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Thread: couple of questions on adult ADHD..

  1. #1
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    couple of questions on adult ADHD..

    Anyone with any knowledge...experience would be appreciated...

    1) How does the medication effect you? how does it make your life better?

    2) Does it go on record that you have ADHD for emloyers..colleges or anyone to see?

    3) can it stop you from travelling? or anyting for that matter?


  2. #2
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    Well I am taking adderall xr for ad(h)d but I don't know if I really have it or not.... I tricked the doctor into thinking I had it but i may have a slight case of add still.... anyway...

    1. if you take adderall xr you will probably feel really great because it's an amphetamine which is an upper and makes you feel great about life. Yesterday i took my adderall and life was awesome, when i thought about it i really had no idea why i was sooo happy and feeling sooo good until i remembered it's just the adderall talking.... it's amazing though! I try not to take it every day because it's still probably not the best for you to take everyday especially at the dose i take... I take 60mg adderall xr daily...

    your life will be better on it probably because it motivates you to do whatever it is you want to do.... it's awesome. gotta try it because it may not be for you....

    2. NOOOO this stuff is confidential (in the states at least) that would be illegal to disclose to an employer or anyone else for that matter.

    3. you can still travel for sure.... if you are worried about the meds and going through security check points you just need to take them in the original bottle.... then you're fine.

    hope that helps

  3. #3
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    hey tripmachine thanks for the reply.......

    i think ive def got ADHD.....i think ive allways had it....but when i was growing up i was just classed as a hyperactive bad 28...

    ive done an online test...and it says ive got it and should go and see a doctor.....but i hate taliking about my shit.......ive allways thought of reasons not to i wont be allowed to travel to Australia if ive got it........i wont be able to get a job etc etc..

    could anyone explain to me what symptons they have???.....ive looked on line but id like personal see if i can relate.........i think im a bit depressed aswell.....i dont know how to define that because im a very pleasant and upbeat person.....and hide how i feel very well.......

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    Anyone with any knowledge...experience would be appreciated...

    1) How does the medication effect you? how does it make your life better?
    - Dry mouth; desire to be quite; desire to focus; sweating; sweaty palms... better in life? umm.. it makes me focus. lol

    2) Does it go on record that you have ADHD for emloyers..colleges or anyone to see?
    - no. lol. unless your boss is your prescribing doctor no one will have a clue.

    3) can it stop you from travelling? or anyting for that matter?
    - LOL.. what? where would you even get this idea from?? lol

    advice in bold.

  5. #5
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    I've been on and off add meds my whole life since second grade
    helps me stay on task, not procrastinate, get more done, enjoy being productive.

    makes me a little more anti-social and ridgid. My sense of humor is a little lost and general joking nature disapears when I pop my pills.

    Nobody can find out your medical records in the US that you don't want to, it's the law.

    why would it stop you from traveling? you can always leave your pills at home if you want and you'll just go back to how you are now. It's not like once you take a pill you can never be without them again. But, who's gonna stip you of your scripts when you travel anyway?

    a major side effect that is relivent to people on this site is that it makes food repulsive to me. You won't be able to eat like you can now and weight loss is likely.

    I found some of my add symtoms were coming from an underlying sleep disorder where I wake up every 90 seconds so I never get any REM sleep. I'm hoping to phase out the meds cause they aren't ideal, but you should try them for yourself and find out.

    Don't use strattera, your penis won't work.

  6. #6
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Vitruvian man......i havent got a clue were i got that idea from...i think it was more of an excuse not to go and see the doc.......

    Kratos....what did you say to the doc....i mean how would i bring it up...ive never talked about it to anyone......i did not think about not getting the pils over with me..thats not my issue....i thought that i would have to declare any medical issues on my visa app and that it may stop me from getting my visa......

    BTW im from England.....

  7. #7
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    just go to a psychiatrist, tell them you've always fell like you might have ADD. List the symptoms you're having, the way it impacts your life and how you think it could be better. Be honest and he may do some tests on you. If you feel like you have more trouble in the morning or whatever let him know. Don't bother making anything up, and you'll get the best assesment. It's pretty simple really.

  8. #8
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    i would never make anything up......i see no point in lying......i dont want to be on meds....i can get most drugs anytime i want if a wanted just wondering if itl make my life better to be honest.......ive became a social retard over the past 2 years...were as before i was the life and soul of the party......i think i may be depresed in some form aswell....i dont know.......

    any way cheers for the info........

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    Anyone with any knowledge...experience would be appreciated...

    1) How does the medication effect you? how does it make your life better?

    2) Does it go on record that you have ADHD for emloyers..colleges or anyone to see?

    3) can it stop you from travelling? or anyting for that matter?

    1.) ADHD meds are stimulants. In proper dosages they will help you achieve your goals as far as concentration is concerned. Your grades will improve and you may have an overall feeling that is more optimistic. In excessive dosages you will be jittery, have delusions of grandeur, lose your appetite, and develop an addiction.

    2.) Colleges do not care if you are on meds; many students are. Employers who drug test you will know because you tested positive for speed. That is what these meds are. They will not care as long as you have a script.

    3.) No, I believe you can travel with your meds are long as you have a script. Just watch out for your appetite. I don't think ADHD meds and AAS are complimentary and therefore should not be used simultaneously. Both could negatively effect your b/p, heart rate, give you palpatations, arrythmias, or worse.

    Good luck

  10. #10
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    thanks western man.........well ive jsut started back at college after a few years maybe they could help me focus.....

    the reason behind the travel question was not to take meds with me.......but to be able to get a visa for Australia.....i didnt know if you had to declare ADHD and am trying to find out if it would stop me obtaining a visa....

  11. #11
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    ADHD wont prevent you from getting a visa.

    I thought I had ADHD at one point so I read up on it.

    Went to the shrink and told him what I thought so he wrote me a script of riddelin.

    At first I thought it was helping but not enough, but it was curbing my appitite big time.

    He kept upping the dosege until I was at the max of 120mg/day.

    I thought I was doing better, but found out that it was really doing the opposite of what it was supposed to do... making my attenion span 2 seconds or less and focus... what was that???

    Turned out I didn't have ADHD but I do get sidetracked easily.

    Good luck

  12. #12
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    Always have the prescription bottle on you.
    Adderal is an amphetamine so it is illegal to have them with out a prescription.

    I'm not sure, but if your employer makes you take a piss test it might show up. Again just have your prescription bottle on you.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    ADHD wont prevent you from getting a visa.

    I thought I had ADHD at one point so I read up on it.

    Went to the shrink and told him what I thought so he wrote me a script of riddelin.

    At first I thought it was helping but not enough, but it was curbing my appitite big time.

    He kept upping the dosege until I was at the max of 120mg/day.

    I thought I was doing better, but found out that it was really doing the opposite of what it was supposed to do... making my attenion span 2 seconds or less and focus... what was that???

    Turned out I didn't have ADHD but I do get sidetracked easily.

    Good luck
    Your doctor didn't prescribe you 120mg of ritalin a day.

    after dosage is 20 - 40mg ED. not triple the recommended dosage.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Your doctor didn't prescribe you 120mg of ritalin a day.

    after dosage is 20 - 40mg ED. not triple the recommended dosage.

    Im in Boston... thats what the guy had me on. No lie. Maybe thats why I got so screwed up...

  15. #15
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    thanks for the replys...........

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    ADHD wont prevent you from getting a visa.

    I thought I had ADHD at one point so I read up on it.

    Went to the shrink and told him what I thought so he wrote me a script of riddelin.

    At first I thought it was helping but not enough, but it was curbing my appitite big time.

    He kept upping the dosege until I was at the max of 120mg/day.

    I thought I was doing better, but found out that it was really doing the opposite of what it was supposed to do... making my attenion span 2 seconds or less and focus... what was that???

    Turned out I didn't have ADHD but I do get sidetracked easily.

    Good luck
    So WHY do you get side tracked easily? That is one of the major signs of ADD. Maybe it's just the meds you where on did no her you, that is why there is more than one type/brand.

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