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Thread: when to get blood work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Bronx, New York

    when to get blood work

    i was wondering when is it a good time to get blood work?? im currently inmy last week of pct.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Bronx, New York

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Tip Toein on Hells border
    thats a good question. But to answer that you'll need to answer a few questions.
    1. do you have insurance? I ask because if not a full panel or even a basic CBC and endocine level is quite expensive.
    2. Are you honest with your doc? Is he aware of what you are doing? If not i suggest you either tell him or find a cool doc you can trust to help you. He will monitor you and let you know when to get bloodwork done.

    all that said, it is a good idea to get your blood work done before you start a cycle so you can get base levels. also, this will show you any underlying issues that AAS can just complicate or make worse. then post cycle it is a good idea to get one about four weeks after PCT then again another 6 weeks later. This is hard if you dont have insurance. The reason I say to do it at least twice is to ensure that your levels are returning to normal. If they arent, it may be necessary to have more blood wrok done a few weeks later. If everything looks good...Congrats, you did a good job and you're back to normal. (dont get in a frizzy if your levels arent back to normal after the second post PCT test. some people are different and it takes longer.) If it doesnt seem to get better after a good amount of time, it may be that your body isnt going to bounce back. Again, this is where a good doc comes in. Hope i answered your question.......

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