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Thread: Tren Enan and EQ injection question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Tren Enan and EQ injection question

    Im running a cycle of Trenbolone Enanthate and EQ (300mg each per week) and am approaching the end of my first week. I frontloaded my cycle with 400mg of each on monday.

    My question is whether it is better to take one shot of 300mg of each on monday or 150mg of each on Monday and Thursday?

    Thanks for the advice.
    Last edited by GoPats; 07-23-2009 at 04:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Oh boy, what does your full cycle look like lol????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    please provide full stats with cycle history, and as Matt said, ur current full cycle..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Correction I frontloaded with 400mg of each and was planning on either 200-300mg of each per week for 8 weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    What are your stats lol??

    Years training
    Cycle history

    This helps us to help you better..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    PCT im going to start either 1 or 2 weeks after my last shot?

    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
    Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
    Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    did u get dropped on ur head when u were younger bro.....

    please list ur stats the way Matt laid out for u bro, this way we can help u instead of playing games....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    25 years old
    12% BF
    I've been lifting consistantly for about 5-6 years now. Played rugby in college and lacrosse and soccer in high school.

    I've experimented with some prohormones a couple times including m1t and methyl masterdrol but thats it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Your not running any test in this cycle??

    Imo this is a terrible cycle lol and your pct looks just as bad...

    If i was you id stop now run a full pct (correctly) and start to research, theres a wealth of information here in the educational threads...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    do not continue this cycle man, it will not end well....

    RESEARCH.......please do it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Well I had done lots of research and originally planned on running Test E and winny for a cycle but the body builder that i know suggested to run these instead. Should I really stop the cycle? How will it not end well?

    Well what kind of pct do you suggest?
    Last edited by GoPats; 07-23-2009 at 01:43 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Also what if I started running some Test E right away would that work? I have access to it and can get it within a few days.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    yeh you n throw it in now but what worries us here is someone willing to just take compounds and inject then upon what some one else tells you!! No matter what anyone tells you, U should still have the common sense to do research and see if what they are elling you is correct. and as we see now.. it is not!! You always need to supplement a cycle with some type of test for a base! Dont get me wrong, tren works great but you really need to do some research so you know what you are doing and why the compounds do what they do! I am on here to help but there is still a lot of things I need to learn as do 99% of us! You can never know everything. I do know this... I spend a lot of time once I know what I am running studying the compounds, the actuive lifes, the sides, the highs, the lows and everything in between. i want to know every possible thing that can come up! You know that fine print on a loan application that 3 years down the road comes and bites ya cause ya didnot read this or that?/ well not reading up and studying your compounds is just about the same print. Lern then wwhen a suggestion comes you can say.. well what about this or that?? You might find out they just heard the advice they gave to you from some other idot and are trying to look smart!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I cant believe you're not running it with test. Get test Prop ASAP not Test E. You need it TEST in your system ASAP.
    Regarding stopping this cycle I would! You need more research.

  15. #15
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    Jul 2009
    I understand where you're coming from and I have been doing research. The only reason I decided to do this was because my friend that introduced me to the source has been running the 300mg of Tren and EQ for about 6 weeks and it is working great for him and he hasn't had really any side effects. Now he's in his early 30s and has run a couple cycles before this.

    I understand that cycles should be based on some form of test but i've also read that its not absolutely required. Looking for advice not for you to tell me im an idiot.

  16. #16
    I wouldn't stop.

    I use EQ without test but it doesn't shut me down nearly as hard as tren. You may experience sexual side affects but you will still make gains.

    The reason people on this board tell you to use test is because a lot of them are under the false impression that any testosterone or DHT derived hormone will COMPLETELY shut down your natural test production. So they want to supplement with doses that would be 5 times what your normal production is (500mg/wk). I disagree, and feel different horomones shut you down to various degrees, and you will never, under any circumstance have ZERO test levels. Your body will always produce a small amount. You will have lower than normal test levels being produced, but never zero.

    They also tell you to use test to maintain sexual function, although this is hit or miss with me. Test alone keeps my drive strong, but once any other compund is introduced I feel inhibited at times.

  17. #17
    Oh, and to answer your original question, I would break the shots up to twice a weak. This is standard with the enanthate ester and the undecylenate ester. It maintains more stable blood levels.

  18. #18
    Also, I don't see how 300mg of each will do much. 75mg/day of tren is a typical dose for the fast acting ester.

    I would bump it up to 500mg/wk EQ and 500mg/wk tren.
    Last edited by spooledup; 07-23-2009 at 02:52 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    So if i continue shoot the EQ and tren on the same day? Was planning monday morning and thursday night.

  20. #20
    Yes, you can even mix it together.

    Your schedule sounds fine.

    Oh, and I had some screwed up math in my last post. 75mg ED of tren comes out to be 525mg/wk. So, you shoud get optimum results from 500mg/wk of each, using two injections a week.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    spooled, i dont want to get into a battle bro, but how can u suggest to someone who has never cycled before to take eq and tren e?
    tren is a very serious steroid bro, with extreme side effects, i thought u would have atleast suggested tren ace...which still would have been crazy imo..

    the OP has no clue what he is doing, he is just listening to people, not making the choice for himself based on facts. He should stop this cycle and learn the inns and outs of the compounds he is using...

  22. #22
    I told him that tren will probably shut him down hard, and that he could experience sexual side affects. And yes, there are some other possible affects.

    Secondly, do you think test is without side affects?? Why didn't you mention those to him??

    You guys don't even ask what someones goals are, you just tell them to take 500mg/wk test. It's really quite pathetic. Some people don't want 20-25lbs. Some people just want a few leans pounds.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post

    the OP has no clue what he is doing, he is just listening to people, not making the choice for himself based on facts. He should stop this cycle and learn the inns and outs of the compounds he is using...
    Who are you to say he has no idea what he's doing? Just because he isn't pumping his body full of a potent androgen like test he doesn't know what he is doing? Wtf??

    His PCT looks ok, could be better, so he does know something.

    EQ and tren is a great combo. Have you ever tried it? I have.
    Last edited by spooledup; 07-23-2009 at 03:36 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by spooledup View Post
    I told him that tren will probably shut him down hard, and that he could experience sexual side affects. And yes, there are some other possible affects.

    Secondly, do you think test is without side affects?? Why didn't you mention those to him??

    You guys don't even ask what someones goals are, you just tell them to take 500mg/wk test. It's really quite pathetic. Some people don't want 20-25lbs. Some people just want a few leans pounds.
    please show me where i told him to take 500mg/wk test....
    dont put me in with a group, i didnt do that to u...complain to the people u are speaking of, not the one who spoke up...

    and just cause u took a cycle that worked, doesnt mean its a good in there right mind would tell someone who has never cycled to run tren e.
    read this whole thread , if u really think the OP has an understanding of these compounds then u both are nuts..
    as i said, i dont want to argue, so dont be a jerk and ask me who the hell i am to say he doesnt no his stuff...who the hell are u to tell someone who does not know shit to take a cycle that will surpress the hell out of him for the first time..and most likely have sides out the ass.
    and please dont compare the sides from test and tren, complete apples and oranges....

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    please show me where i told him to take 500mg/wk test....
    dont put me in with a group, i didnt do that to u...complain to the people u are speaking of, not the one who spoke up...
    Ok, well go ahead and tell him what to take for his first cycle then. He has a good background of training, and looks like a good candidate, so tell him what his first cycle should be. I'm waiting...

    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    and just cause u took a cycle that worked, doesnt mean its a good in there right mind would tell someone who has never cycled to run tren e.
    read this whole thread , if u really think the OP has an understanding of these compounds then u both are nuts..
    as i said, i dont want to argue, so dont be a jerk and ask me who the hell i am to say he doesnt no his stuff...who the hell are u to tell someone who does not know shit to take a cycle that will surpress the hell out of him for the first time..and most likely have sides out the ass.
    and please dont compare the sides from test and tren, complete apples and oranges....
    If he would have changed his cycle to a test cycle as recommended, you would have said "good job and good luck", and sent him on his way. You wouldn't have given a damn whether he knew how test affected him or not.

    I have used tren and EQ and I'm giving him advice based on MY experience. I did not experience sides out the ass at all. I had night sweats with a little insomnia and that was about it.

    Testosterone supresses me worse than tren. I've had to incorporate HCG into my cycle when using test because of testicular atrophy. What could be worse?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by spooledup View Post
    Ok, well go ahead and tell him what to take for his first cycle then. He has a good background of training, and looks like a good candidate, so tell him what his first cycle should be. I'm waiting...

    If he would have changed his cycle to a test cycle as recommended, you would have said "good job and good luck", and sent him on his way. You wouldn't have given a damn whether he knew how test affected him or not.

    I have used tren and EQ and I'm giving him advice based on MY experience. I did not experience sides out the ass at all. I had night sweats with a little insomnia and that was about it.

    Testosterone supresses me worse than tren. I've had to incorporate HCG into my cycle when using test because of testicular atrophy. What could be worse?
    Just becouse you didnt experiance Ed doesnt mean he wont. Fact is without running at least in hrt dose of test he runs the risk of sexual dysfunction. They cycle he is running now is horrible and thats a fact.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Starting out with tren is not recommended. You would of been just fine with test enanthate by itself but you would of thrown in the EQ. But that is a great combo and pretty safe. Who told this guy to use tren in his first cycle? It's like somebody was playing a joke or just didn't like him?

  28. #28
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    Oh man i really do give up, this is like the blind leading the blind.

    spooled you need to do less typing your advice is shocking....

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by spooledup View Post
    Ok, well go ahead and tell him what to take for his first cycle then. He has a good background of training, and looks like a good candidate, so tell him what his first cycle should be. I'm waiting...

    If he would have changed his cycle to a test cycle as recommended, you would have said "good job and good luck", and sent him on his way. You wouldn't have given a damn whether he knew how test affected him or not.

    I have used tren and EQ and I'm giving him advice based on MY experience. I did not experience sides out the ass at all. I had night sweats with a little insomnia and that was about it.

    Testosterone supresses me worse than tren. I've had to incorporate HCG into my cycle when using test because of testicular atrophy. What could be worse?
    ur insulting me based on what u think i would say...cmon man, ur just being difficult..and i will always insist on first cycle being test only, thats what i took and thats what i recomend...u think his cycle is great cause it worked for you, however u do realize u are most likely 1 in 100 that has had it work that way...
    when u ran ur cycle of this, was it your first cycle ever? my complaint is he does not know what he is doing with these chems,all his answers should have been answered before he frontloaded tren e and eq... i agree his training seems fine bro, but he does not know when to inject and hopw much he even took or will changed from his first post to his second or third..
    again man, im not trying to argue, i see ur point from ur personal experience, however if u dont see mine then there is something wrong man....

  30. #30
    I answered his questions directly and to the point, gave him the actual reasons why people suggest test in a cycle instead of just laughing at him and telling him to research. I also outlined the possible ramifications of his cycle, and gave him my own personal experience with the compounds in question.

    If you can't handle that, it's your problem, you deal with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Oh man i really do give up, this is like the blind leading the blind.

    spooled you need to do less typing your advice is shocking....

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Spooled this has been some of the worst advice I have seen for a 1st time cycle. Pretty much everything you have told him has been wrong!!!
    GOPATS do some research and look at a beginners cycle

  32. #32
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    Jul 2009
    I've read all the posts and suggestions on cycles for the first timers. Basically 500mg test E or prop or cyp / week with dbol eq or winny and all the combinations you could try

    But why is so imperative that somebody start with that .. why cant somebody try tren for a first cycle? I've known a couple people that have ran finaplix for their first cycle and didn't have problems. I feel like all of you people just regurgitate the same information that a few people recommend people should start off with.

    not trying to be an ass or anything I do appreciate everyones input and i am taking it all into consideration.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoPats View Post
    I've read all the posts and suggestions on cycles for the first timers. Basically 500mg test E or prop or cyp / week with dbol eq or winny and all the combinations you could try

    But why is so imperative that somebody start with that .. why cant somebody try tren for a first cycle? I've known a couple people that have ran finaplix for their first cycle and didn't have problems. I feel like all of you people just regurgitate the same information that a few people recommend people should start off with.

    not trying to be an ass or anything I do appreciate everyones input and i am taking it all into consideration.
    The reason you should just run Test for your first time is because you do not know how you are body is going to handle taking gear. By taking multiple compounds and you develop sides you will not know what compound is causing it. The other reason Test is that compound is used on almost all cycles.
    After you get finadick let us know. As far as regurgitaion this is info that we learn by either doing dumb stuff like that or listen to people that have enough experience. Be advised since you feel this is a regurgitation I feel there is no advice that I can give you so I will sign off!

  34. #34
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    RANA wasn't trying to be a dick just asking questions.

    Also another reason why i leaned toward the tren is because i dont plan on doing another cycle for a long time because im going to be starting a career in the military. I dont expect to be able to do another cycle while enlisted.

  35. #35
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    This might be my first post on the forum, but I'm not a newbie by any strech of the word. To the OP I ran a somewhat similar cycle of tren e at 300mg/week and primo e at 200mg/week for 8 weeks, shot twice per week and last 3 weeks finished up with anavar. I am currently in my 4th week of anavar , no injectables this week and the only side effect I experienced was mild sweating at night. Easy fix lower tstat to 65. I'll start PCT in 3 days nolvadex 20/20/10/10 hcg 250iu for 3 weeks and vitamin e. I've gained 4lbs of lean muscle my bf is gotta be down to 7 or 8% and put 3/4 inches in my arms. I never onced experienced ED actually it was the total opposite. Anyways good luck as I am not familiar with boldenone I cannot give you better feedback.
    BTW hey everyone I am new to the board

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