Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
It's one thing to hold peace talks and actually try to make progress and another thing to wage and illegitimate war based on lies from a neoconservative party.

The reason why the US has a bad rep around the world is because people like you really believe deep down inside whenever they go to war it is to bring about "change", "democracy", "freedom". Come on bro, no country would go to war just to have another country have a better lifestyle, everything is about money and power.
Of course it's about power and money, what world do you live in. If it wasn't there would be no reason for it but most of the war situations WE dont just go over for NO reason, we just try to make it the right reason also but Yes it's also about making a profit out of it.

Do I agree with everything they do? NO. But I also hope for the best and we have proven over the past that we don't just conquer and rule either but try to help build a society even though it's not what everyone wants.

It sounds like you are a conspiracy theorist also. Remember, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.