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Thread: Taking double-shots of Sustanon -- Is it bad news?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Taking double-shots of Sustanon -- Is it bad news?

    22 years old.
    Naturally lean (have always had a six-pack).
    5' 3" tall (160 cm)
    132 lb (60 kg).

    I started bodybuilding 10 months ago, started my first cycle 6 weeks ago. In the 10 months I've put on 16.5 lb (7.5 kg), and since the start of my cycle I've put on 12.5 lb (5.7 kg).

    I'm on my first cycle and I don't know too much about steroids. I've done research searching the web and so forth, but I'm still a novice. I'm being guided through my cycle by a bodybuilder at my local gym, he's been using steroids for 30 years. Only problem though, I think he might be a little too reckless for my liking.

    About two weeks ago, I was taking 1 shot of Sustanon every four days, and I didn't feel cautious at all about it, I felt completely safe, no paranoia.

    However, the dose has now been upped it to 1 double-shot every 5 days, and I have to say I'm a bit worried. And because I'm worried, anything bad that happens to me I'm gonna blame on the steroids (paranoia is a terrible thing).

    When I was taking the lower dose of 1 shot every 4 days, if I suffered with something such as diarrhorea, I had the good sense to know that the steroids had nothing to do with it.

    My good sense is waning though now that I'm on the double-shots. For instance, I've felt more agitated than normal the past week, and now I'm thinking it's the double-shots that might be the cause of it (but I could just be paranoid).

    So what do you think, should I stop the double-shots? Should I go back to singles?

    1 single shot every 4 days = 437.5 mg per week

    1 double-shot every 5 days = 700 mg per week

    If I had some experienced users here tell me that the double-shots are OK, it would reassure me. But if you tell me I'm wise to go back to singles, I'll listen.

    What dose should I take? How many ampules, and how often? (I'm not mad on taking less than 250 mg at a time, because then I'd have to waste half an ampule every time I shoot (I'm not going to leave an open ampule around for 2 days to take another shot from it, I reckon that would be high-risk for infection)).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    new Orleans
    imo you shouldnt even be touching any aas right now you could bulk up naturally with the right diet at you age. i really think you needed to do some more research before you started this cycle but what done is done. imo 1cc on monday and 1cc on thursday would be sufficient, but your body builder friend should have given you more info esp
    this being your first cycle, he must be you supplier too

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    new Orleans
    whats your plan for pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Way Way Way too high of a dose!! On top of that you are too small and too light to be taking them and if this guy at they gym new anything, he would have said the same thing!!
    On top of that 1 shot E5th day is not anywhere near right. Sust has 4 esters in it and one of them is propionate which needs to be injected every other day if not every day!! every 5th day is a waste and should never ever be doing a 700mg shot in a single stab! If i were you I wuld tell this guy at the gym to F.O.!! He obviously does not know what the hell he is doing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by alilswole View Post
    imo you shouldnt even be touching any aas right now you could bulk up naturally with the right diet at you age. i really think you needed to do some more research before you started this cycle but what done is done. imo 1cc on monday and 1cc on thursday would be sufficient, but your body builder friend should have given you more info esp
    this being your first cycle, he must be you supplier too

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by alilswole View Post
    imo you shouldnt even be touching any aas right now you could bulk up naturally with the right diet at you age. i really think you needed to do some more research before you started this cycle but what done is done. imo 1cc on monday and 1cc on thursday would be sufficient, but your body builder friend should have given you more info esp
    this being your first cycle, he must be you supplier too
    you should not be giving info if you do not know what you are talking about so please do not come here and do it when you are not even close to right! Sust has prop and needs to be shot EOD if not ED Every 3-4 day is incorrect and is wating the prop ester in the sust. please know what you are saying before you start giving out advice!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Way Way Way too high of a dose!! On top of that you are too small and too light to be taking them and if this guy at they gym new anything, he would have said the same thing!!
    On top of that 1 shot E5th day is not anywhere near right. Sust has 4 esters in it and one of them is propionate which needs to be injected every other day if not every day!! every 5th day is a waste and should never ever be doing a 700mg shot in a single stab! If i were you I wuld tell this guy at the gym to F.O.!! He obviously does not know what the hell he is doing
    Quote Originally Posted by alilswole View Post
    whats your plan for pct
    x2 Let us know what you plan to use to help recover your natural test levels once you stop the drugs

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    new Orleans
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    you should not be giving info if you do not know what you are talking about so please do not come here and do it when you are not even close to right! Sust has prop and needs to be shot EOD if not ED Every 3-4 day is incorrect and is wating the prop ester in the sust. please know what you are saying before you start giving out advice!
    sorry ninesecz your right eod is the right dose for sust but the its not like your waisting 250 mg of prop its only 30 come on everbody has their own op
    its not like i know nothing there is a proper way of coaching , i would never tell some one they dont know what they are talking bout and that they arent even close but everyones diff right didnt mean to affend you, im hear for the same reason as you are to learn and if i can help in the process even better so sorry that i gave the wrong advice will be more careful next time

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by alilswole View Post
    sorry ninesecz your right eod is the right dose for sust but the its not like your waisting 250 mg of prop its only 30 come on everbody has their own op
    its not like i know nothing there is a proper way of coaching , i would never tell some one they dont know what they are talking bout and that they arent even close but everyones diff right didnt mean to affend you, im hear for the same reason as you are to learn and if i can help in the process even better so sorry that i gave the wrong advice will be more careful next time
    Its all good bro and did not mean to offend. we just get a lot of NOOB's here and they think after a week they are an expert and start gigving advice and half the time it is completely wrong!! Nothing against you and I am sorry for coming across like a dick! But we get so much of tht that is why the # of posts and join date are shown in the corner dso people can see if the person has been here and has knowledge or if they are just bullshitting! It sall good bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Regarding PCT, I haven't planned it yet, the idea is "to cross that bridge when I come to it". I have about 4 weeks left of my cycle.

    I live in Asia, so I get my steroids at the local pharmacy without prescription. My local pharmacy has Sustanon and Deca-Durabolin.

    Regarding drugs for PCT, the only one they have at the pharmacy is Clomid. However, if I really wanted something else like Nolvadex or HCG, I could go drive across the border and find them somewhere (it would take me about 8 hours though).

    The guy guiding through my cycle is reckless as f***, he's been on steroids for 30 years and has never come off for longer than 2 months. The only reason I'm still dealing with him is that I can't do injections on my own yet. I've bought syringes and I've been practising injecting into oranges, but for now I want his help injecting.

    How about I change my dose to 1 single shot every 3 days?

    every 5th day is a waste and should never ever be doing a 700mg shot in a single stab!
    I reckon that was just a typo on your part, but a double-shot is 500 mg at a time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    new Orleans
    well i figure the number and date would make some people think wtf too, but ive been around for a lil bit longer than they reflect but your right sust should be shot eod so i stand corrected and i appreciate the coaching

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Regarding PCT, I haven't planned it yet, the idea is "to cross that bridge when I come to it". I have about 4 weeks left of my cycle.

    I live in Asia, so I get my steroids at the local pharmacy without prescription. My local pharmacy has Sustanon and Deca-Durabolin.

    Regarding drugs for PCT, the only one they have at the pharmacy is Clomid. However, if I really wanted something else like Nolvadex or HCG, I could go drive across the border and find them somewhere (it would take me about 8 hours though).

    The guy guiding through my cycle is reckless as f***, he's been on steroids for 30 years and has never come off for longer than 2 months. The only reason I'm still dealing with him is that I can't do injections on my own yet. I've bought syringes and I've been practising injecting into oranges, but for now I want his help injecting.

    How about I change my dose to 1 single shot every 3 days?

    I reckon that was just a typo on your part, but a double-shot is 500 mg at a time.
    I'm not a fan of that theory. What if something happens that prevents you from getting ahold of your PCT? I am not saying you can't get it, but you really should have had this planned out, and had in your possession your PCT before you started.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    new Orleans
    well like ninesecz said every other day is the right way to go with sust but imo i would have gone with test c or even e with this being your first cycle you could get away with mon and thurs ( less shots for you to do)and you should have done some reseach on the esters of sust before you ever started, dont always believe what one person says stick with these guys on here they will keep you straight

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    yeh i was looking at your weekly dose and typed 700 by mistake. 500 per shot is still a lot to take in 1 dose IMO opinion but many people do it

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    OK lets get back to the more important issue, PCT
    you need to get EVERYTHING you need now. You will read lots of stories how people will not have their PCT for one reason or another at the end of cycle. You say it wont happen to you? End of cycle, you get in car accident, cant get your meds, you run out of money, supplier doesn't have what you need? There are many reasons. Go get what you need now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    yup ^^^ S H I T Happens

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OK lets get back to the more important issue, PCT
    you need to get EVERYTHING you need now. You will read lots of stories how people will not have their PCT for one reason or another at the end of cycle. You say it wont happen to you? End of cycle, you get in car accident, cant get your meds, you run out of money, supplier doesn't have what you need? There are many reasons. Go get what you need now.
    Failing to plan , is planning to fail

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Can you please point me to a good thread or article about using Clomid for PCT? I can go buy Clomid today and keep it for later.

    I think I'll go with one shot every 3 days, which works out at 583.3 mg per week.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    Its allready been said but sus needs to be shot ed or eod not every 3 days,you should have your pct already which will consist of nolva and clomid not just clomid read up on pct theres loads of info here about it

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    I am currently on 750mg per week of sustanon, its fine.

    I just dont like the fact your shooting it in one shot every 5 days.

    Change it to every other day, or at least every Monday and Thursday.

    I dont see a problem with it.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2009
    It's pretty hard to shot sustanon EOD, as sust normally comes in glass amps, and each amp is 1ml. After you open it, it doesn't stay sterile for too long after that.

    And if you inject 1 amp every other day, your dose is.... pretty high.

    It's definitely not the best way to shot sust every monday and thursday, but if you want to keep the dose at 500mg/week, that is 10x better way to do it than injecting 500mg's at once - that has to be one hell of a rollercoaster with blood levels.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sust is BEST if shot eod but e3d is fine IMO.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, ON Canada
    I'm on 500mg of Sust right now, and personally for someone who is really just starting out like myself, I don't see a problem with 1 ml twice a week, on certain set days.

    I mean for any other cycle other than the first, yes, you need straight precision.

    But as a lot of members on these forums say, it should be kept it simple.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Sust is BEST if shot eod but e3d is fine IMO.
    why is it best every eod? just wondering.

  25. #25

    SUST the right way

    Quote Originally Posted by jj0824 View Post
    why is it best every eod? just wondering.
    This is the best compilation of info on Sust I have found. I followed this protocol religously and had the best results ever. Sust is heavenly if used this way. All credit goes to Bssskiller for this:

    A new look into doing Sustanon250 by **********

    As you can see by the numbers, the quickest way to get the sust levels in your blood stream at a constant maximum level is to shoot ed.
    By the middle of week 1, your there, except for a few milligrams.

    On a 3cc case, each hash mark equals 25mgs of sust
    So to shoot
    200mgs would be 8 hash marks or a little over 3/4 of a ml
    150mgs would be 8 hash marks or a little over 1/2 of a ml
    100mgs would be 4 hash marks or a little under 1/2 of a ml

    Also to do this you will need a sterile 40 or 50 ml empty vial to switch all the sust amps into.

    days.. amount taken.......the amount in the blood stream
    1 ..............200mgs ................190mgs
    2 ..............200 .......................351
    3 ..............200 .......................487
    4 ..............150 .......................555
    5 ..............150 .......................612
    6 ..............100 .......................613
    7 ..............100 .......................614
    Week 2
    8 ..............100 .......................615
    9 ..............100 .......................616
    10.............100 .......................616
    11.............100 .......................617
    12.............100 .......................617
    13.............100 .......................617
    14.............100 .......................618
    Week 3
    15............100 .......................618
    16............100 .......................618
    17............100 .......................618
    18............100 .......................618
    19............100 .......................618
    20............100 .......................619
    21............100 .......................619
    Week 4
    22............100 .......................619
    23............100 .......................619
    24............100 .......................619
    25............100 .......................619
    26............100 .......................619
    27............100 .......................619
    28............100 .......................619
    Week 5
    29...,........100 .......................619
    30............100 .......................619
    31............100 .......................619
    32............100 .......................619
    33............100 .......................619
    34............100 .......................619
    35............100 .......................619
    Week 6
    36............100 .......................619
    37............100 .......................619
    38............100 .......................619
    39............100 .......................619
    40............100 .......................619
    41............100 .......................619
    42............100 .......................619
    Week 7
    43............100 .......................619
    44............100 .......................619
    45............100 .......................619
    46............100 .......................619
    47............100 .......................619
    48............100 .......................619
    49............100 .......................619
    Week 8
    50............100 .......................619
    51............100 .......................619
    52............100 .......................619
    53............100 .......................619
    54............100 .......................619
    55............100 .......................619
    56............100 .......................619

    Also you can see by the numbers...
    Your shooting 700mgs a week, with the exception of the 1st week,
    That your only really doing 619mgs.


    So we all have heard that more even T levels (ED injections) means less side effects, right? Why is that? Can someone briefly expand on this idea? What are some other reasons for keeping our T levels as even as possible? Looking for input here to put a reason behind the technique...

    as posted by 46and2aheadofme (the same who made the graph) Thanks 46


    Ok lets see if we can put this into perspective... I've asked some of who I feel are the most knowledgeable guys on these boards about this to see if they agree and yes, so far everyone seems to be on the same page

    The best way to put it is as Andy said .. I'm paraphrasing here

    Many, guys say that dbol is many times more effective when taken throughout the day, Bill Roberts included.
    There seem to be less sides and more gains as opposed to just taking it 1 or 2 times daily....

    The only difference between taking it 1 to 2 times a day and throughout the day is the stability in the blood .

    The higher injection frequency = stable blood levels = better gains and or less sides is simply an extension of this analogy.

    There's no doubt that people gain from injecting sustanon 1x/week... But, at least in theory, it would be better if split up..
    The magnitude of the difference in blood levels increases with dose..
    So the need to split up the injections increases with the dose and may not be that big of a deal on small cycles.

    Here is the normal 3 times a week chart

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday shots
    It never gets stable, just Here is Monday, Wednesday, Friday shots
    It never gets stable, just develops a pattern after week 7

    1 ...250 .......................238
    2 ...0 ..........................201
    3 ...250 .......................409
    4 ...0 ..........................346
    5 ...250 .......................532
    6 ...0 ..........................451
    7 ...0 ..........................384
    Week 2
    8 ...250 .......................566
    9 ...0 ..........................480
    10...250 .......................646
    11...0 ..........................547
    12...250 .......................703
    13...0 ..........................595
    14...0 ..........................507
    Week 3
    15...250 .......................672
    16...0 ..........................569
    17...250 .......................722
    18...0 ..........................611
    19...250 .......................758
    20...0 ..........................642
    21...0 ..........................547
    Week 4
    22...250 .......................706
    23...0 ..........................598
    24...250 .......................747
    25...0 ..........................632
    26...250 .......................776
    27...0 ..........................657
    28...0 ..........................560
    Week 5
    29...250 .......................717
    30...0 ..........................607
    31...250 .......................755
    32...0 ..........................639
    33...250 .......................782
    34...0 ..........................662
    35...0 ..........................564
    Week 6
    36...250 .......................721
    37...0 ..........................610
    38...250 .......................757
    39...0 ..........................641
    40...250 .......................784
    41...0 ..........................663
    42...0 ..........................656
    Week 7
    43...250 .......................722
    44...0 ..........................611
    45...250 .......................758
    46...0 ..........................642
    47...250 .......................784
    48...0 ..........................664
    49...250 .......................566
    Week 8
    50...250 .......................722
    51...0 ..........................611
    52...250 .......................758
    53...0 ..........................642
    54...250 .......................784
    55...0 ..........................664

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    Sorry to ask my own question in someone elses thread, but...

    That chart confuses me a little, because theres 2 short esters, and 2 long esters in Sustanon, dont the longer esters build up over time?

    I just thought that by about week 8 to 12, there would be alot more test in me than 566mg?

    Do you see what I mean?


  27. #27

    Amount of T

    I hate to get long winded and overly scientific; I sound like a smarmy know-it-all. I try to make things easily understood, so if I leave out something, don't crucify me.
    Basically, the short esters are gone rapidly and manifest themselves rapidly which is why prop or tren ace needs to be shot ed.
    Long esters take time to accumulate and make their presence felt, which is why enth / cyp is usually once or twice weekly and doesn't "Kick In" for a few weeks.
    The ed shots allow for a more consistent level of T in the blood, (thanks short esters) and consequently more elevated levels than the standard M W F Sust protocol.


  28. #28


    I almost forgot...
    Do a little research on esters.
    The longer the ester, the less actual T you will have available for use in the body, regardless of what the label says the compund is dosed at. Another reason a lot of boys use shorter esters, Less sides, faster results, more available compound.


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    Good points!!

    Wait, so are we saying that test E in the long run is far better? Because by week 10, you have ALOT of test in your system, where as it looks like by week 10 on sust, you still only have about 566 in your system?

    Is that what were saying?


  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by guardian72 View Post
    I almost forgot...
    Do a little research on esters.
    The longer the ester, the less actual T you will have available for use in the body, regardless of what the label says the compund is dosed at. Another reason a lot of boys use shorter esters, Less sides, faster results, more available compound.

    Your Crazzzzyyyy!!!!

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    London, England
    If possible ide love to find out the answer to my question above, ide like to know if test E is far better in a long run cycle than Sust.


  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MattUK666 View Post
    If possible ide love to find out the answer to my question above, ide like to know if test E is far better in a long run cycle than Sust.

    Basically test is test only difference is the esters in the test and how long it takes them to release. Sust is good if you want to inject ED or EOD and sust will definetaly help you see gains quicker than test e But I feel once you are 6 weeks into the cycle and the Test E is kicking in I do not believe one is any beter than the other. As I said Test is Test

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    BC, Canada
    It is my first cycle and i am using Sust 250 and am taking 1cc pokes every sunday/ wednesday. So i am not following the ed or eod pattern. Since its my first cycle can i get away with only two injections a week? Or am i better off switching too test E and inject every sunday/wednesday?

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