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Thread: T3 and TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    San Diego, CA

    T3 and TRT

    Guys, I am sorry if this seems like a dumb question but I have to ask it.

    I wanna do a cycle of T3 and I heard it eats muscle without some type of AAS. I am currently on TRT. Low dose at 100mg Test C EW. Would this be enough to keep my body from burning my muscle? I plan on stacking clen as well.

    Im 200lbs at 11% BF been dieting pretty hardcore now for the past 2 months. My goal is to get to 8% BF with as little much muscle burn as possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    personally i think you'll be fine. but someone could say other!

    wait for a few more comments

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Are you taking your 300 to 400grams of protein a day? T3 and clen will sure get you down from 11 to 8% but will chew away your muscle at low bf without supporting test and protein. I would stop t3 once I hit 9% and keep going on clen and test.

    ive just started t3 last week and im 12% now. But im also taking stanazol (winny), sus, test prop and hgh. Im doing ten days on, one week off on t3 and taking clen on that week. So far so good, can see my ribs but im not loosing weight, gained 4lbs since i started this cycle but lost 1% bf.

    As gunzy said, wait for more feedback from some pros too but since im on t3 currently, i thought id give you my results. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    San Diego, CA
    I'm definitely not getting that much protein in my diet. Been eating maintenance calories, with around 200g protein. I weigh 190. I have been on a CKD diet. People advise against this with clen but I never really found out why so I am gonna try it and see what happens. Right now I am just gonna try a 2 week cycle of clen and see how far I get.

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