OK last night I did the math and discovered this, I've been geting 385 grams of protein, 188 grams of carbs, and 32(I think) grams of fat a day. Also I'm asking everyone there opinion. I've been keeping carbs low and bf has been melting off, strength is gaining and all. Watching the scale I haven't put on much weight and I believe as I'm losing fat I'm gaining lean muscle mass because as my waistling is going down my strength is still going up and the scale is staying even (no increase no decrease). So do ya'll think I should keep at it and stay lean or say to hell with it, up my carbs and just focus on putting on mass and worry about leaning out later in my cycle? I'm stuck at a crossroad guys and would like ya'lls opinion on this. Other than that not much to say, had a killer back workout last night, I have shoulders tonight.