Originally Posted by
Rockin Z28
i was doing a keto diet, i am 5'11-6 foot (i'd wager 5'11 is more accurate) and 228 pounds 25 years old with about 20% bodyfat i got up to 25-26% bodyfat on cycle but i was also fairly massive and could lift a ton (for me, at the peak got 225 on FB for 23 reps), hitting this plateua is really depressing for me, i am not someone who is kind of lean and struggles to get big, i stay strong and big, but if i have a cheat day i can gain upwards of 7-8 pounds in one day (lol i wish i was exaggerating), and so far i have found i lose bodyfat decently well on a keto based diet, or at least i did last year when i got down to 16% bodyfat (leanest i've been my entire life), on a side note, i will have some condiments to get the chicken down as i dont cook it with anything not even olive oil, usually a low carb ketchup and lite BBQ sauce
Edit: i want to maintain the muscle i have, building would be a a plus to me while trying to cut down, but i told my girlfriend no anabolics until i got down to a reasonable bodyfat level