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Thread: I need some advice.

  1. #1

    I need some advice.

    I'm new here and the whole steroids thing but I been wasting hundreds of dollars on supplements and wanting to do somthing and get real results so I thought what the heck, I'm 24, I'm about 200lbs over weight(over 400lbs) and I plan on being a cage fighter, So what would be a good steroid for a big guy like me that could help me build some size and more important to me strength and would aid or not slow down my fat loss as I'm trying to do both?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    No steroids will help you bro, infact if your 200lbs over weight they could send you to an early grave, serious..

    Head down to the diet forum and post your current diet, you will also need a solid training program...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Listen bro, dont want to sound a dick but you need to keep the pics to the lounge..^^

  5. #5
    How tall are you?

    Right now I think you should focus on diet and excersize and drop 120lbs of that on your own before you think of any steroids. Then you could possibly try a low dose test prop/winny cycle maybe adding some clenbuterol in there. Although I suggest dieting should be your first concern. Look up Keto diets.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Matt is right.. You can not just start experimenting with steroids at 400# ! They can cause High BP, Gyno and a million other things. Anabolics only aid in muscle and strength gains, they do not work like a miracle in a bottle like most NOOB'S think they do! If you really do weigh that much go to the diet forum and start working out a good diet and cario routine. You should be able to lose 40-75# safely in a year so if You get working on that, in a year or 2 you could be in some pretty ngood shape. Good luck to you and your goals as a cage fighter

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by beefmonkey View Post
    How tall are you?

    Right now I think you should focus on diet and excersize and drop 120lbs of that on your own before you think of any steroids. Then you could possibly try a low dose test prop/winny cycle maybe adding some clenbuterol in there. Although I suggest dieting should be your first concern. Look up Keto diets.
    I'm 6'3 and Ive got a pretty big frame but as long as I'm healthy enuff to lift weights I don't see how using steroids would hurt me cause more muscle = more fat loss and that's how id like to lose weight is by building muscle and losing weight at the same time, you see if you just diet to lose weight you lose muscle and its very hard work and you see little results and it makes me wanna just say screw it but if I gain muscle it will help me want to lose weight by seeing results and the added muscle will help too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bigcity1985 View Post
    I'm 6'3 and Ive got a pretty big frame but as long as I'm healthy enuff to lift weights I don't see how using steroids would hurt me cause more muscle = more fat loss and that's how id like to lose weight is by building muscle and losing weight at the same time, you see if you just diet to lose weight you lose muscle and its very hard work and you see little results and it makes me wanna just say screw it but if I gain muscle it will help me want to lose weight by seeing results and the added muscle will help too.
    Because of your weight you will probably experience more negative sides! Hit the diet forum and get body fat to 15 % before considering AAS

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    With the amount of fat that you are carrying you run the risk of cardiovascular problems and estrogen related sides (aka. bitch tits). You need to get down to around 15% BF before you even consider doing a cycle. Put the hard work in, it will pay off in the future.

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