Ive been telling my father who is 63 years old about my use of testosterone cypionate. I told him that he should try it, and see if the doctor would put him on HRT. He called me today, and said that the doc gave him 200 mg every 14 days which isnt bad.
He used to be an instructor back in his early days, and was pretty big.
He works out, but Im trying to set him up with a good split routine so he can add some muscle without getting hurt. I dont see him bench pressing 300 anymore because of a bad shoulder. He basically uses nautilus equipment, and stuff like that. With his bad shoulder, some exercises are off limits.
Does anyone think that he can add some lean muscle with this amount? Anyone ever used this amount with good results?
I also got him taking protein shakes after workout.
I think that hes 6 ft, and about 180lbs. Hes lost about 30 lbs since he started back training, and should easily be able to see lean muscle when it comes on.