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Thread: Deca and Test levels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Deca and Test levels

    Does Deca increase your test levels. My primary care has been doing my levels and I am way low for about 9 months. BTW, I am in HRT. He wants me to come into his office so HE can do the injections which tells me he does not think I am doing my shots. I am going to switch to an endocrinologist and was wondering if I continue to use Deca with my test will it raise or lower my test levels?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    If you are already using test for trt I do not see the point of running deca (for trt purposes). If you want to cycle, that is anotehr story.

    IMO, deca does not have a place in trt, unless you have some kind of disease that causes muscle wasting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    LOL, I am not running deca for HRT, I am running it in a cycle. I was curious if deca raised your test levels because i will have to give my doc a blood test amd I do not need it higher than normal

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Deca kills your test levels. They will drop bigtime once you start it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    This is a big misconception for most.... TEST raises your test levels obviously.... DECA, TREN and most others drop your test levels and this is the reason most of us recommend that some form of test is ran with those other compounds.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    so, for all practical purposes, should I quit the deca until after my blood work with my doc or just let him think they are low so he ups my dosage LOL

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    Are you saying you are going to the doctor complaining about low test levels after a cycle so he will perscribe you steroids? God damn, that is actually a brilliant idea. Let me know how that goes.

  8. #8
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    lol, I am not saying that but it would work.....I have been on HRT for 10 yrs, I started deca 3 weeks ago and my levels for the past 8 months have been 230 so he thinks I am not taking my injections. he has me coming in to his office for him to give me my injections....i think it is funny that deca lowers my levels because even when he does it my levels will be low and it will have him dumb founded....he may just have to increase my levels LOL

  9. #9
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    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by RIPSpawn View Post
    Are you saying you are going to the doctor complaining about low test levels after a cycle so he will perscribe you steroids? God damn, that is actually a brilliant idea. Let me know how that goes.
    Not a good idea and will not work for mthat matter.., Doc is not going to just do blood work once and put you on trt... I had my levels done 3 times before getting put on and then another 4 times already after being put on to see what my levels are at. You really can not fool the doctor..They do tests!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I have been on HRT for TEN years already

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I have heard of deca for hrt becaues it is good for the joints and not too harsh overall.

  12. #12
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    yeah but deca alone will cause you not to get a woody so you have to do some test with it if you want to please her he he he

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Interesting,i know deca will shut you down and lower your test levels.BUT when on hrt your replacing the test.I do not understand how your getting lower readings,unless you are taking less test.

  14. #14
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    I do not know either, the ONLY thing I can figure is I was using a 5/8 ling pin and sometimes the oil would ooze out after a shot...I did my shot in my in the butt...maybe I wasn't going in deep enough....I seriously do not know why. I was still able to get a wood but my interest levels were real low....I started using a 1" pin

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Not a good idea and will not work for mthat matter.., Doc is not going to just do blood work once and put you on trt... I had my levels done 3 times before getting put on and then another 4 times already after being put on to see what my levels are at. You really can not fool the doctor..They do tests!!
    Wanna bet?

    I scored a script from a doc who had all kinds of dumb plaques on his wall "best professor " blah blah. Not all docs test a whole bunch. He ordered 2 tests before giving me trt, then he ordered two after. now just once a year. thats it. In fact it would only been once after but i made him raise the dose
    Each doc is dif i guess.

    To the OP, are you saying you are running your test with your deca, and your levels are still low?. Odd. If you inject both they should be both there.

    What MIGHT be happening is, perhaps your TRT has never totally shut you down.. So to take a generic number lets say with your shots you are at 600ng/dl. But, lets say the shots are supplying 400 of that and your balls are still petering out 200ng/dl. Now deca can reduce test levels to nuthin in almost a few days. So if you added deca, your 200ng/dl would be gone and your at 400 now. now most docs would not see 400 as deficiant but these numbers are just for demo purposes, but you see what could be happening here. Depending on what day you got your blood test, even with the example of 400...400 could be your high...even with a once week injecting frequency you might have 50%fluctuation in your levels (which is why bi weekly is best with test E or C) so maybe you took bloods to late after the shot. Ideally bloods should be taken 2-4 days post shot to get your "high", tho its nice to know your "low" too.
    So you could do 2 things here: A. Tell him you took bloods 6 days after the shot, and you probably just got the "low"....or B.) you could do what i'd do YES baffle him, make him raise your dose! "Jee doc i guess my metabolism changed. Nothings impossible i guess"
    Just look innocent
    good luck

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by romo6 View Post
    Interesting,i know deca will shut you down and lower your test levels.BUT when on hrt your replacing the test.I do not understand how your getting lower readings,unless you are taking less test.
    i dont get that either.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    Wanna bet?

    I scored a script from a doc who had all kinds of dumb plaques on his wall "best professor " blah blah. Not all docs test a whole bunch. He ordered 2 tests before giving me trt, then he ordered two after. now just once a year. thats it. In fact it would only been once after but i made him raise the dose
    Each doc is dif i guess.

    To the OP, are you saying you are running your test with your deca, and your levels are still low?. Odd. If you inject both they should be both there.

    What MIGHT be happening is, perhaps your TRT has never totally shut you down.. So to take a generic number lets say with your shots you are at 600ng/dl. But, lets say the shots are supplying 400 of that and your balls are still petering out 200ng/dl. Now deca can reduce test levels to nuthin in almost a few days. So if you added deca, your 200ng/dl would be gone and your at 400 now. now most docs would not see 400 as deficiant but these numbers are just for demo purposes, but you see what could be happening here. Depending on what day you got your blood test, even with the example of 400...400 could be your high...even with a once week injecting frequency you might have 50%fluctuation in your levels (which is why bi weekly is best with test E or C) so maybe you took bloods to late after the shot. Ideally bloods should be taken 2-4 days post shot to get your "high", tho its nice to know your "low" too.
    So you could do 2 things here: A. Tell him you took bloods 6 days after the shot, and you probably just got the "low"....or B.) you could do what i'd do YES baffle him, make him raise your dose! "Jee doc i guess my metabolism changed. Nothings impossible i guess"
    Just look innocent
    good luck
    I also thought about that.But i believe you would be completely shut down on hrt and deca.Am i right here guys?

  18. #18
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by romo6 View Post
    I also thought about that.But i believe you would be completely shut down on hrt and deca.Am i right here guys?
    I would imagine sooo.....

  19. #19
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    ok, here it is......I have been taking a 200 mg 1cc (only depo) shot every 14 days, my levels were low ... he changed it to every 10 days and my levels were low, he then changed it to every 7 days and THEN I started takinf deca about 3 weeks ago and he took another blood test two weeks ago and my levels are still low...they are a NOW, he has me coming into his office so HIS nurse can give me the injection as if to say I am not taking the shot....understand??

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by larbec7 View Post
    ok, here it is......I have been taking a 200 mg 1cc (only depo) shot every 14 days, my levels were low ... he changed it to every 10 days and my levels were low, he then changed it to every 7 days and THEN I started takinf deca about 3 weeks ago and he took another blood test two weeks ago and my levels are still low...they are a NOW, he has me coming into his office so HIS nurse can give me the injection as if to say I am not taking the shot....understand??
    yes. I get it now. I think part of it is you were using a 5/8 needle. I dont know how lean you are but probably werent getting into the muscle

  21. #21
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    Apr 2008
    Deca will LOWER you test levels when on HRT????? DAMN I had it backwards. I was worried my last blood test done because I had just started a deca/test cycle. I managed to stop the Deca 3 weeks before my first blood work and my test levels came back high, 800+
    I have more blood work coming up soon, I have been putting off my deca cycle for this reason but maybe I should go ahead and start it so my levels are lower than normal?

    Im also starting a new doc this week, Endocrinologist instead of an anti aging clinic.

  22. #22
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    I too may go to an endocrinologist, I am just pissed at my doc because he is having me come into his office so HIS nurse can give me the shot so I will stay on the deca so my levels stay low just to fuc**** with his mind at this poing then when I go to the endo i will get off the deca for a few weeks....I hate dr's .... they think they are god

  23. #23
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    I like the idea of your levels coming out even lower so you can get them to give you a little extra so when you are off cycle and cruising you will always have extra to build up for the next cycle

  24. #24
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    I will keep everyone posted if this works or not with the doc

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Upstate, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Not a good idea and will not work for mthat matter.., Doc is not going to just do blood work once and put you on trt... I had my levels done 3 times before getting put on and then another 4 times already after being put on to see what my levels are at. You really can not fool the doctor..They do tests!!
    I had a prescription of androgel the first day that the doc had my labwork in hand, and a prescription of test cyp 30 days later with no additional bloodwork. I just told him that the gel was too expensive, and that I had read about injections, and they looked promising. I have a pretty good doc though

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