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Thread: is it too soon to jump bk on cycle.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    is it too soon to jump bk on cycle.......

    age 27 6ft 190lbs-3 cycles under my belt. iv just finished a 4week pct of nolva and clomid after this cycle -

    wk1-15 - test enanthate 500mg pw
    wk1-10 - deca 400 mg pw
    wk10-13 - superdrol 30mg per day
    wk15-20 test enanthate 250mg pw
    wk18-22 superdrol 30mg per day
    wk22-26 - nolva 40mg per day
    wk22-26- clomid 100mg per day
    wk20-22. 500iu hcg every 2days

    now like i said iv just finished the pct, but iv now got two holiday coming up, one at the end oj july and one at the end of august so i wna apack on some more size and get more cut!!!

    my proposed cycle would be -

    wk1-7 -sustanon250 - 750 mg per week
    wk1-9 anavar 50mg per day.
    wk10-16 pct of nolva and clomid and possiblly proviron.

    so what do you guys think....................usually i take 3-4 months off before i do another cycle, but coz of these holidays i wana look my best! i know i shouldnt really go back on so soon, but will it do me any damage?? id ont wana **** myself up!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Have you had any blood work???.. you nee to see where your liver values are aswll as HDL and would be a good thing bro before jumping back on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    ok i may get these checked out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    General rule is time on + pct=time off but after a cycle like that i would definatley get blood work done to see whats going on before i did anything

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Dude 6ft and 190lbs with 3 cycles already done, id be hoping to be a lot bigger if id done this much. sorry to sound a dick.

    whats your bf% like.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i see what your saying mate. but im an ectomorph and struggle putting on weight. before i started training i was 150lbs!!!!! i trained naturally for 3years and got upto 165 and now im at 190. my ideal weight would be 200lbs but everytime i get there i come off cycle and lose a bit. bodyfat is pretty low - about 12% is a guesstimate.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Your pretty much the same as me mate regards size/weight, i am 5ft 11 at 190lbs on the dot with around 12% bf.

    I know your diet sense will be sorted as you have been here long enough. I can not comment on if u should re cycle so soon as i don't have any idea on the matter but i would do what is safest regards re cycling bro, think safe then looks later

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dude.. dont cycle again. Please..

    Go get some bloodwork...

    Then.. wait a good ... dunno... ummm... 6 months?? yah 6 months sounds about appropriate... yah.. that is being conservative... and that is only if everything comes back good...

    You just slammed your body with some stuff for a selected amount of time.. you have to allow your body to recover from going," WTF did you just DO TO ME dude !!"

    Your body doesn't like foreign substances like AAS... so it takes time from what I understand for your body to go "HEY ok that stuff is no longer in me so I guess everything can go back to normal."

    Its not about how many compounds you can slam into your body... or how much of said compounds you put in... ITS WHAT FOOD YOU EAT WHILST YOU ARE ON SAID COMPOUNDS !! The saying you are what you eat holds true...

    Just give it time man. there is no rush... just go get your bloodwork looked at and then from there you will be able to judge a lot better.. ya know??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i hear what your saying. ideally i should be waiting a good few months before going near anything again!!!! i just wanted to scope out how bad it would actually be to go straight bk on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Take time off bro... it's shit like that... and then something F*D up happens. that gives steroids a bad name.. better of cycling it healthy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Well mhow bad would it be..... May be not bad at all... But could be horrible for you!! Do you want to find out the hard way! Be happy with the gains you got and give it some time as they always say...'Rome was not built in a day".

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    that would be the sensible thing to do for sure and like u say i dont wana **** myself up

    what about all the guys that stay on for 6months etc though?? are they gna **** themselves up for life....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Well it is hard to tell and you could do it and never have a problem or you could do it and have issues. The reason you should wait is cause the majority of the people that do not wait end up having issues! As I say, there is a lot of people that have no problems ever! Which one are you? I dont know. Even know we are built the same, we are all just a little different

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