Bro, you are looking good. Definitely better than 'before.' This is great. I might be putting in an order for S4 very soon.
Bro, you are looking good. Definitely better than 'before.' This is great. I might be putting in an order for S4 very soon.
Bass I like ur log... Might be because that's the type of results I wanted to hear from s4 might give it a try
thanks Bro, I still have lots of BF, my goal by 6/21/2010 will be down to 10% or less.
Okay, I need to do a quick report regarding my elbow pain also the vision side effect. first the elbow pain, this morning as expected I felt a little pain in my elbow but only at a specific spot, where before it was all around my elbow, so that’s a good news.
Vision side effect, last night was the first time I’ve noticed it kick in. I was working on the computer in my bedroom and the lights were off, so basically I was staring at the computer screen for about an hour or so, when I turned it off and went to bed I couldn't see a thing, the window blinds were open and there was light outside coming into the room, whatever spot I looked at it went dark but could see from the side of my eye , for example if I looked at the widow directly there was nothing, but as soon as I rotated my eyeballs away from the window I could see it clearly. it took about an hour to get my vision back to normal where I could see everything in my room and nothing went dark when I looked directly at it. during the day I am fine, it seem to be a minor problem (more like annoying) only in this situation. I feel great today, my biceps are sore more than ever and I am loving it.
PS. I also noticed soreness in my chest and probably from doing back exercises but never before felt sore like this. I may not look it but I feel tight, as if my skin was shrink wrapped around my body. great feeling.
Last edited by bass; 10-01-2009 at 10:20 AM.
also like to mention my weight loss has stopped, I am weighing the same since I stared, I was loosing 1 to 2 pounds a week. I haven't changed my diet, so this could be muscle gains, but not sure yet.
well, for sure you are making progress. please keep posting pics.
oh yeas...its legit...and no as far as PCT, so far no one has suggested to do PCT, in fact it was suggested to use S4 during PCT.
Have you noticed an increase in libido, yet? Will there be?
i think so...
Okay, just thought its important to report this, i just got back driving over one hour at night, a little uncomfortable because all the incoming headlights looked yellow tinted and was confusing especially looking in the rear view mirror, but still was manageable. today is my rest day and my body still feel very sore, i was on fire today and just wanted to rip the weights up and do my chest workout, but managed to restrain myself and just take the day off, i am all fired up really and can't wait for tomorrow, chest workout. So far so good.
PS. I didn’t get enough sleep last night due to the energy drink, so I felt really tired today and somewhat lightheaded, but we’ll see how I feel tomorrow since I am going to sleep now and hopefully get a good night sleep.
So this is helping with joint pain, do you think this would help with tendinitis?
thanks for the complement killface, it really means allot to me. i really have no idea, but from what i have read and seen i think i am between 25-30%. perhaps when i post the results photo without a shirt at the end of my cycle, then have members take a guess. BTW, May 10th, 2009 is when i stared my diet and so far i lost 30 pounds, maybe more because i think i have gained muscles as well, i know this because i keep punching new holes on my belt, i wear 36" pants now and they are getting loose again, i can easily pinch my belly skin and it feels soft, where before i couldn't even fit it in my whole hand and it was hard. so far my skin is tight on my body, so no sagging so far.
Okay, here is new findings,
i normally take two Advils in the morning and two prior to workout right about 6:30pm, that seem to help with the pain, since yesterday was my rest day i didn't take the evening advils and this morning i felt minor pain in the joint area where the tendons are. i tend to sleep on my arm during the night and wakeup sore on my shoulders, so i could have slept on it and aggravated the joint. BTW, no shoulder pain whatsoever in the last week or so. today is my chest day and will be trying an exercise that i haven't done in over 6 months due to a shoulder injury, DB flys. we'll see.
PS. my triceps still sore, never lasted this long...
Bass u are looking good man.. No way u are 25 % bf
no way! are you guys for real? 18-20%!!! man that would be awesome if you guys are correct...i should get it checked anyway.
Bass your gonna have to take your shirt off for me to get a good look at cha bro.I glad to hear that overall your liking the S-4
thanks bro, but i am still hesitant to take the shirt off because of the fat around my breast area, but once that’s gone i will take the shirt off, here is one i just took after my chest workout few minutes ago. i will write up the report in the next post.
BTW Chap, because you’re listed as a friend you can see my albums, i have two, one is for dieting and the other is for bulking progress.
Okay, here is my report for today’s chest workout. I was all fired up and ready to rip the weights.
I started with DB flat press with 45 pounds, then did 60 pounds up to 12 reps, that’s 4 more than my usual, then another 8 reps of 60 pounds which I normally don’t do, then finished it with 50 pounds 12 reps. Felt great.
My highest for incline DB was 40 pounds, I did three sets of 12 reps at 45 pounds with no pain. Also increased the angle by 10 degrees.
And finally for the DD exercises I did the flys starting at 15 pounds 20 reps, no pain, then increased to 20 pounds 12 reps, no pain, then finished with 30 pounds 10 reps at a slight incline. Felt great but with little pain, nothing to worry about.
Finally I did cable crossovers and the only pain was at the right elbow, but still was able to finish my three sets with no damage. Its funny I didn’t feel the elbow pain when I was doing biceps!
Overall, I had more strength, stamina and less pain, I feel as if my joints are really healing. Another good workout.
From the looks of it. You seem to be under 20%.
Sorry for the late report, and thanks for your input everyone...
Yesterday was my triceps day, it felt good and was able to do more weights than usual. Everything else has leveled it seems, no increase in strength, endurance or energy, but still feels one step ahead. The vision thing is still the same, yellowish tint and it takes about an hour to adjust in extreme light to dark. But during the day is tolerable, no other negative side effects. I look a little leaner but have not noticed any fat loss, the scale still says 203-205 and have been at this weight for about a month or so. I am still at 100 mgs per day.
Today is a rest day from lifting, but did a one hour cardio and the energy was great.
thanks for logging your cycle, i just recently found out about S4 but I wanna do more research before I consider it an option, your log is definitely helping with my decision though. In regards to your BF, id have to agree your probably around 20%
Thanks Scooby.
Okay, just finished shoulders and legs, I was able to add 20% more weights and felt fine throughout, I felt I could do more weights but wanted to play it safe so stayed with the 20% increase. I feel the fat around my chest is melting faster than it was before the cycle, however the belly fat seems to be the same. I am looking leaner for sure, and no major pain so far. The elbow is doing much better, still minor pain on the right elbow tendon but no where near what it was before the cycle. Shoulders seem to be doing really good. Vision still the same as my last report. Blood pressure is 105 over 68 and heartbeat at 94 bpp (normal is 117 over 73 and heartbeat at 75 bpp), I just finished working out, so I am still cooling down. I am still sweating more and easily just from simple movements. Skin still very clean, no acne. Libido still normal perhaps more than normal. So far so good.
PS. Also my mood has been really good, no sign of aggression whatsoever.
How long have you been on? How long do you plan on being on?
Here as a post from another site about serms and vision
"Apparently most vision problems begin to occur after a week of continual use. The thought is that with a 4 hour half life, doing a 5 on 2 off will keep vision problems out of the equation."
i really don't want to interrupt the cycle, and the vision thing is not all that bad, and will go away after i am done.
in my previous report i stead no change in fat loss around my belly, well today i weighed 208 (that’s 3 pounds more than my weight) and the belt felt a little more lose that usual. so i guess the fat around my belly is melting as well, not sure if its faster with S4, but it is melting. i am most impressed how fast the fat around my chest is going away especially around my nipples.
Just finished my biceps and back workout, it went exactly the same as my last workout, so there is no need to repeat.
hey are you taking 100mg at once or are you dividing it 50mg twice a day?
bass, keep up the great work and keep logging your results.
You are helping out a lot of people here. Me included.
Thank you.
Yes, please keep us posted! I'm following intently since I'm seriously considering S4 after my next cycle. It looks like it will help retain gains after PCT & possibly keep the growth going...
i like to wait at least four months before i do my next cycle. and depending on my results from this cycle and blood test i may start with 150mgs per day. but after that and hopefully by June next year I’ll be at or under 10% bf, then I’ll consider serous gear, i don't know what yet.
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