen you on others threads screaming for pics!! lol J/K
    lol well its the best way to gauge gains, humans are SEEING creatures, we need to SEE things. dogs are smelling creatures: they need to sniff everything! u get the point lol. i havent done any cycles yet so im just trying to gauge just how good a first cycle can be with visual results though my 1st cycle will probably just be tbol, but a cycle of test only in hte future is a small possibility.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I dout it was all muscle but good job bro! 3lbs of pure muscle is alot! it was prob muscle and water weight. think about what 3lbs of steak looks like and add that to your frame lol Im in week 3 of my first test e cycle and I have only gained about 2lbs....I was told by week 4-5 I should start to really feel things kick in so Im pumped!
    Yes you are right, i meant to say i gained 3 lbs of lean mass. Which is everything that is not fat, bones, water, organs muscle etc. When we do the body fat testing on the computer it does a bunch of calculations and it was my lean mass that increased by three pounds.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    good luck...

  26. #26
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    Well i am approaching 4 weeks in now, and i am definetely noticing the test. My sex drive has gone absolutely crazy, and my girl just started some new birth control that is making her constantly horny. So we have been having sex 3 or 4 times a day, yesterday while downtown shopping we had to take a break in the underground parking garage in my truck lol. She was teasing me a little and i was honestly hard in the mall, i dont think that has happened since the ninth grade. I also have noticed that i am running kinda hot, as in my body temperature is high. I have been keeping watch on my blood pressure as well and it has also increased, although it is still in the safe zone so i am not to worried as of now. I am yet to notice a huge strength increase, although im really starting to notice some strong muscle pumps, even when i am not working out. I was hitting some balls at the golf range and my arms went as hard as rocks and it was kinda hard to swing. Tomorow is chest and back so i will post after if there are any good strendth gains. I also got the biggest ****** pimple on my forehead, which popped after a day but was huge. Even before i started the test i still got the odd pimple on my forehead. It was only one, and it is completely gone so no big deal. I have been showering twice every day now, and bought this wicked back scrubber!! Although there have been no signs of any pimples anywhere except for that one on my forehead. Diet has been on point, eating lots. Between eating, working, training and ****ing i have been quite busy lol. New pics are coming tomorow, im not expecting huge changes. Weight is up 4lbs from day one, and my body fat is down.

  27. #27
    Wonder how big you going to to look in your 11 week

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Awesome news, I also will be approaching 4th week next week.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    UK north east
    nice one. good news

  30. #30
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    Ok so far i have yet to take any ai's during this cycle. I have some aromasin and was wondering if i should take some and be proactive, or just wait for signs of gyno?

  31. #31
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  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Northern California
    Just checking in to see how the cycle is going; I've been reading your thread with great interest. I'm getting ready to start a very similar cycle and our physical stats are very similar. I'm 6'1", 210lbs. 11-12%bf.

    Keep up the good work and the great posts.

  33. #33
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    Hey i have not had much time to post lately, im in calgary and the stampede is on so i have been off from my real job and working downtown in the bars. Im still getting my workouts in and stength and endurance have increased in the last couple weeks. my diet this week is a little fuct, the one place im at has a bbq goin so i can eat chicken and salad all day long, so that is a bonus. I have drank twice now which is unfortunate but hey when in rome.... Weight is up a consistent 4 pounds about 214 and still around 10% fat. As soon as stampede is over i will put up some new pics, i need a photo editing program, my comp does not even have paint. No sides as to report, we had a punk rock show tonight and i did not beat anyone up so no extra aggression for me lol. All said and done everything so far has been a ok.

  34. #34
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    Well im about 6.5 weeks in so far, my weight has gone up 10lbs, im now at 220. My bodyfat has increased slightly but nothing to dramatic. I feel like i am holding a bit of water at the moment as well, nothing to noticeable but i will probably start to run an ai for the remainder of my cycle. Strength is up slightly and workouts are going good. This week i have really started to notice some serious pumps while in the gym, so hopefuly that is a sign of good things to come.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trimaxis210 View Post
    Well im about 6.5 weeks in so far, my weight has gone up 10lbs, im now at 220. My bodyfat has increased slightly but nothing to dramatic. I feel like i am holding a bit of water at the moment as well, nothing to noticeable but i will probably start to run an ai for the remainder of my cycle. Strength is up slightly and workouts are going good. This week i have really started to notice some serious pumps while in the gym, so hopefuly that is a sign of good things to come.
    And now what? Where is the log how did the cycle turn out?

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