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Thread: Went to my ANTI-AGING Doc today.. Here's what he had to say.. SERIOUS!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Exclamation Went to my ANTI-AGING Doc today.. Here's what he had to say.. SERIOUS!!

    According to HIM, I have totally shut myself down.. despite my accurate application of proper PCT's or what I thought was proper PCT following my Anabolic Steroid Cycles...

    He is going to Properly PCT me according to him, because he believes that I am SO shut down that I am no longer producing SPERM, which in turn is WHY I can not knock my WIFE up.

    Yes, we are trying for a baby, but... ACCORDING TO HIM... Now the info I am pouring out is straight from his mouth...

    Testosterone Cyp even at Low dosages 50mgs EW is used as a MALE CONTRACEPTIVE. It essentially lowers your sperm count by shutting off the signal from your brain to your Testes by way of the LH.

    In Order for ME (The Doctor) to possibly GET things back into working condition due to your PAST CYCLE use, CURRENT CYCLE use, and PCT's following EACH AND EVERY CYCLE... I am going to need to remove YOU from your TRT. And start you on a regimen of HCG and Clomid. The process in which I am following will be SIMILAR to what you refer to as POST CYCLE THERAPY.

    Ok Now this is ME, talking... to YOU GUYS...

    Is this DUDE a quack? Should I take his advice? I mean c'mon we all know someone has knocked their wife/gf/random chick up ON A FULL BLOWN cycle before..

    Yes I have inherently been injecting Testosterone for 8 straight months now with NO BREAKS. And he isn't even sure if he can restore me to normal.

    This LOW TESTOSTERONE Thing came about approximately 9 months after my last injection of TREN. I only did 2 shots of a Tri-Tren, No Test, just 2 shots, but I didn't do a PCT either, because it was ONLY TWO SHOTS of 1ml a piece. It is MY assumption that my BODY never fully recovered from that and I was living with a shut-down system for that 9 months before I felt the effects of it.. NO MORNING ERECTIONS, NO LIBIDIO, NO SEXUAL FEELING WHATSOEVER, Could not get or even Maintain an erection...

    Hence why I went to my DOCTOR to begin with. That is when they discovered that I had a TOTAL TEST LEVEL OF 81. Yes you read that correctly.. 81. My Doctor assumed that this was from my OPIATE DEPENDENCY and CURRENT METHADONE Treatment.

    Is it possible that this is the cause? I will never know.

    Here is my BIG TIME ISSUE Though. This guy accepts NO INSURANCE. Only Cash/Credit Card/Check for form of Payment. He has a START UP FEE.. I won't disclose the price but.. it's expensive. Then of course.. the costs of the BloodWork + Monthly Office Visits + Every other Possible FEE under the SUN and I just think he is trying to extort money out of me.

    The reason I am posting this here is because I want to know if you think that this would be in my better interest to go along with what this guy says. I can run my OWN COURSE of PCT. But if I was prescribed TRT for Hypogonadism isn't it common sense that I will NOT be able to recover my Natural Testosterone state?

    If it means I have to come OFF, I have to come off, whatever, I don't care.. My personal Health and Longevity for LIFE comes first and foremost over anything. Do I want to be a BODYBUILDER.. Well of course. I will still be able to make significant progress if I just follow what everyone else does, CYCLE.. PCT... WAIT ... CYCLE... PCT.. WAIT...

    Instead of CYCLE.. TRT... CYCLE... TRT... Otherwise known as Blasting and Cruising. I have probably at this point according to THIS DOCTOR done a lot of damage.. because of THE FACT another Ill Educated DOCTOR prescribed me to Testosterone. And I have just taken it into my OWN hands to obviously WITHOUT his knowledge.. CYCLE.. Meaning.. Upping the Test Level, adding Different Compounds, and then returning to a Testosterone Level that wasn't the prescribed Level... Meaning.. he had me on 200mgs EVERY OTHER WEEK.. I took it upon myself to do 200mgs EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

    Will it Kill me?? Of course Not.. It just means I have been ON A CYCLE FOR Approximately 7 months. Meaning it's time to just COME DOWN ... reduce to 100mgs Every week.. Try and Hold on to and maintain the GAINS I have made so far... then when the time is right... which should be SOON.. Come OFF with a ridiculously AGGRESSIVE POST CYCLE THERAPY..

    What I was thinking, FOR the Next 4 weeks do just the 100mgs Every week.. My prescribed Dose. Then Implement an HcG protocol for the next 4 weeks of 250iu's Every Day.. Then Do 6 weeks of a Nolvadex, Clomid, Aromasin. 40mgs of Nolva, 150mgs of Clomid, 25mgs of Exemestane.

    At which POINT I can go see if my Body has Recovered or not.. if NOT.. then I am screwed, and it would be time to really get to the BEST SPECIALIST out there to see what my Future Holds For me....

    I Have to admit. I am a little bit scared. What do you guys Honestly Think??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    New doctor...... How can he not take any insurance, thats pretty weird. Try an aggressive pct to see if that helps before handing stacks of cash over to this guy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I would think if you were put on trt then he wouldnt have expected to raise your levels naturally anyways. He sounds a little off in his assumptions but he's the doctor and i am not. IMO i would get a second opinion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I agree,A second opinion before handing over cash.Handing over a little cash for a second opinion would keep you from wondering if your doing the right thing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    That's Why I went to this Dude.. Second Opinion because My Doctor DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HORMONE REPLACEMENT.. so this is the ONLY Anti-Aging Clinic in my STATE. My Doc, is so Brain-tarded he actually prescribed my DOSE of Trt for 1 shot of CYP every 28 days. 1ml ... Every 4 weeks.. UMMMM as a SEASONED AAS user.. I know about Half Lives and things of this Nature... and I know that the Half Life of Cyp is 8 days.. Full is 16.

    What I am wondering about IS ..

    The pregnancy issue.. If I run a course of HCG wouldn't that stimulate the production of SPERM in my Testes to allow for the SPERM COUNT to Jump??

    And The Clomid, well as we ALL know, when we take this, it creates enough SEMEN/SPERM to fill a Gallon bucket.. (OK exaggeration but you get what I am getting at...)

    I guess I could go get my SPERM COUNT assessed and see where I am at with this,

    It just struck me as odd that this DOCTOR out of nowhere says, yah I operate different. I don't do insurance because INSURANCE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN WHAT I DO.

    "I prescribe ANTI-AGING DRUGS, AND HORMONES to people who need them. Not to athletes looking to better their performance or physique, but if A man walks into my Office with AIDS and is wasting away and wants muscles back.. I will prescribe him the necessary treatment to do so..

    And in your Individual Case, You need to restore YOUR NATURAL BALANCE.. "

    Now whoa HOLD UP A MINUTE...

    I thought I have NO NATURAL BALANCE.. Hence the TRT??

    Or maybe he is making sense that the reason I do not have a NATURAL TESTOSTERONE LEVEL is because I didn't PROPERLY PCT and that is why my Bloodscreen came back the way it did...

    Maybe he is right...

    Maybe I still CAN Restore my Natural State. I have never tried it. I just assumed that when my PCP said you have a shutdown Test system.. and need to be on TRT I took that as ... well OK ... Now for the rest of my life I have to inject this every week..

    I never gave it a second thought to actually DO A FULL PCT and see if I am able to restore myself...

    Now that I have been ON SYNTHETIC TESTOSTERONE SINCE FEBRUARY 14th,2009.. Is there EVEN A chance that I can PCT and get back to Normal?? Or is it pretty much a lost cause??

    I mean HOW MANY DOCTOR'S SHOULD I HAVE TO SEE... Someone should be educated enough in the medical field to give me a straight answer but EVERY DOCTOR is different...

    That is why I rely more on THE KNOWLEDGE of everyone hear than I do with anyone out there... Here.. Everyone knows MORE about what we go through then THE DOCTOR'S DO....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i was told that it would be hard to imposs to have another child if i went on trt...the only proof its not true are the posts i've read on this board as youve mentioned already about ppl having babies on cycles, etc. but trt is different than cycles where you never go off...but theres always the belief that hcg will keep or even bring back your fertility...if i could i would like to test to see if i've become infertile after injecting test for 3 years and if so...would welcome a hcg/clomid therapy....question i have is how important is it that you need to discontinue the test

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    fyi.. opiates and methadone are bad for your test levels... i have a friend on TRT as methadone fried his levels too....


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    question i have is how important is it that you need to discontinue the test
    It is not important to me, I could keep injecting myself with TEST for the rest of my life... I just want a kid... so I am gonna run a HcG and Clomid PROTOCOL whilst on the TEST... see if that does anything, then, if that doesn't work.. i will come off of my TRT.. aggressive PCT myself.. use HCG.. and CIALIS to make HAPPY MAN work and TRY it that way... if it still don't work.. IM FVCKED so NO kid for me, and i will continue to CRUISE AND BLAST my way until I see fit...

  9. #9
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    It is not important to me, I could keep injecting myself with TEST for the rest of my life... I just want a kid... so I am gonna run a HcG and Clomid PROTOCOL whilst on the TEST... see if that does anything, then, if that doesn't work.. i will come off of my TRT.. aggressive PCT myself.. use HCG.. and CIALIS to make HAPPY MAN work and TRY it that way... if it still don't work.. IM FVCKED so NO kid for me, and i will continue to CRUISE AND BLAST my way until I see fit...
    yeh exactly...i SOOO HOPE it works for you....i always wonder if i'll ever face that sit...i had 3 girls b4 i started trt but have a young fiance who may one day want but not sure

  10. #10
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    every one is dif, i have two babies while i was cycling... so, that might be fairly accurate but not totally...

    bro i think he was doing you a favor by saying you were shut down and giving you doses of aas, however i relize you would like a baby

    so you kinda have to follow what he says and do it

  11. #11
    no offense bro, but i guess everyone is different..lets just say i was voted least likely to have kids due to my years of "vitamins", and pumped 5 kids out of her with ease..maybe need a second opinion?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Maybe it isn't just you. Maybe it is her too

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Sounds to me like he may be on to something.. For proper treatment the dr has to get your own test production via testes back to its normal fuction thru HCG. Once back to normal a blood test would then give him a base line (your normal hormonal levels) to work from. IMHA

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    1st, Im assuming your main issue here is trying to get your wife pregnant. If its not, disregard.

    I too recently had problems in this arena.

    A year and a half ago, i started HRT. I had low test. Went to an AA doc, got on Test, HCG and Anast. It was great, liked how i felt, and was starting to look. Around this time, i also started using generic Chinese GH. *note Ive never been a BB or run anabolics other than this*

    Wife and i decide its time to get pregnant, so the HRT doc said to quit the Test, which i did in July '08. I stayed on the GH.

    Come spring, we still arent pregnant, her OBGYN sends me to get a semen analysis. My counts were low. This was after being off test for months and months. And to be honest, i was only on it for about 10 weeks.

    OBGYN then sends me to a Male Fertility Specialist (urologist). come to find out, these guys are fairly rare. Im in a city of over a million, and there is only 1 guy here. He sees my numbers and is basically preparing us for two options, surgery for me (i also have a varicocele), and then probably In Vitro. he asks me my history, and what im on, have been on, how much alcohol etc....Im completely honest with im. He tells me to quit the GH and any supplements with any kind of herbals in them. Says to take only Centrum as a vitamin. He tests me for a chromosonal stuff, which was normal, my test level was in the 200's at this point (big surprise..duh) so I also ask him for some viagra and he asks me why i want them ( dude, you see my Test levels?? this still pisss me off).

    Reluctantly, i stop the GH, as i had just bought shitload. We then start to ponder surgery and the prospect of In-Vitro. He tells me to think about the options, stay off everything for a few months, and then get another semen analysis. Wife asks him if i should start clomid, or HCG etc... he shakes his head. Stay off ANYTHING. So i do.

    So, i go back and do the jack in a cup thing about 12 weeks ago. And wait to hear back from him for my results. Dreading the idea of surgery(i work in surgery :-) btw). and the prospect of In-Vitro, thats hard for everyone. Well i come home for lunch one day, and my wife meets me at the door crying with a pregnancy test, saying shes pregnant! Im stunned. It was emotional.

    I call his office and tell them i really want to know my results and tell them, "well, my wife is pregnant..btw". He calls back the next day, very happy, tells me congrats. My sperm count is back to normal. Im fine. Wife had an ultra sound last week and everthing is fine with the baby. Got to see it and hear its heartbeat.

    So, being that its looking good, im about to get back on the HRT. (thats why i stumbled upon your post)

    Point is, the fertility thing is very very complicated and there are a lot of factors. We still dont know what my problem was for sure. My wife thinks it was the GH, i dont. Never seen a study to suggest otherwise...but, i quit for her along with everything else.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble, i know your issues are different, but, if you are really trying to get pregnant, id suggest going to a specialist. Do NOT leave it to an AA doc to help you guys get pregnant. See someone who has actually completed a fellowship in the field.

    If you have any more questions, ill to help you. Good luck on whatever your goals are.
    Last edited by WC68; 09-15-2009 at 05:03 PM.

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