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Thread: My HGH was fake!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    My HGH was fake!

    So i just got my blood tests back. turns out all my gains were from diet and the HGH wasn't helping at ALL (that is b/c it was BS).

    My bloodwork has my IGF level at 235. Normal is (117-329)

    I was on 6 iu ED and it should be much higher no?

    I was using Hyge-tropin pinwheel tops and they had checked out on the site as valid.

    I am f-ing pissed...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Look up in the sky...
    Each IU converts to 3-4 mcg IGF when the body destroys the hgh. Not sure what that means in your scenario but that is the conversion rate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    I had a doctor tell me my igf1 level should be in the 250-350 range on 2iu's/day. So yeah I'd say yours should be higher considering you were taking 6iu's.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    slide you have a pic of them?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ill take a pic today.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    thank you sir

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Here is a pic of my HGH. It is valid bio-hygene product (according to the web verification).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I have had had ********** on 5-6 different occasions and I have never seen the pin wheel tops all had 8iu on the top will post u some pics now
    Last edited by bag up pr bagpipe; 07-08-2009 at 05:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    sorry bad quality pics off mobile phone. current box batch no 20090506
    mfg date 2009.05
    exp date 2011.04

    countefit code had a scratch away silver panel this code is 0695809023193621
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Picture 123.jpg 
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ID:	100821   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	100822   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Picture 125.jpg 
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Size:	453.8 KB 
ID:	100823  
    Last edited by bag up pr bagpipe; 07-09-2009 at 09:50 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    numbers on bottles also match exp date and batch number

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    maybe your hgh got damaged some how.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    I used those exact hgh and igf levels game back at 380+ on 4 ius

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    San Diego
    I have the 8iu tops and when running 6 or 8 iu my joints ache so bad I have to back off....pretty sure this is a side of i've read

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Hgh fakes are often hgc. Easy to test. Take 3iu, let the 3 iu reach room temp and squirt onto a pregnancy test. If its positive its hgc.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    maybe your hgh got damaged some how.
    Am I reeding this wrong or has the gh expired?

    shit I was reeding it wrong.
    Last edited by bag up pr bagpipe; 07-09-2009 at 09:52 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    So i just got my blood tests back. turns out all my gains were from diet and the HGH wasn't helping at ALL (that is b/c it was BS).

    My bloodwork has my IGF level at 235. Normal is (117-329)

    I was on 6 iu ED and it should be much higher no?

    I was using Hyge-tropin pinwheel tops and they had checked out on the site as valid.

    I am f-ing pissed...
    Slide did you have a baseline test done before you started the hyges? also how long was you on them? my baseline came back 210, so it's possible you might of had a lower baseline to start off??? WELL atleast i hope so cuz i have the EXACT same ones you have down to the exp. and batch #'s on the bottles!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Well, I'm not too sure if this applies to your situation... but my friend was running Generic GH (from China) and found that he had to ramp the dosage up to around 10 - 12iu per day, because it was under-dosed.

    However, before you consider injecting 12iu's in one day, I'd get a home pregnancy test, and spray some of your "gh" on it... if it comes back positive, you've got HCG.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2009
    Ok so I am going to try to respond to a few different questions.

    1) I did the HGC test, but I used my urine. I was told that that worked as well as putting the HGH on the pregnancy test itself. I will put it directly on the preg test tonight. Anyway, when I tested my urine, it did not come back as pregnant so I don’t think they are HGC.

    2) I have had my IGF level tested before I started HGH. They came back at the very top end of normal, so my IGF levels have actually dropped while on the HGH.

    3) My HGH is in little pucks at the bottom and there is a decent vacuum in the vial, all these point to it being legit, but I have gotten no sides and my IGF levels suck so I am still in the camp that they are bogus.

    4) It is possible that they have been exposed to heat or something in shipment, or they are just really weak. I guess since I have been pinning myself with this crap for a few months one more day at like 20 iu should get us a verdict! If I feel no sides at 20 iu I will toss them out.

    5) If these are fake then they are fakes being manufactured by the company and not some third party.

    6) In the end I have been ****** off. Either they have gone bad, are under dosed or are BS all together...

  19. #19
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    I used those exact hgh and igf levels game back at 380+ on 4 ius
    When did you use them, how long ago? i beleive the pinwheels used to be legit.

  20. #20
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    Aug 2008
    [QUOTE=Slide;4745520]Ok so I am going to try to respond to a few different questions.

    1) I did the HGC test, but I used my urine. I was told that that worked as well as putting the HGH on the pregnancy test itself. I will put it directly on the preg test tonight. Anyway, when I tested my urine, it did not come back as pregnant so I don’t think they are HGC.

    lol, no, put hgh on the pregnancy test at room temp.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    ME too

    I was running the "********** 8 IU" type for a month or so and they were great so I bought what I thought was more of the same but they turned out to be the "pin Wheels" . I have been taking them for about a month and the G.H. sides I WAS experiencing went away and all of a sudden I have GYNO! I am pissed also, I think we have been taken. By the way the powder shouldn't be in a puck it should be flat on the bottom and not "free rolling". That was how the originals were. I will be testing mine today.

  22. #22
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SAK View Post
    I was running the "********** 8 IU" type for a month or so and they were great so I bought what I thought was more of the same but they turned out to be the "pin Wheels" . I have been taking them for about a month and the G.H. sides I WAS experiencing went away and all of a sudden I have GYNO! I am pissed also, I think we have been taken. By the way the powder shouldn't be in a puck it should be flat on the bottom and not "free rolling". That was how the originals were. I will be testing mine today.
    Sorry i should not have said puck. it is more of a disk coating the bottom.

    Also i pinned 20 iu a few hours ago, and i have no sides at all...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    that shit sux...sorry to hear you got fvcked

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thanks man... I am trying to post as much info as possible so that I can limit the number of people getting burned (or worse, pinning junk).

    HGH is one of those crap shoots. Expensive to build, in high demand, and no legit way to test. Whoever comes out with an HGH test will mint money.

  25. #25
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    Mar 2009
    UPDATE - so someone at Hyge-tropin contacted me. It seems like they want to make the situation right... I am going to see what they do for me (I am not holding my breath). They are requesting my blood work etc.

    I will update as things go along.

  26. #26

    same problem

    I just received 2 kits today of the exact same stuff. Used 3 vials (24ius) today to test it and no side effects at all. Will keep it up for 3 days and see if i feel something or not. If not you would think its bunk right?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    UPDATE - so someone at Hyge-tropin contacted me. It seems like they want to make the situation right... I am going to see what they do for me (I am not holding my breath). They are requesting my blood work etc.

    I will update as things go along.
    That sounds promising,atleast it seems like maybe there legit just maybe somthing happen to yours in shipping or some honest misshap?????? hopefully!! it makes me feel a lil better that they did contact you, and i honestly think im experiencing slight sides from the EXACT same stuff. tired, headaches,numbness in fingers an hands also my right elbow is sore today and my left forearm feels extra tight and sore ive been running 4iu ed early in the am all one shot, but today i did 6iu all one shot as this is also when the numbness and soreness started today.....HOPEFULLY its not all in my head!!! anyhow GOODLUCK with your situation bro.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    College Station
    i would think so. I took 6iu ed for 4 days to see if my gh(not hyge) was legit and i was tired, headaches, and numb hands and feet. to that dose yall took would have crippled me.

  29. #29
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    Okay so i am in the process of getting to the bottom of this. As far as i can tell Biohygene did not intend to burn me or sell me fake HGH. It looks like something either happened in shipment or in manufacturing. That at least makes me feel a lot better that i have not been pinning something that is going to hurt me.

    I am working with their representative to figure it all out. I am asking for the HGH to be replaced with new. I will let you know what they tell me.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    Okay so i am in the process of getting to the bottom of this. As far as i can tell Biohygene did not intend to burn me or sell me fake HGH. It looks like something either happened in shipment or in manufacturing. That at least makes me feel a lot better that i have not been pinning something that is going to hurt me.

    I am working with their representative to figure it all out. I am asking for the HGH to be replaced with new. I will let you know what they tell me.
    man thats a BIG AZZ relief, since i have invested quit a bit of $$$ in these so i hope this was all just a mistake???

  31. #31
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    Jun 2009
    Yes they contacted you because I contacted them with this thread. Do you think it's a coinicendence that all of had something go wrong with the shipping?? I doubt it! They are just crapping because alot of clients and potential clients are seeing this and not buying anymore. They may make legit stuff and just sold us the junk they needed to get rid of thinking it would never catch up with them. I don't know. If you get sent some "good stuff" Without having to pay for it, let us know cause I sure aint going to send them any more money!

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    United States
    i am using the same ones right now and my igf levels are off the chart. send me a pm of who you got them from because something is fishy here
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    it's great they are working wit you BUT did you do the pregnancy test yet? We really want to know the results to see if they put HGC in it instead. Please let us know.

  34. #34
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    I can't do that till tomorrow but I am pretty sure it is just junk hgh.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    I can't do that till tomorrow but I am pretty sure it is just junk hgh.
    Well? Dont just assume, you know what they say. Spend the small amount of money and do the test for us please. I always hear people talking about it BUT have never read where anyone did it and came back with the results.

  36. #36
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    The Nut House
    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    When did you use them, how long ago? i beleive the pinwheels used to be legit.
    using them now

    small detail I missed out: everything is the same boxwise but my teal caps have the semi-circle hy***ropin etched on the lid with 8 iu in the center; not the pinwheel

    so maybe that one minor detail could make all the difference.. but i think it's just a "back door" issue; my source gets it from the back door; so they give him the non-pinwheel version.

    umm... if you igf went DOWN... then SOMETHING is happening. Just like ppl using legit test show low free/ttl test because it gets used up/destroyed fairly quickly by the body (low shbg); perhaps your increased free-igf levels are being expended fast since your body doesnt produce as much IGFBP is response to GH to hold/bind it - whether that's a good thing or not - my research thus far gives mixed impressions!

  37. #37
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    Ok so I have been dealing with a rep from hyge-tropin and he has been very responsive. I have to say that they seem very willing to make the situation right. They have agreed to have me ship back my remaining HGH and they are going to send me new HGH for the total amount of my original purchase.

    I will notify everyone when i receive my new hgh...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    Ok so I have been dealing with a rep from hyge-tropin and he has been very responsive. I have to say that they seem very willing to make the situation right. They have agreed to have me ship back my remaining HGH and they are going to send me new HGH for the total amount of my original purchase.

    I will notify everyone when i receive my new hgh...

    Hyge all the way from now on

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I had blood work done when on hyges 8iu/day. every test my levels came back below normal. At one point I took 12ius in one shot and had blood work performed and my igf levels came back even lower, 132ng/ml if I remember. I swictched to generic blue tops at 10ius ed, had blood work done recently, igf-1 levels 82ng/ml. I have the igf-1 levels of a 100yr old man at 27yrs of age.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearIdentity View Post
    I had blood work done when on hyges 8iu/day. every test my levels came back below normal. At one point I took 12ius in one shot and had blood work performed and my igf levels came back even lower, 132ng/ml if I remember. I swictched to generic blue tops at 10ius ed, had blood work done recently, igf-1 levels 82ng/ml. I have the igf-1 levels of a 100yr old man at 27yrs of age.
    WHAT THE F..K? im not to sure but i'd say thats not good,but are you suggesting that maybe the hyges are actually dropping your igf levels???

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