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Thread: pre cycle bloodwork done , any doctors ???

  1. #1

    pre cycle bloodwork done , any doctors ???

    alrighty had pre cycle work done whats the outcome fellas ????

    reproductive hormones
    oestradoil 92 pmol/l (<160)
    testosterone 19.2 nmol/l (12.0-32.0)

    free testosterone

    free test 69.0 pmol/l kinda laughed free test is 69 haha

    lipids and hdl
    cholesterol 5.9mmol/l (3.9-5.5) this had an asterix next to it
    triglcerides 1.7mmol/l (0.5-1.7)
    hdl chol 1.5mmol/l (0.8-1.5)
    ldl chol 3.6 mmol/l (1.7-3.5) this had an asterix next to it

    rbc 5.1
    wbc 5.3
    platelets 209


    sodium 134 mmol/l (135-145)had asterix next to it
    creatinine 90 umol/l (60-110)
    ALT 49u/l (5-40)this had asterix
    total protein 78g/l ( 68-85)
    cholesterol 5.9 mmol/l had asterix next to it

    doc said everthings fine 1 part of liver value is high , cholesterol is a little high, ldl a little high, and sodium low ive put all the norms in brackets 4 you

    can some one (an experienced doc or the likes ) give me their opinion re upcoming cycle with blood like this ,cycle is 10 weeks 400 test 4 weeks anavar

    much appreciated
    Last edited by in2shape; 07-06-2009 at 03:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    cholesterol is high are you ever weight? that could be one reason. otherwise eating fatty foods

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    cholesterol is high are you ever weight? that could be one reason. otherwise eating fatty foods
    20% bf hardly over weight 6ft ..... grand father died of a heart attack had high bp and had several strokes still had a good innings till 87 my father has had high bp and on meds since mid 40's , im guessing its hereditary i remember when i was 18 getting bloodtest and it was high then did drink over excessively although way through late teens to mid 20's dont know how i trained and played sports as well as i did to be honest but.......... could be fatty foods but im talkin 1 or 2 maximum 3 meals a week thats fatty and theres alot fattier than what i eat , other than that beers and a good diet surely those meals couldnt do it .......

    anyone else ???? surely theres some docs on here

  4. #4

    calling all doctors ,

    c'mon fellas you advocate getting bloodwork before and after cycle but no ones helpin me out lets go !!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    where is your total test and all the estrogen readings? seems like there should be a lot more to review. I have 2 full pages after I get my bloodwork done

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Have you been running PH or oral AAS.

    If sol this could be the reason for your results for liver and cholesterol.

    If not its probably your diet or just hereditary

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    where is your total test and all the estrogen readings? seems like there should be a lot more to review. I have 2 full pages after I get my bloodwork done
    up the top br o check again so did i i just narrowed it down to what i thought was the main there was alot more blood related stuff bilirubin etc i can post that up also if u like .... got lazt typin .....

    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Have you been running PH or oral AAS.

    If sol this could be the reason for your results for liver and cholesterol.

    If not its probably your diet or just hereditary
    never ran aas or ph , im thinking abit of hereditary and previous bad diet

    thnkas bro

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape;473***8
    alrighty had pre cycle work done whats the outcome fellas ????

    oestradoil 92 pmol/l (<160)
    Estradiol, serum — Male: 10-30 pg/mL (37-110 pmol/L);
    testosterone 19.2 nmol/l (12.0-32.0)
    Testosterone, serum — Adult male: 300-1200 ng/dL (10-42 nmol/L); female: 20-75 ng/dL (0.7-2.6 nmol/L)

    free testosterone

    free test 69.0 pmol/l kinda laughed free test is 69 haha

    lipids and hdl
    cholesterol 5.9mmol/l (3.9-5.5) this had an asterix next to it
    Cholesterol, total, plasma — 150-199 mg/dL (3.88-5.15mmol/L), desirable
    triglcerides 1.7mmol/l (0.5-1.7)
    hdl chol 1.5mmol/l (0.8-1.5)
    ldl chol 3.6 mmol/l (1.7-3.5) this had an asterix next to it
    Cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), plasma — Less than or equal to 130 mg/dL (3.36 mmol/L), desirable

    rbc 5.1
    wbc 5.3
    platelets 209


    sodium 134 mmol/l (135-145)had asterix next to it
    creatinine 90 umol/l (60-110)
    ALT 49u/l (5-40)this had asterix
    total protein 78g/l ( 68-85)
    cholesterol 5.9 mmol/l had asterix next to it

    doc said everthings fine 1 part of liver value is high , cholesterol is a little high, ldl a little high, and sodium low ive put all the norms in brackets 4 you

    can some one (an experienced doc or the likes ) give me their opinion re upcoming cycle with blood like this ,cycle is 10 weeks 400 test 4 weeks anavar

    much appreciated
    In bold are the accepted lab values for what was flagged on your labs. Even the flagged ones do not look too bad. Your lipid profile being abnormal probably indicates that you need to clean up your diet and do some cardio. If you are 14%+ b/f then do not start your upcoming cycle. Until you get 14% or below I would not waste your time on running gear. You need to get your lipid profile back into the normal ranges before you start, a cycle will only further exacerbate the problem, potentially to the point that it will actually start to threaten your health.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    testosterone 19.2 nmol/l (12.0-32.0)
    is that good????????

    got my bloods back the other day 6 months after cycle mine was
    testosterone 24.8 nmol/l (12.0-32.0)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by forza nuova View Post
    testosterone 19.2 nmol/l (12.0-32.0)
    is that good????????

    got my bloods back the other day 6 months after cycle mine was
    testosterone 24.8 nmol/l (12.0-32.0)
    Anything in the normal range is fine. Time of day can affect that number significantly.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    testosterone is hard to test..u need to do it a few times before you can get a good reading..its often DRASTICALLY different throughout the day..dependant on your diet and what youve been doing

  13. #13
    well i fell ill the very next day with the flu again !!!! was also fasting for bloodtest as instructed to do and was taken in middle of the day i was fukn starving , this could be y test lvls a little low ????? .... thanks 4 the time godfather and dd0316 ..... i will be getting stuck into diet cardio and even training to get these ok b4 cycle also taking , coq10, fish oil , multi v , vit c , milkthistle etc and added red y e a s t rice to my diet apparently very beneficial to cholesterol levels ..... any comments on the sodium being a little low ????

    thanks again

  14. #14
    bump again fellas

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Your total cholesterol is high, which alone does not mean much. LDL is 'bad' cholesterol, predisposes you to coronary artery disease, plaque, stroke, etc., if levels remain high. However, there are also different particle sizes to the LDL, and that can make a difference as well, some are more atherogenic than others.

    Your HDL, or 'good' cholesterol is okay, but could stand to be raised.

    Your liver enzyme (ALT) is mildly elevated, but the other enzyme measured for liver, AST, is missing. What is that value?

    Sodium is low, but barely. Still, shouldn't go any lower. What is your creatinine and GFR? both labs help determine kidney function.

    What is your blood glucose? Fasting or nonfasting, doesn't matter for discussion. Below is a list of things that should be in the comprehensive metabolic panel:

    ALT, AST - liver
    Ca2+, Na+, K+ (calcium, sodium, potassium)
    Albumin, bilirubin, alk phos
    blood glucose
    BUN, creatinine - kidney function, though BUN usually reflects hydration status as well

    for blood, RBCs is less important that hemoglobin and hematocrit, unless you're on a chem that increases RBCs, but they aren't often abnormal in a healthy person

    For your cholesterol - agree with post above - increase exercise, tighten diet, lose saturated fats, or do fat burning (keto) diet. Also supplement with psyllium husk, work up to 2-3 tablespoons per day, will help with cholesterol. Fish oil will help also, and increases HDL a little. Exercise (cardio) will raise HDL and again, lower your risk from the elevated LDL.
    Red yeast rice can work, but it can also have the same effect as prescription drugs for cholesterol, namely statins, and can cause an increase in liver enzymes and or lead to muscle aches with very small risk of rhabdo (very rare). I prefer prevention, binding agents for cholesterol, then you can avoid the treatment agents, which have more potential side effects.

    For the sodium, have your blood rechecked. Many times labs report erroneous values, which normalize on the repeat check. If sodium is still low, or even lower, consider seeing a doc. Above 130, sodium is usually asymptomatic, but below that and you can get mental obtunding, fatigue, and worst case, in the 120s, seizures. But again, the value isn't scary at all, have it rechecked. complex problem if it remains low, as it has little to do with salt intake, more with excretion, etc. If trending down, see a doc, but you're probably fine.

    For liver, N-acetylcysteine, or NAC, 600-1200mg/day, prior to bed.

    Have your thyroid checked as well. What is your TSH and free T4? Low TSH (hyperthyroid) can cause other things to be out of whack. If you're using T3 or T4 as a metabolic agent, your labs may always be off a bit, and the only way to check is to d/c the T3/4 for a month or so, and repeat labs.

    Google 'complete metabolic panel' or 'cmp' to see what all should be in the panel.

    Try the NAC for a couple of months and recheck liver. Usually liver enzymes don't signify seriousness or damage until they are two times greater than normal, plus. Though not true with hep C, which may show no elevations at all.

    And very importantly, what is your blood pressure? That is a huge risk factor. Especially if coupled with high/rising cholesterol and/or high blood glucose.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by TrailRunAZ View Post
    Your total cholesterol is high, which alone does not mean much. LDL is 'bad' cholesterol, predisposes you to coronary artery disease, plaque, stroke, etc., if levels remain high. However, there are also different particle sizes to the LDL, and that can make a difference as well, some are more atherogenic than others.

    Your HDL, or 'good' cholesterol is okay, but could stand to be raised.

    Your liver enzyme (ALT) is mildly elevated, but the other enzyme measured for liver, AST, is missing. What is that value?

    Sodium is low, but barely. Still, shouldn't go any lower. What is your creatinine and GFR? both labs help determine kidney function.

    What is your blood glucose? Fasting or nonfasting, doesn't matter for discussion. Below is a list of things that should be in the comprehensive metabolic panel:

    ALT, AST - liver
    Ca2+, Na+, K+ (calcium, sodium, potassium)
    Albumin, bilirubin, alk phos
    blood glucose
    BUN, creatinine - kidney function, though BUN usually reflects hydration status as well

    for blood, RBCs is less important that hemoglobin and hematocrit, unless you're on a chem that increases RBCs, but they aren't often abnormal in a healthy person

    For your cholesterol - agree with post above - increase exercise, tighten diet, lose saturated fats, or do fat burning (keto) diet. Also supplement with psyllium husk, work up to 2-3 tablespoons per day, will help with cholesterol. Fish oil will help also, and increases HDL a little. Exercise (cardio) will raise HDL and again, lower your risk from the elevated LDL.
    Red yeast rice can work, but it can also have the same effect as prescription drugs for cholesterol, namely statins, and can cause an increase in liver enzymes and or lead to muscle aches with very small risk of rhabdo (very rare). I prefer prevention, binding agents for cholesterol, then you can avoid the treatment agents, which have more potential side effects.

    For the sodium, have your blood rechecked. Many times labs report erroneous values, which normalize on the repeat check. If sodium is still low, or even lower, consider seeing a doc. Above 130, sodium is usually asymptomatic, but below that and you can get mental obtunding, fatigue, and worst case, in the 120s, seizures. But again, the value isn't scary at all, have it rechecked. complex problem if it remains low, as it has little to do with salt intake, more with excretion, etc. If trending down, see a doc, but you're probably fine.

    For liver, N-acetylcysteine, or NAC, 600-1200mg/day, prior to bed.

    Have your thyroid checked as well. What is your TSH and free T4? Low TSH (hyperthyroid) can cause other things to be out of whack. If you're using T3 or T4 as a metabolic agent, your labs may always be off a bit, and the only way to check is to d/c the T3/4 for a month or so, and repeat labs.

    Google 'complete metabolic panel' or 'cmp' to see what all should be in the panel.

    Try the NAC for a couple of months and recheck liver. Usually liver enzymes don't signify seriousness or damage until they are two times greater than normal, plus. Though not true with hep C, which may show no elevations at all.

    And very importantly, what is your blood pressure? That is a huge risk factor. Especially if coupled with high/rising cholesterol and/or high blood glucose.
    ok wow this is exactly what i was after , thank u 4 taking the time it is very much appreciated !!! ill put in everything u mentioned , yes i was fasting 4 this ....

    AST 26 (10-40)
    creatinine 90 (60-110)
    eGFR 90 (>59)
    glucose fasting 4.1 mmol/l (3.6-6.0)
    sodium 134 mmol/l (135-145)
    potassium 4.6mmol/l (3.5-5.5)
    albumin 47
    total bilirubin 8
    haemoglobin 150 g/l
    haematocrit 0.46
    alk phos 87 u/l

    did i miss anything ????? oh blood pressure is 123/82generally stays in 120's and 80's .... although when i ran clen for 12 days at 1 stage at a dose of 90mcg was 165/100 high , obviously !!!!!

    again thank u very much

  17. #17
    trailrunAZ whered u go on me bro

  18. #18
    yo trailrunAZ where u at ??? try'd pm ya but wont work whats the go with the last few results bro , need your help !!!!

    much appreciated

    back to the top !!!!!!!

  19. #19
    seeking trail run where u at ?????

    somebody something !!!!!!!!

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