i deserve the Fvken hottest girl .... And i have her.... but i still look around. I will always look around... Coz i fvken can.... and i have a massive dick as well.... lol
Well I'm glad someone got the point of my incoherent ramblings at 5am
In one sense I meant every word of my post. ANYONE can be a manager or at least make more than min wage, if they so choose and put their mind to it. If you are of course, happy being a renter for your entire life that's certainly ones own prerogative.
On the other hand, I used that example in an illustrative manner. It offended most of you who either are that person or know those people very well correct? Well I'm sure that its equally offensive to assume a skinny person isn't happy with being skinny and would like to be more jacked, and doesn't deserve the girl he is with because he's doesn't fit into your ideal stereotype of who an attractive female should be partnered with.
Furthermore, my points were to illustrate that there are NUMEROUS factors that go into selecting who you are going to be with, that go well beyond aesthetics, and certainly most people would say that being "accomplished" or "successful" is one of those factors, the definition by which we measure those words is individually subjective, but I gave rather extreme examples.
So perhaps the next time I see a day laborer making peanuts, I'll stop and consider that as a person he may have a lot to offer and have a good heart, and have found himself in his situation by way of unfortunate circumstances.(and I think anyone who knows me knows that I do this anyway and don't truly feel disdain for these people). Equally though, I hope that everyone who feels like the OP, stops and considers that the skinny ***** with the hot girl may have a lot to offer her that doesn't have to do with muscles.
most of ur stuff i like to read man...and then u post this and ur last post.
u really are an asshole bro. u look down on people cause what they make, or what they want out of life.
i used to respect u man, now i feel sorry for u. i can only hope that something happens to u one day and u are the one making 500 week..
ur last post was so wrong in so many ways man...u should be a man and apologize for ur scumy views and state u were wrong, not that u gave a bad example...
cmon, u are/were better then this..
I thought this thread was about seeing good looking chicks with skinny guys what the hell happened???
It's obvious that you are one of, if not the most well-educated, intelligent people who uses this forum, judging by grammer, spelling, and words choices. You are entitled to your opinion so I cannot say that you're statements are wrong but they were VERY rude. In my opinion, if you have a job, you have a fvcking job and thats that. Whether you make $7 and hour flipping burgers at a fast food joint or $150k a year selling real estate, they are both jobs. You cannot put somebody down for working, regardless of what they are doing. If you wanna belittle an asshole who doesn't have a job and doesn't bother looking for one, then go right ahead, I'll be right there with you. But leave everyone else alone who is employed.
Basically what it comes down to is this: You are a jealous fvcks and you are jealous of primarily one person: ME
I am better looking than you Neanderthal homos, I am tan, I am Persian which automatically makes me win any argument, I am tall (6'1), and I got a nice dick and last a shit load of time in bed.
So next time stop being so jealous and primarily stop hating on me you roided scum bags we all know secertly you all strive to be ME, hell even T-Mos whichs he was me and that guy can't even fit through a door last time I checked.
The King of Persia was the most powerful man on earth at the time my friend, his brand of soldiers that were labeled the Immortals were his personal bodyguards, he had 10,000 of them guarding him.
We are the last of few ancient races alive, my genetic pools pans thousands of years. I don't wtf happend to Jamy that mothafvckin turned into a tree or something at 6'4 and his brother is like 6'7 those aren't persians those are giants lol.
Just admit it Moose, I am the fvckin man.![]()
I am just ****en with you...
Just ask Jesus for guidance
I suppose my example is still being lost on you guys. I respect anyone who has a job. I am expressing myself in a rude manner because I found the OP's post to be particularly rude towards individuals who are skinny and date attractive women. The OP is LOOKING DOWN on men who do not share the same hobbies that he does, working out. I have nothing to apologize for, because I do not personally feel that I am better than someone who makes $10 an hour, and don't consider myself to be a snob. I was overly crass and rude in my post to create an analogous situation for you guys to recognize that whether you think you are better than someone because they do not workout and are skinny, or you think you are better than someone because you make more money than them, BOTH ARE WRONG.
So as close to an apology as you will get from me is....No I do not personally believe I am superior or better than anyone because I make more money than them. Just like I don't think I'm empirically better than someone because I have a better body.
Consider my rude arrogant remarks a "taste of your own medicine" so to speak for the tone of the OP's post.
I'm belgian...... we make great beer and waffles......
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
I am an asshole
I shit on everyone.....
Been wondering about you bro... where you been?
you getting pissed is just...natural
Alright ask Obama for guidance
pray to G.W.
makes me sick and i question what the **** society is coming to
To OP. Sure it bothers me a little bit, but all it is, is jealousy. Why can't a have a bangin hot girlfriend if Steve Urkal over there can pull one? WHY?
[QUOTE=thegodfather;4804044]Why do we assume that since we care so much about our bodies that all other attractive women will care about us as well? I cant speak for everyone here, but just having a built, muscular body will not get you women. I know a few people who are MUCH bigger than me, and in MUCH better shape. However, I dress better, I'm smarter, I've accomplished more, and I have a better personality. When I'm single I have the ability to pull any girl in the room that I want, and with little effort. Simply being into bodybuilding and being a large person does not make you an alpha male capable of getting beautiful women at your behest. ur a F/u/ck/i/n/g C/o/c/k sucker, who is nothing more then stuck up and a snob, no shit their are people here bigger and stronger then you, u think ur smarter then them BUT u come to this forum asking for advice (what a wanker u r), u dress better and accomplished more? what have to accomplished exactly, ur in a forum with thousands of members and u think u can come out and outright say uve accomplished more, uve prob accomplished nothing compared to most people in here,
u HAVE A BETTER PERSONALITY, who thinks so? no one in here agrees with that statement so clearly uve rated urself, therefore making u a stuck up prick
lol u have the ability to pull in any girl u want, sure u do buddy, just like uve accomplished so much, and have this magical personality everyone in here hates
Additionally, just being into bodybuilding and in excellent shape will not make up for being socially awkward, insecure, a dork, a nerd, or a geek. It will also not make up for the fact that you may be 30 years old and a day laborer making $10 an hour, or essentially a f**king LOSER. fuk u should write speaches for obama, that was touching, peoples choices for bodybuilding vary, BUT accusing people of taking up bodybuilding becuase they are trying to make up for their flaws is just a typical looser statement, ive been accued many times by frieds that i go gym to make me more of a male, well exactly what makes u a alpha male then? people go shooting wild life, some guys attempt to pick up as many girls as they want, some attempt to be the best in their sport, others try to achieve a good job, their is nothing in society views that make us a alpha male, only ur own personal opinion and judgements, bodybuilding may not make up for flaws but guess what? it gives people confidence in themselves, pride, strength, goals, physique, athletisism, knowledge, experience, it shows commitment, devotion, etc, it may not make uo for flaws BUT it gives people pride and confidence. In such a judgemental society who perceieves and idolises perfect physiques, you expect people to sit on their fat arses and accept the fact they are fat, or unattractive and to live with it and have pride? thats a false statement, everyone is different and people will never be happy, EVERYONE has a flaw or something they would change about themselves, no one is perfect, but saying they take up bodybuilding to hide or correct these flaws is arrogent and offensive
also who the hell are u to say people in here are loosers and low lives with shit jobs? im finishing my phd in economics and accounting, and already have been offered by the reserve bank of australia a full time job once i finish my corsse, so am i a looser or low life? whos accomplished nothing? and speaking for other people who u say are low lives, just becuase these guys may not work in an office, drive a lamborgini, and earn $10 and hour does not make them loosers or unhappy, i mean shit Micheal jackson just died and he was never happy, he accomplished so much, had all the money and fame in the world and still was haunted by his own demons, so who the **** do u think u are telling people they should be ashamed or think they are loosers
There are any number of reasons that a beautiful female might choose to be with the person they are with. And there are any number of reasons a beautiful female might choose NOT to be with a 'bodybuilder' if they are lacking in other parts of life which are important. NO ****ING SHIT, thanki u for pointing out the obvious, just like the reason a female may choose not to be with a guy becuase fo his skin colour, his weight, nationality, religion, beliefs, job, hobbies, every single ****ing female is different
UR A FUUCKING COOCK SUUUCKER, who is over opinionated and stuck up snob
For instance, when I am single, if I meet a very attractive female who is either 1) not in college, or 2) not in a career (a job isn't enough), then I will NOT talk to her. I am extremely motivated, driven, and goal oriented, and I have nothing in common with a chick who is an unmotivated loser and is content with making $10 an hour for the rest of her life and can't hold a conversation. I am extremely turned off by chicks who think that their good looks can get them through life, or that people should ignore that they are overall shitty people in every other aspect of their lives. wow wen ur single they must just be lining up, i find it funny how u will first find an attractive female before before u get to know her personality, doesnt that seem just typical, n u wonder why alot of men get into bodybuilding? maybe as much as personality matters, if the female aint turned on by ur appearance then why would she care what ur personality is like, i mean u seemed to look at appearance before personaliy, AND dont give me some BS reply saying i focus on personality, thats just a typical reply trying to justify or defend urself, ur shallow just like almost every other person in society, i mean shit ur part of a steroid forum, dont act like u dont care about appearences and treasure personality,
We should all get over ourselves a little bit. It's a shame because I know a guy, who is 28, has been working construction as a bitch for the last 9 or so years, no education what so ever. Is in very good shape and juices..He makes about $500 bucks a week, lives in a shitty apartment, and goes to the bars 3 or 4 nights a week. He is always with really hot chicks, really hot loser chicks who also don't have shit for careers, basically bar rats. That is his life, no career, nothing, he's a f**king loser that can pull other hot losers. Give me a break. If you're reading this and you are a day laborer who makes $10 an hour, go do something with yourself. What kind of excuse can you make for having the dedication to be in better shape than 99% of males on this earth, yet be in the bottom 1% of income earners and basically be a f**king loser. It's late, I need to stick, and I'm aggrivated... Bye[/QUOTE]
i cant beleiev u just said that? im mean seriously, im just going to some up YOU IN ONE SENTENCE
ur a ****ing wanka
U KNOW A GUY? fuk how many time si havent heard that quote from some looser who needs to pass off a story, lets be honest, u dont know anyone, and if u do u dont know shit about him, u just assume u do, just like u assume so many bodybuilders are low lives, and u assume ur some mad**** who gets all the ladies, and u assume ur so much better then everyone else
want a little lesson in psychology? people who express themselves (you) behind barriers, groups , false walls that they know they cannot be personally attacked through (a forum, internet etc) are some of the most insecure people who lack self satuisfaction and accomplishment, and to satisfy or justify their own personal failures, they blame society and target specific aspects of it that they believe are the causes or responsible,
i also have a bachelors in psychology, so dont try argue my statement is false, its researched and a proven hypothesis
laslty bottom percentage of the income earners? ur ****ing morron in all developed capitalsit economys their HAS TO BE lower income earners, its athe balance in the distribution of income, without them economys dont function and people dont respond to incentives, neither do markets, and wateva they do with their live is their decision, if they are lower income earners then why the fuk not take up bodybuilding? what should that be low income fat drunk slobs?
will u respect them is their fat drunk low income earning slobs who sit on their arses all day and eat doritos?
u have little respect for people, and are nothing more then a over opinionated prick, who probably dispises these people becuase they achieve such satisfaction and pride from soemthing so small such as bodybuilding, where u cant acheieve anything self pride due to the fact u are always in the shadow of SOME GUY U KNOW AND HATE
dotn apologize for what uve said, or make and excuse for saying it, u said it and u meant it, u are nothing more then the minority of society who blame everyone else, and point the finger at everyone else when u should STOP ADMIRING URSELF, look in the mirror and ur life and realise what u have acheieved is NOTHING, and it never will be, u can go on and on accusing people that they have accomplished nothing, in the end of the day the guy above u who is either richer, smarter, stronger, faster wateva it amy be probably thinks the same about u
BUT he doesnt state it? he compliments u on ur achievments, and congragulates and supports u, so do the ****ing same, no one deserves to be accused to be a low life
if u have
Anyone else wanna comment? lol...
love this thread
Lmao....I bet Godfather comes home and re-reads his post out loud to himself......just sitting there nodding his head !!
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
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