There is nothing easy about having 3 girls under the age of 5 while preparing for a Figure show and let's not forget the husband which sometimes is more like another baby considering he is in preparation for a bodybuilding competition as well. Maintaining a family life filled with library classes, swimming lessons, trips to the park, meal planning and full time work, while two adults are preparing for competitions is anything but simple, it requires great amount of preparation, discipline and patience. It takes a certain individual to put it all together and come out a winner on the other side. Win, loose or draw Tracy is already a winner having overcome many challenges and obstacles, all while living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while inspiring others is enough of a reward to her.
As Tracy faces the challenges of everyday life; family, uncertainty of her career (her place of employment is closing in November), medical condition (she developed a blood clot last month of her last pregnancy and now lives with venous disease), kids, cleaning, cooking, she still maintains her daily cardio, training routine and precise nutritional program. Just because the youngest child gets up twice in the middle of the night for random feedings, that’s not an excuse to skip cardio in the morning. Just because the day does not go the way she would like it to go, doesn’t mean the gym can be skipped. Tracy gets up at 5:00am every day to ensure the cardio is completed before the kids wake up, and then it’s a race to make sure everyone is ready for the daily trip to day care and the busy day ahead. Tracy has found a way to stay 100% committed to her family life and also 100% true to her dream to compete one more time. This will be Tracy’s 15th show and she has never been more ready and determined to prove to herself that she can do it. You might be able to spell “Success” with out “Tracy”, but you can not define Tracy with out words such as strength, perseverance and dedication, she defies failure and stands for commitment to succeed. All those traits show in her training, personal life and inspire all of those around here. Tracy has already won the hearts of her 3 beautiful girls, husband and family, and now it’s time to win over the judges and prove that the dream of fitness is possible for all. That is my wifes story who is my greatest inspiration. The picture attached is her 1 week short of 1 year after the birth of our 3rd daughter and 2 week out of the show.
The pictures below are from a phot shoot 1 day after her show where she placed 4th in tall class.