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Thread: Up date on my anxiety/OCD/Agoraphobia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Up date on my anxiety/OCD/Agoraphobia

    This thread is mainly to thank all of you that have shared there personal experiences with me . Some shared very intimate horror stories. Some shared there success stories.

    It has helped me get through the last few days. And will continue to keep me focused on the finished product. (ME) Usually treatment is alot of trial an error. And it can take months or years to find the correct medication at the right dose. To make life great again.

    So a BIG thanks to those who put yourself out there for me. A couple members went way beyond.

    So I went to the dr and was put on Lexapro today aswell as back on clonidine for my bp. When panic hit my bp flys of the charts. And as of the past week and a half it lasts all damn day.

    I go back in 2 weeks to possibly have some blood work and maybe some MRA's done to rule out the possibility that this is something else. Ill use this thread to let those of you who have shared know how things are progressing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    BC, Canada
    Best of luck dude i was following your last thread and noticed i have some of these symptoms as well. Hopefully you can surpass this obstacle and move on with your life. Remember we are always here for your aid cheers!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    Best of luck dude i was following your last thread and noticed i have some of these symptoms as well. Hopefully you can surpass this obstacle and move on with your life. Remember we are always here for your aid cheers!
    Thanks bro . Means alot. I handled it for years on my own. Had to get some help.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2009
    Good stuff buddy not to long and all that crap will just be a bad dream, you'll be feeling great in no time, enjoying life like you should and feeling like a new man, but we dont grow as people when things are going great we grow when times are tough down in the valley's so youll be stronger and better because of it, good luck.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJ09 View Post
    Good stuff buddy not to long and all that crap will just be a bad dream, you'll be feeling great in no time, enjoying life like you should and feeling like a new man, but we dont grow as people when things are going great we grow when times are tough down in the valley's so youll be stronger and better because of it, good luck.
    Thanks man . Starting off on 10mg with the option to increase the dose on my own in a couple weeks. I just dont want the sexual sides

  6. #6
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    you might like the sides or at least your wife will lol

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Thanks man . Starting off on 10mg with the option to increase the dose on my own in a couple weeks. I just dont want the sexual sides
    Just so you know I was on 10mg after 6 weeks and told the dr "im not feeling anything", she bumped it to 15mg and the next day I got really moody and depressed, almost like I was in a hole or something.

    We put it back down to 10mg, and then a couple weeks later it really started to kick in.
    But with the Lexapro I remember vividly that first week I just felt real serious about everything, not exactly depressed or angry, more like this intense feeling of seriousness, its hard to describe, but I just didn't feel like joking around or having small talk with people.
    Once it kicked in I wasn't running around naked and laughing like some manic lunatic, I really just felt "normal" on it which was my favorite part about Lex.
    It really made me feel like what I'd always wished I feel like, just normal, nothing more and nothing less.

    And many doctors tell you 2-4 weeks but in the clinic the women told me Lex can take up to 8 weeks before you notice ANYTHING. I must have asked about 5 times to get off in those first 8 weeks but staying on Lex was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    And although Clonodine inhibits the release of adrenaline, its not a beta blocker. I'm sure you'll feel a lot less anxious with it, I just cant tell you for sure it'll stop the panic attacks. W/e the case I'd say what your on now is an EXCELLENT starting point for relief and a overall richer life.

    Just be sure to have plenty of patience with the Lex, I REALLY hope it does for you what it did for me.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 09-09-2009 at 09:38 PM.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Just so you know I was on 10mg after 6 weeks and told the dr "im not feeling anything", she bumped it to 15mg and the next day I got really moody and depressed, almost like I was in a hole or something.

    We put it back down to 10mg, and then a couple weeks later it really started to kick in.
    But with the Lexapro I remember vividly that first week I just felt real serious about everything, not exactly depressed or angry, more like this intense feeling of seriousness, its hard to describe, but I just didn't feel like joking around or having small talk with people.
    Once it kicked in I wasn't running around naked and laughing like some manic lunatic, I really just felt "normal" on it which was my favorite part about Lex.
    It really made me feel like what I'd always wished I feel like, just normal, nothing more and nothing less.

    And many doctors tell you 2-4 weeks but in the clinic the women told me Lex can take up to 8 weeks before you notice ANYTHING. I must have asked about 5 times to get off in those first 8 weeks but staying on Lex was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    And although Clonodine inhibits the release of adrenaline, its not a beta blocker. I'm sure you'll feel a lot less anxious with it, I just cant tell you for sure it'll stop the panic attacks. W/e the case I'd say what your on now is an EXCELLENT starting point for relief and a overall richer life.

    Just be sure to have plenty of patience with the Lex, I REALLY hope it does for you what it did for me.
    I didn't get into the stuff we talked about with the adrenaline. Didn't get a chance,she stopped me as I was explaining everything that had been going on . And she started to say she thought it might be my adrenaline.

    She is going to look over some records from a specialist and in 2 weeks decide if she wants to run some tests for that. So we will see.

    As far as the clonidine I have used it in the past and it does not relieve the panic attacks. But maybe it will help in the beginning while the Lex kicks in.

    Im hopeful today

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    I didn't get into the stuff we talked about with the adrenaline. Didn't get a chance,she stopped me as I was explaining everything that had been going on . And she started to say she thought it might be my adrenaline.

    She is going to look over some records from a specialist and in 2 weeks decide if she wants to run some tests for that. So we will see.

    As far as the clonidine I have used it in the past and it does not relieve the panic attacks. But maybe it will help in the beginning while the Lex kicks in.

    Im hopeful today
    Hey man you're not the only hopeful person here.
    The year I was on Lex SO MUCH stuff changed in my life for the better it was amazing.
    I hate getting your hopes up, but I really really am optimistic about the Lex.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Hey man you're not the only hopeful person here.
    The year I was on Lex SO MUCH stuff changed in my life for the better it was amazing.
    I hate getting your hopes up, but I really really am optimistic about the Lex.
    Thats good. Ill for sure keep you up todate

  12. #12
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    Just stay strong my friend!

  13. #13
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    SO when I went to the dr the other day my BP was off the charts. And I was put back on a strong, fast acting BP med.

    Well it was high when I woke this morning and I took my meds. On arrival at school I had to take another. Today was the 1st day I had a half A$$ day. 1st part was a living hell. Second part was great (except for the headache).

    Well a few hours after school I was starting to feel bad agin and BP was on the rise. So I took my meds again. I notice that I was getting very sleepy while reading with my son. Cheaked my BP and it had dropped so low I was pretty close to passing out. So Its 5pm and Im pumpin in some coffee. I have raised to alittle.

    Just so everyone knows I have used this md before and when on this medication and monitor my bp often. For this reason.

    Its going to take some time to get the meds tuned in and some may have to be changed.

    I just have to stick to the plan.

  14. #14
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    As you know chap am in the same boat as you, got an appointment with a clinical psychologist on 12th of october and he will decide what type of psychosocial intervention my psychiatric nurse will give me when discharged, Both need to stay strong bro

  15. #15
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    Good job. The first step is always to realize you have a problem and then seeking help instead of just trying to deal with it yourself. Sometimes medication is the solution and nothing you can do about it.

    Good luck

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    As you know chap am in the same boat as you, got an appointment with a clinical psychologist on 12th of october and he will decide what type of psychosocial intervention my psychiatric nurse will give me when discharged, Both need to stay strong bro
    Hey you stay strong bro . And when you can you get intouch with me.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good job. The first step is always to realize you have a problem and then seeking help instead of just trying to deal with it yourself. Sometimes medication is the solution and nothing you can do about it.

    Good luck
    Ya been dealing for years . Did the meds, then came off. NOPE its back to the meds. I wish people would do what you said more often.

  18. #18
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    I don't remember how much I was taking, but I took Lexapro also. It worked good for me. I just switched to Effexor eventually since it helped a little more with my attention span. If I had to go back to Lexapro, I'd be ok with that.

    I also take Lisinopril (40mg) for high blood pressure. It brought it back down to where it should be.

    I'm glad you've got a good attitude about this. It's a tough experience that alot of us go through.

  19. #19
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    Nov 2007
    40mgs !!!?? I was on 5 !!!!! and that worked PERFECT FOR ME !!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    40mgs !!!?? I was on 5 !!!!! and that worked PERFECT FOR ME !!
    Hell Ive been on alot of differant BP meds and would max the dose out before they actually worked.

    Clonidine is very strong and I believe it works on almost everyone. I take a 1/10 or .1 og a mg up to 3 times a day. Drops your bp within about 20 min or you have a problem

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