According to HIM, I have totally shut myself down.. despite my accurate application of proper PCT's or what I thought was proper PCT following my Anabolic Steroid Cycles...
He is going to Properly PCT me according to him, because he believes that I am SO shut down that I am no longer producing SPERM, which in turn is WHY I can not knock my WIFE up.
Yes, we are trying for a baby, but... ACCORDING TO HIM... Now the info I am pouring out is straight from his mouth...
Testosterone Cyp even at Low dosages 50mgs EW is used as a MALE CONTRACEPTIVE. It essentially lowers your sperm count by shutting off the signal from your brain to your Testes by way of the LH.
In Order for ME (The Doctor) to possibly GET things back into working condition due to your PAST CYCLE use, CURRENT CYCLE use, and PCT's following EACH AND EVERY CYCLE... I am going to need to remove YOU from your TRT. And start you on a regimen of HCG and Clomid. The process in which I am following will be SIMILAR to what you refer to as POST CYCLE THERAPY.
Ok Now this is ME, talking... to YOU GUYS...
Is this DUDE a quack? Should I take his advice? I mean c'mon we all know someone has knocked their wife/gf/random chick up ON A FULL BLOWN cycle before..
Yes I have inherently been injecting Testosterone for 8 straight months now with NO BREAKS. And he isn't even sure if he can restore me to normal.
This LOW TESTOSTERONE Thing came about approximately 9 months after my last injection of TREN. I only did 2 shots of a Tri-Tren, No Test, just 2 shots, but I didn't do a PCT either, because it was ONLY TWO SHOTS of 1ml a piece. It is MY assumption that my BODY never fully recovered from that and I was living with a shut-down system for that 9 months before I felt the effects of it.. NO MORNING ERECTIONS, NO LIBIDIO, NO SEXUAL FEELING WHATSOEVER, Could not get or even Maintain an erection...
Hence why I went to my DOCTOR to begin with. That is when they discovered that I had a TOTAL TEST LEVEL OF 81. Yes you read that correctly.. 81. My Doctor assumed that this was from my OPIATE DEPENDENCY and CURRENT METHADONE Treatment.
Is it possible that this is the cause? I will never know.
Here is my BIG TIME ISSUE Though. This guy accepts NO INSURANCE. Only Cash/Credit Card/Check for form of Payment. He has a START UP FEE.. I won't disclose the price but.. it's expensive. Then of course.. the costs of the BloodWork + Monthly Office Visits + Every other Possible FEE under the SUN and I just think he is trying to extort money out of me.
The reason I am posting this here is because I want to know if you think that this would be in my better interest to go along with what this guy says. I can run my OWN COURSE of PCT. But if I was prescribed TRT for Hypogonadism isn't it common sense that I will NOT be able to recover my Natural Testosterone state?
If it means I have to come OFF, I have to come off, whatever, I don't care.. My personal Health and Longevity for LIFE comes first and foremost over anything. Do I want to be a BODYBUILDER.. Well of course. I will still be able to make significant progress if I just follow what everyone else does, CYCLE.. PCT... WAIT ... CYCLE... PCT.. WAIT...
Instead of CYCLE.. TRT... CYCLE... TRT... Otherwise known as Blasting and Cruising. I have probably at this point according to THIS DOCTOR done a lot of damage.. because of THE FACT another Ill Educated DOCTOR prescribed me to Testosterone. And I have just taken it into my OWN hands to obviously WITHOUT his knowledge.. CYCLE.. Meaning.. Upping the Test Level, adding Different Compounds, and then returning to a Testosterone Level that wasn't the prescribed Level... Meaning.. he had me on 200mgs EVERY OTHER WEEK.. I took it upon myself to do 200mgs EVERY SINGLE WEEK.
Will it Kill me?? Of course Not.. It just means I have been ON A CYCLE FOR Approximately 7 months. Meaning it's time to just COME DOWN ... reduce to 100mgs Every week.. Try and Hold on to and maintain the GAINS I have made so far... then when the time is right... which should be SOON.. Come OFF with a ridiculously AGGRESSIVE POST CYCLE THERAPY..
What I was thinking, FOR the Next 4 weeks do just the 100mgs Every week.. My prescribed Dose. Then Implement an HcG protocol for the next 4 weeks of 250iu's Every Day.. Then Do 6 weeks of a Nolvadex, Clomid, Aromasin. 40mgs of Nolva, 150mgs of Clomid, 25mgs of Exemestane.
At which POINT I can go see if my Body has Recovered or not.. if NOT.. then I am screwed, and it would be time to really get to the BEST SPECIALIST out there to see what my Future Holds For me....
I Have to admit. I am a little bit scared. What do you guys Honestly Think??