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Thread: Needs Figure Advice

  1. #1

    Needs Figure Advice

    Okay so i'm new to doing shows, i've done one bikini show and one figure show and didn't do well in either because i just can't get lean enough! I'm doing 2 hours of cardio a day, Work out with my trainer 4 times a week and my diet is spotless with Oatmeal as my only carb and flax oil as my only fat. I've seen this diet work with several other girls and it works for me but not enough. After my last show my weight shot back up to 155 where I started and now i'm working my ass off and willing to do anything to get down to 125 and 10% body fat for my next show in November. for my other shows I managed to get down to 138 after cutting water and that's just not cutting it for me. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    First of all 10% is way too lean for Figure. I think you may have a misperception of what 10% looks like on a female. That is usually reserved for well conditioned female bodybuilders. Most Figure girls are coming in around the 13-15% mark regardless of what you may be hearing. Posting your entire diet complete with caloric totals would be a good start. If you have some pictures from past shows as well as some showing your present condition more detailed advice can be given.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    My wife is a figure athlete and if she did 2 hours of cardio a day i would smack my opinion 2 hrs of cardio is WAY TOO MUCH...i would like to see the diet, i am willing to bet you are overtraining on cardio, undereating (calories too low) which is a very bad combination.
    POst your diet and let us look at it...i would transfer some of that time in the gym into free weights and cut back on cardio...look up Tabata training as well, htat is a good way to stimulate metabolism with addition of 1 session per week.
    Do you have a cheat meal?

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