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Thread: Jug_head_man 1st Cycle Test E & Dbol! 12 Weeks

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Jug_head_man 1st Cycle Test E & Dbol! 12 Weeks

    Going to start my 1st cycle of Test E and Dbol. Did my research on steroids and found that this was the best 1st cycle. I am a personal trainer at my local college gym so I have a good base for lifting.

    21 Years Old (4 Years of BB experience, All Natural powerlifting)
    Height: 5'9''
    Weight: 195lbs.
    BF%: 9-10
    Waist: 32
    Arms: 16''
    Quads/Hamstrings: 24.5''
    Forearms: 13''
    Calves: 15.5''
    Chest/Back: 43''
    Shoulders: 52''

    220 lbs.

    Past Lifting P.R.'s:
    Bench: 310x1
    Squat: 500x1
    Deadlift: 500x1

    Lifting Goals:
    Bench: 360x1
    Squat: 550x1
    Deadlift: 550x1

    3900 Calories
    455g Carbs
    317.5g Protein
    101g fats
    (Move up as I gain weight)

    Lifting Routine:
    Monday – Chest/ Biceps/ Forearms/ Rear Deltoids
    Tuesday – Quads/ Calves/ Traps/ Abs
    Wednesday – Heavy Back Day/ triceps
    Thursday – Deltoids/ Traps/ Calves/ Abs
    Friday – Light back day/ Hamstrings/ Forearms/ Upper Chest
    Saturday – Rest
    Sunday – Rest

    Nitric Oxide
    Creatine Mono
    Beta Alanine
    Glucosamine w/ MSM
    Fish oil

    12 Week Cycle
    Week1: 500mg Test E, 40mg Dbol
    Week2: 500mg Test E, 40mg Dbol
    Week3: 500mg Test E, 40mg Dbol
    Week4: 500mg Test E, 40mg Dbol
    Week5-12: 500mg Test E
    Week15-18: Clomid - 100/50/50/50, Nolva - 40/20/20/20
    Have L-dex on hand incase of bloating or signs of gyno.


    Wish me luck! Hope you guys enjoy!
    Last edited by jug_head_man; 06-25-2009 at 07:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Yo bro,

    Really good base. You're going to make great gains on this cycle.

    I have one suggestion though, rather then tapering up the dosage of d-bol, just keep it constant. IMO just run it at 40mg for the first 4 weeks. It'll definitely blow you up. No need to change the dosage up, d-bol will keep providing gains at a constant dose (ie 40mg) for 3 weeks no problem.

    Good luck, and have a fun cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    On this site...
    I will be watching...

  4. #4
    seriousmass - Awesome, will do 40mg per day. I was thinking of uping it because I have yet to find it whether or not im gyno prone.

    JinNtonic - Haha Hope I dont disappoint!


    Do I keep uping my caloric intake even if my weight gain may be majority water weight?
    Do I count greens as carbs and protein or do I count as 0?

    Thanks! I am going to the gym in a little while so i will post todays results etc.

  5. #5

    Week 1/ Day 1

    June 22, 2009 Day 1

    So my buddy and I are doing this at the same time so he was able to inject me this morning with 250mg of test E. I was nervous as hell because I hate needles but it wasnt to bad. We injected eachother in the glute. My glute is still sore from the injection. I also took 10mg of Dbol this morning and 20 before I lifted. It was my chest/bicep/forearm day and I felt really sluggish in the beginning but felt great near the end. Was hoping for big things today but all I got was a killer pump :P.

    Main lifts:
    Weight: 192! Lightest ive weighed in a while.
    BB Bench: 245x5
    DB Incline: 100x5
    DB flies: 50x10
    Hammer curls: 45x8
    BB curls: 95x8
    Spider curls: 50x10

  6. #6

    Week 1 Day 2

    Day 2 June 23, 2009

    Since this is my 1st cycle im not really sure what im supposed to be feeling. My butt is still REALLY sore from the injection, kinda worries me. Also, I am splitting up my Dbol with 10mg in the morning, 20mg before I lift, and 10mg in the evening before bed. Everytime I take it I am getting a slight headache and I feel a bit lethargic afterwards. I am not taking a liver support at the moment so could this be a problem? I did quads/calves and abs today and I wasn't to impressed. I am already pretty strong with my legs and with the increased diet and other supps im taking I wouldnt be suprised if that had something to do with it. I did have great pumps in my legs but that could've been from my N.O. Also, I only weighed in at 194.5 today so im getting kinda worried about possible fake gear but it has only been 2 days.... Ha

    Main lifts:
    Squats: 405x5
    Leg Press: 18 platesx6
    leg extension: 210x8
    Seated DB calf raises: 100x15

    Unaswered Questions:
    Do I count my greens as carbs and protein in my diet?
    Do I increase my caloric intake even if its water weight?
    When are the best times to take the D-bol and on an empty stomach?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Southern California
    great base bro cant wait to see ur results

  8. #8
    Lightsout2184 - Thx Man! I cant wait to see my results either! Ha

  9. #9
    ey jug_head_man, nice start. why not inject it in your shoulders? I tried injecting it in my butt, and i cant sleep flat on my back. keep us updated.

  10. #10
    Do I count my greens as carbs and protein in my diet? for your veggies, count it as carbs with good fiber, it takes a while to digest it in your stomach, i usually eat my greens before I go to sleep, so i wont get hungry much when I wake up.

    Do I increase my caloric intake even if its water weight? if your on bulking program, u dont have to worry of increasing your caloric intake.

    When are the best times to take the D-bol and on an empty stomach? my exprience, I usually take dbol together with my pre-workout drinks. They say it works better. I guess it does, coz im gaining good weight, with less water though.

    hope this answers your question, im really not an expert, this is just my experience, try asking others, im sure there are better and more detailed answers that they can give you.

  11. #11

    Week 1 Day 3

    June 24, Day 3

    orcgod - Haha yea my needles are to big plus I just realized what you're talking about... soo much pain.

    Went to see Transformers 2 last night at 12:02am... not the best idea but I freakin loved the movie! I felt horrible today, I cant even describe the pain in my right glute. I think doing legs yesterday irritated the site and I can barely walk, couldnt sleep, cant sit down, and skipped deadlifts. I feel lethargic and my body is aching. I tried taking 30mg of dbol before my lift and 10mg aftyerwards. I was dragging my feet in the gym and its my most important day.... back! I kind of raced through my workout because I felt so bad, came back and have eaten twice since. My weight hasnt changed so im getting kind of worried but ill wait about a week before I make my assumption. I am going to take my 2nd injection tomorrow night so wish me luck, so far not so good...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i am very excited to see these results as well keep us posted

  13. #13
    i tried injecting it in my pecs, and i felt no pain, try it, and let us know. give your glutes a week rest before injecting it again.

  14. #14

    Week 1, Day 4

    Day 4, June 25

    bjpennnn - Thx man! Appreciate it!

    Felt muuuuuch better today! I got around 11 hours of sleep (slept through my class!) but I feel so much better. I had my 2nd injection today in my left glute and it was painless! Did shoulders, traps, and abs today and felt a lot better, also went up in weight to 197.4lbs.

    Main Lifts:
    Weight: 197.4
    DB military: 85x6
    Side lying down rear delt: 15x12
    Upright row: 135x10
    Seated forward raise: 25x12
    Seated side raise: 20x12
    Shrugs: 8 platesx15

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Can you send me in the right direction to make sure I get legit stuff...I am wnting to do this cycle

  16. #16

    Week 1 Day 5

    Day 5, June 26

    CrazyHorse13 - I can try and help you man but beware thats not allowed on this site!

    Wow, week 1 is over and might I say today was the best day by far. I couldn't get a lot of sleep (less than 7 hours) and felt tired but had an incredible workout. The 30mg of dbol before working out seems to be working out because I jumped to 201.6 in weight! My pumps feel amazing and my strength near the end is increased. Im still going to give it until next week to decide whether or not this is legit. Light back day, upper chest, hamstrings

    Main Lifts:
    Weight: 201.6 Increase of 9.6lbs in 1 week!!!!!!
    6 sets of Chins
    Deadlift: 365x8
    DB row: 90x10
    lat pulldown: 180x8
    Hammer strength row: 6(45 plates) 2(25 plates)x 6
    Lying hammy curls: 120x10
    Hyperextensions: 45platex15
    Incline BB Bench: 205x8

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2009
    In the gym
    great work mate

    i am starting this exact cycle very soon

    ill be watching your progress

    goood luck

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    I think you are starting the cycle in all the ideal ways, although maybe wait a couple more years.

    But i still think your going to be a beast man and i wish you all the best.

    Ill be watching

  19. #19

    Week 2 Day 8

    Day 8, June 29

    tembe - Awesome man! I wish you the best of luck!

    xo3et - I understand, I have heard that quite a bit! Thank you though!

    Week 2, Didnt know what to expect but im fairly happy today. It was difficult this weekend to stay with my diet so I ate out at subway twice. Also stayed up pretty late at the casino but I won quite a bit at blackjack! I had my 3rd injection today and decided to do my right quad... Man what a difference. Not only is it nice to be able to do it yourself, it was virtually painless. Now hopefully I wont be walking like I have something up my butt because my glutes hurt so bad. Again wasnt to impressed with my strength only because I was expecting much more but I went up in everything and increased weight!

    Main Lifts:

    Weight: 192! This week: 202.4
    BB Bench: 245x5 This week: 245x7
    DB Incline: 100x5 This week:105x5
    DB flies: 50x10 This week: 60x10
    Hammer curls: 45x8 This week: 50x12
    Spider curls: 50x10 This week: 60x8

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Trackin this one sounds good.... Man I hope I get my shit I placed an order almost 2 weeks ago then almost a week after I placed it the site went down. I've heard decent things so..... Lets hope I get to do the same cycle as you brother.

  21. #21

    Week 2 Day 9

    Day 9, June 29

    blah3d - Bummer dude! That really sucks but im sure you'll be fine. I just ordered some more Test E today as well.

    Well today I probably had the worst allergy attack in my entire life! I had to skip class and go to sleep for a couple hours on many different drugs. I woke up exhausted but kept pushing! Did legs and I felt great! I am beginning to have crazy pumps everywhere, especially in my legs. I was able to get up 415x7 which is a hige improvement! I also had pumps in my jaw when I was chewing, haha. Did 20 minutes of cardio after I was done and it felt great, sweat like a pig but whatever!

    Main lifts:

    Weight: 194.5 This Week: 203 lbs.
    Squats: 405x5 This Week:415x7
    Leg Press: 18 platesx6 This Week: 16x10(decided to go deep and keep higher reps).
    leg extension: 210x8 This Week: Did single leg: 90x10
    Calf raises: 10 platesx15
    20 min. stationary bike

  22. #22

    Week 2 Day 10

    Day 10, July 1

    Felt pretty good today, decided to take all 40mg of Dbol before I lifted and didnt really notice a diffrence. You can tell ive gotten a little bloated but I look good, I feel like my body fat has actually dropped alittle because of my eating habits and clean diet. My weight only went up to 203.3lbs so I might need to re-work my diet and up calories.

    Main Lifts:

    Weight: 203.3lbs
    Chins: 6 sets of 3 different types
    Bent over Row: 205x10
    T-bar row: 5 platesx10
    Rack pulls
    Lat pulldowns: Mixed this up
    Hyper extensions: 45x15
    Dips: 45x15
    Skull crushers: 110x10
    Close bench: 135x15

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Looking good. This is exactly what I've been considering for my first cycle. Would love to the results!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hey dude, great cycle hopefully you will see good gains!! Any chance you could put you're diet up, just curious about your macros!!
    Cheers Mate, keep up the good work!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern California
    Keep up the work, great potential! Does the Dbol ever make you feel spaced out or "off" just a bit?

  26. #26

    Week 3 Day 15

    Day 15, July 7

    DrZach - Thx man, I recommend it!
    V6A6L6O - Hey man, I really dont want to list my entire diet but for the past 2 weeks I have been eating 7 meals a day:
    455g Carbs
    317g Protein
    101g Fats
    Total Calories: 3936
    I am going to be increasing this since I have gained a lot of weight and ive leveled off.
    fummins - Thx man, sometimes yea! I seem to get really bad headaches when im off it and I have been taking all 40mg before I lift.

    So, I havent posted in a while because of the weekend. I havent been able to workout for the past 4 days either due to some reasons. Thursday horrible, I had the worst allergy attack ever. i waited until Friday to inject in my left quad. My 3rd injection is still sore and I think it was slightly infected because of the swelling and pain. My diet has been horrible and I have been eating at subway everyday for the past 4 days. Anyways!... I got back on track today with my 5th injection and it hurt the worst in my left glute. Did chest and biceps today and lost a little weight from my diet but gained some strength!

    Main lifts:

    Weight: 202.4 This Week:202.7 but I was 203.3 last wed.
    BB Bench: 245x7 This Week: 265x4
    DB Incline: 105x5 This Week: 105x8
    DB flies: 60x10 This Week: 60x12
    Hammer curls: 50x12 This Week: 55x12
    Spider curls: 60x8 This Week:60x10

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Keep us posted and you really have to keep that diet in-check! Even if you can pack little prepared baggies of food during the day - I'd hate to see you ruin this cycle when you have such good potential!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Keep it going jug_head,

    I plan to start my cycle in a month or two so your really getting me excited.

    Please keep this log going mate as i really think your going to be a monster. Keep to that diet man.

    Good luck and get some pics up so you see the change

  29. #29

    Week 3 Day 16

    DAY 16, July 7

    Juturna - I understand, it was just tough when im back at home and its 4th of July.

    xo3et - Haha im trying man! Good Luck with yours!

    Slept a really long time today, ive been sleeping a lot longer and waking up late so i have been crammign my meals within hour and half periods. Did legs today and felt alittle fatigued, decided to go higher reps today rather than pack on the weight. Also, i noticed my balls have shrunk a little... Is this possible week 3? I am also going to weigh in at the end of the week rather than everyday because its throwing me off mentally!

    Main Lifts:

    Weight: 203lbs This Week: 203 lbs.
    Squats: 415x7 This Week:365x12 3x Went really Deep!
    Leg Press: 16 platesx10 This Week: 14x15(decided to go deep and keep higher reps).
    leg extension: 90x10 This Week: Did single leg: 110x10
    Calf raises: Seated DB - 110x15

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Also, i noticed my balls have shrunk a little... Is this possible week 3?
    Possible, I wouldn't be concerned though.

    I am also going to weigh in at the end of the week rather than everyday because its throwing me off mentally!
    Much better idea - you'll become more and more stoked when you see an 8 lb increase in a week . Obviously these things work out differently in different people, the weight and size will come though.

    Keep it up, subscribed.

  31. #31

    Week 3 Day 17 & 18

    Week 3 8/9

    Missed yesterday but had back, felt pretty good. I had my 6th injection today in my left quad and it was virtually painless. I have gotten some compliments on how lean I am yet still getting bigger! Also, people were calling me shoulders because thats what I was working on and they were swole!

    Main lifts: Day 17

    Chins: 6 sets of 3 different types
    Bent over Row: 205x10 This Week: 225x10
    T-bar row: 5 platesx10 This Week: 6(45) 1(25) platesx 8
    Lat pulldowns: Mixed this up
    Hyper extensions: 45x15
    Dips: 45x15
    Skull crushers: 110x10
    Close bench: 135x15

    Main Lifts: Day 18

    DB military: 85x6 This Week: Standing Military: 165x7
    Side lying down rear delt: 15x12 This Week: 20x10
    Seated side raise: 20x12 This Week:25x12
    Shrugs: 8 platesx15 This Week: 125DBx15
    15 Min. Stationary Bike

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Upstate, SC
    Your turning into a freakin animal, dude. Im anxious to see some pics when your nearing the end. Nice thread.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Heart of Dixie
    Has your diet changed any since you started?

  34. #34

    Week 3 Day 19

    Day 19, July 10

    Tjohn6231 - Thx man! Ill take some pics soon! I would take them tonight but I cant find a camera...

    gogetteratl - You know it has. I need to sit down and calculate exactly what I need but I have just been adding a little extra to each meal.

    Well, the end of week 3 and I must say I felt awesome today! I did back, hamstrings, and upper chest. I got looks before from everyone but now its just ridiculous. I cannot believe the strength I have at only 3 weeks. I have gained some major size, definition, and strength. I am crossing my fingers for the next 9 weeks!

    Main Lifts:

    Weight: 201.6 This Week: 206.1! Increase of 14.1 lbs. in 3 weeks!
    6 sets of Chins
    Deadlift: 365x8 This Week: 405x8
    DB row: 90x10 This Week:110x8
    Hammer strength row: 6(45 plates) 2(25 plates)x 6 This Week:8 Platesx6
    Lying hammy curls: 120x10
    Hyperextensions: 45platex15
    Straight leg Deads: 185x15
    Incline BB Bench: 205x8 This Week: 225x8

  35. #35

    Week 4 Day 22

    July 13, Day 22

    Had my 7th injection in my quad and again was painless. I have been getting really angry lately and annoyed quickly. Things that I would usually keep my mouth shut I am shooting back at people. I felt like the king of the world today at the gym like no one could stop me. All of my lifts went up so that was awesome!

    Also, I woke up this morning and my right nipple was really sore and painfull... Is this a problem????

    Main Lifts:

    BB Bench: 265x4 This Week: 285x6
    DB Incline: 105x8 This Week: 110x6
    DB flies: 60x10 This Week: 60x12
    alternate curls: 50x12 This Week: 55x12
    Spider curls: 60x10 This Week:70x8
    BB curls: 120x8

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2009
    In the gym
    might be a wise idea to start 20mg of nolva until the symptoms stop??

    could be early signs of gyno??

    good work with the gains!!!

  37. #37
    What about L-dex? Could I start using this instead? I dont want to completely shut down my estrogen.

  38. #38

    Week 4 Day 23

    Week 4, July 13

    Had a great workout today, did legs, abs, calves, and some cardio. Talked to a buddy of mine who is a trainer and suggested that I start involving unilateral movements on my last set of each major body lift. For example I did 1 warm up set of squats, 2 heavy sets, and 1 single leg squat. Felt pretty good and really shows how dominant I am on one side.

    Main Lifts:

    Squats: 415x7 This Week:405x8
    Leg Press: 16 platesx10 This Week: 18x8h
    leg extension: 90x10 This Week:210x10
    Calf raises: Seated BB - 6 platesx15
    20 Min cardio

  39. #39
    Awesome work bud i'm doing the exact same cycle right now except i'm 3 days ahead of you! i'm having nearly identical results and i feel like a god! keep it bud its going to be one hell of a ride! i'll be watching your thread closely!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Jug head,
    Did you sort the issues with the sore nipple??????

    Also man get some pics up, all love pics bro and its nice to see the progress

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