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Thread: The amazing effects of Anavar

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    How are your lipids........I was on 50mg and after one week my HDL is 30.......(down from 70) I have caps so opened them all up and recaped @25mg, see if the lower dose keeps my lipids in check

    I have been reading of guys HDL coming back undetectable, and a ton of guys in the single digits. (50mg seams to be the norm)

    Just something to think about before jumping on var.......

  2. #42
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    Yes, Test and some other compound would surely facilitate more muscle growth and size per cost but suppose you have a problem with injectables? Or maybe you run into some unwanted side effects? The fact of the matter is this: Anavar works well on it's own or stacked; it is more expensive than Test but it is also much safer. Which drug you decide to use is up to the indavidual - assuming they have considered their goals and their methods to acheive those goals. Some people don't want the size that straight Test would grant.

  3. #43
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    Mar 2009
    I'm thinking I might try anavar on my 2nd cycle instead of dbol.

    Kinda stuck between trying one of the following: tbol, anavar, or halo.

    My main goal is strength and lean muscle gain, so how well does var compare to tbol and halo for strength gains (I'm betting halo beats it hands down strength-wise, but I'd like to hear opinions)
    Last edited by xephonics; 08-28-2009 at 01:40 PM.

  4. #44
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    I've never tried Tbol or Halo so I can't really say what their effects are like; however Anavar does NOT improve your strength by any massive increment (unlike Testosterone) - I did noticed, however, mild strength gains after the first two weeks of useage as well as some size gain.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    ahhh, probably not my best bet then, ty for the info

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    It all depends on your goals bro. Like me, Ive stalemated on my routine after training and dieting strictly for 5 months, in which Im down to 13 % bf and 216 pounds. I wanna get to 220 and to 10-12% simultaneously. 40-50 mg of var/day for 6-8 weeks should make me realize those goals. I cant wait to start!

  7. #47
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    I just finished a 7 week Anavar only cycle. I took a total of 40mg a day and over the course of the 7 weeks I gained about 10lbs of muscle; lost a couple pounds of fat; and developed the hard - vascular look that I have always idealized. In short: I loved the Var. The only problem I really had with Anavar was the price.

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a more cost effective way to keep fat off as well as maintain the hard, vascular look that Var provided. Sugestions anyone ?
    Before/After pics or it never happened....

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    Yes, Test and some other compound would surely facilitate more muscle growth and size per cost but suppose you have a problem with injectables? Or maybe you run into some unwanted side effects? The fact of the matter is this: Anavar works well on it's own or stacked; it is more expensive than Test but it is also much safer.
    Just wanted to address the bold points; if you've got a problem with injectibles you've got no business using steroids IMO. Also anavar being safer than test? Show me the studies. Orals have been proven to be more detrimental on blood lipids and liver values than injectibles. You may get side effects from anything you're taking; anavar not excluded. Something to consider. I prefer injectible test to any other steroid out there, bar none. Low sides and great benefits for me. Can also be ran long term at lower doses with no significant detrimental effect on lipids/cholesterol. Can't say the same for anavar or any oral

  9. #49
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    Feb 2008
    ninesecz: you give some shit advise for being a monitor. anavar is a grat oral..maybe the best. lean solid gaines that stays longer than any gaines made on test. 50-80 mg a day will give you some great gains. try it before you bash it

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by AeroBeef View Post
    ninesecz: you give some shit advise for being a monitor. anavar is a grat oral..maybe the best. lean solid gaines that stays longer than any gaines made on test. 50-80 mg a day will give you some great gains. try it before you bash it
    Take it easy buddy. Anavar is prescribed for children. If you're talkinf about $ then anavar doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

  11. #51
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    Feb 2008
    well..HGH is also prescribed for children..but some people still think its worth the money. i agree that anavar is expensive, but for me it was def worth the money. got leaner and gained 6 lbs when i went from 700mg test prop ew to 50mg anavar ed in the end of my cycle.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by AeroBeef View Post
    ninesecz: you give some shit advise for being a monitor.
    and i thought i was the only person that noticed this

  13. #53
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    ^^Monitors aren't vets or mods.

    Cut him some slack
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  14. #54
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    Missed this post:

    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Well if you think a full grown man Gained that from just 40mg of Var than you are not as good as I though you were! 15# off of 40mg day of Var for a grown man is an Aweful lot of LBM to gain!

    School me if you can.

    NB: You're arguing that:

    [the effect of 7 weeks anavar] = [12-20 weeks diet + cardio]

    (thus making 7 weeks of anavar 'pointless' and an 'unnecessary expense')

    Personally I would think that:

    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    All the Var did is take what you would have done in 12-20weeks by yourself and fast forwarded it!
    ...sounds like a lot.

    That kind of reasoning is like saying "don't do steroids... because what you achieved on 12 weeks of test is equivalent to what you could've done in 12-24 months naturally".
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

    Published Author.
    Owner of :
    Apollo Fitness Barbados etc

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  15. #55
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    10 lbs muscle, while dropping bodyfat, while dieting, with 40mg var only, in 7 wks???? We shall have to see some stats and cycle experience but Im calling bullshit.

  16. #56
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    I wonder how much any of you know about Anavar...... Test has the potential for more side effects than just Var.. Lets not argue about facts people. The low risk of Anavar is exactly why they perscribe it to children - thus it is a safer steroid in principal. Yes, there are many people who do fine with injectables and experience no issues - great, so what ? Are you applying your experience to everyone elses and claiming it to be some great absolutle ? The studies are out there just look for yourselfs......................................... ...................................

    And yes, I gained 10 lbs of muscle in 7 weeks off of an Anavar only cycle. Call bullshit if you like - it only will make you look more ignorant. Where are the forum athorities that actually monitor these discussions ? There are a lot of opinions flying around these forums when there shouldnt be....

  17. #57
    ^^ ahem....

    Marcus M.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    I wonder how much any of you know about Anavar...... Test has the potential for more side effects than just Var.. Lets not argue about facts people. The low risk of Anavar is exactly why they perscribe it to children - thus it is a safer steroid in principal. Yes, there are many people who do fine with injectables and experience no issues - great, so what ? Are you applying your experience to everyone elses and claiming it to be some great absolutle ? The studies are out there just look for yourselfs......................................... ...................................

    And yes, I gained 10 lbs of muscle in 7 weeks off of an Anavar only cycle. Call bullshit if you like - it only will make you look more ignorant. Where are the forum athorities that actually monitor these discussions ? There are a lot of opinions flying around these forums when there shouldnt be....

    Have you ever made a test en only cycle?
    Last edited by BJJ; 10-05-2009 at 03:39 AM.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    I wonder how much any of you know about Anavar...... Test has the potential for more side effects than just Var.. Lets not argue about facts people. The low risk of Anavar is exactly why they perscribe it to children - thus it is a safer steroid in principal. Yes, there are many people who do fine with injectables and experience no issues - great, so what ? Are you applying your experience to everyone elses and claiming it to be some great absolutle ? The studies are out there just look for yourselfs......................................... ...................................

    And yes, I gained 10 lbs of muscle in 7 weeks off of an Anavar only cycle. Call bullshit if you like - it only will make you look more ignorant. Where are the forum athorities that actually monitor these discussions ? There are a lot of opinions flying around these forums when there shouldnt be....
    No it does not make me look more ignorant, I just want to keep things in perspective. lets see some stats? if it was your first cycle or you were small and not to your potential to begin with then yes it could happen. could i gain than much from anavar now days? no way in hell. btw, was 10 lbs your net post cycle or your on cycle weight?

    And one reason anavar is prescribed to children is b/c it doesnt convert to estrogens and thus doesnt prematurely close epiphesal plates, not necessarily b/c its "safer". we know for one thing it has far greater adverse effects on the liver and blood lipids than testosterones.
    Last edited by powerliftmike; 09-04-2009 at 12:27 PM.

  20. #60
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    I weigh more now then I did before Anavar..... So I A) Gained all that weight despite the Var or B) The Var added the pounds. Those are the facts; those are the options....

    And as far as my liver is concerned: I feel 100 percent comfortable with my liver suffereing. Did you not know booze is hard on the liver as well? This is a Steroid forum people, obviously the shit we put into our body - Test, Var, whatever - is NOT 100 percent safe so no one on this site has any right to pass judgement. I liked Var because it added 10lbs of lean muscle: yes it did, oh yes it did.

  21. #61
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    anavar is the fcken shit, one of the best things you can use. people hate on it because: A) its expensive B) stupid internet articles about how its "weakest steroid" C) stupid idiots buying under dosed shit


  22. #62
    In defense of some of the posts on here. - I did a 7 week T-bol only cycle as my very first cycle & gained 12 lbs. of (lean) body weight while shedding a bit of bf%. I weighed 185lbs. when I started & finished around 197-198 after the 8th week. All depends on your goals, diet, training etc. imo

    From reading this forum I realize that everyone responds different to different compounds & thus some may have better results than others so why pass judgement on those that had better gains or results than you.

    I'm thinking of doing a Var cycle next since I've heard good things about it.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    I weigh more now then I did before Anavar..... So I A) Gained all that weight despite the Var or B) The Var added the pounds. Those are the facts; those are the options....

    And as far as my liver is concerned: I feel 100 percent comfortable with my liver suffereing. Did you not know booze is hard on the liver as well? This is a Steroid forum people, obviously the shit we put into our body - Test, Var, whatever - is NOT 100 percent safe so no one on this site has any right to pass judgement. I liked Var because it added 10lbs of lean muscle: yes it did, oh yes it did.
    Did you do a bf% test before and after you started the cycle?That would be the only way to determine your 10lb lean mass claim.

  24. #64
    Yes, guys you can buy it in bulk for much cheaper. I promise!

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    I weigh more now then I did before Anavar..... So I A) Gained all that weight despite the Var or B) The Var added the pounds. Those are the facts; those are the options....

    And as far as my liver is concerned: I feel 100 percent comfortable with my liver suffereing. Did you not know booze is hard on the liver as well? This is a Steroid forum people, obviously the shit we put into our body - Test, Var, whatever - is NOT 100 percent safe so no one on this site has any right to pass judgement. I liked Var because it added 10lbs of lean muscle: yes it did, oh yes it did.
    Ok, ill ask for the third time. what are your stats? Someone without much training background and start weight of 140 is much more likely to gain 10 lbs than someone been training years and years and 200 lbs bw. and this is all assuming it was lean weight gain. Im not trying to argue with you, Im trying to have you provide information so some 15 kid wont get on here and be like 10 lbs in 3 wks on var!! im doing it. we need to have more objective information on here.

  26. #66
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    strike 3 dude, edit that post

  27. #67
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    I did a summer cycle of Var, second cycle that I have done. It was great just as the the first, no sides, nice pumps and lost fat. I kept reading on here all the hate for just running Var with no Test, but i could not disagree more with those comments. I am 22 5'8" amd 165 BF% 10. I ran week 1 40, 2 40, 3 60, 4 60, 5 80, 6 80, 7 60, 8 60, 9 40 per day.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Well if you think a full grown man Gained that from just 40mg of Var than you are not as good as I though you were! 15# off of 40mg day of Var for a grown man is an Aweful lot of LBM to gain!
    ninesecz, keep in mind it was only around 10 lbs he gained which is possible for a first time cycle. Everyone responds differently to certain drugs and dosages.

    And not to answer for NARC but I think he was saying you cannot gain muscle while dieting down naturally. That would be true!

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    So usually when you diet, you gain 10 lbs of LBM over 12-20 weeks?

    I'm curious.
    Exactly my thoughts nark! Umm, isnt that why we do aas, to speed up the process?!? ANyways, i think those are very nice gains. Just 7 weeks of a mild anabolic at a very mild dose, those are great gains imo!

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    I've never tried Tbol or Halo so I can't really say what their effects are like; however Anavar does NOT improve your strength by any massive increment (unlike Testosterone) - I did noticed, however, mild strength gains after the first two weeks of useage as well as some size gain.
    What about your HPTA function at the end?
    Did you do blood analyses to check your hormones and liver...? (before/later)
    Also, how about your sex drive during your cycle?

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