PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!! Hello to all! I am a new female member and in need of some help. I have found members of this web site to be great at giving knowledgable advice. My goal is to lower my body fat % from 17% to 12%. I can't seem to get rid of that stubborn adipose tissue, even if I starve myself!! I also would like to add a little more muscle and get as cut up as I can (especially in the leg and ab departments)! My lower body needs to catch up with the top!
I have been a compeitive athlete (equestrian, swimming, and some running) all of my life and have been lifting weights seriously for a little over 2 years, with the help of my fiance. I lift 5 days a week, one body part per day, and do cardio at least 5 days a week for 30min. to an hour ( I am recovering from mono. right now so the hour cardio sessions are only twice a week). I eat high protien (125-160g.), good fats, and my carbs consist of fruit and veggies ( sometimes oatmeal). I also drink lots of water, no sodas. My supplements are as follow:
ECA/thermogenic in the A.M. and 1 before workout
ZMA at night
multivitamin ( xtra vit. C and calcium)
I just ordered clembuterol and cytomel to help me out. I am excited to start them but could use a little guidence. I am willing to bust my butt as much as possible but I need direction and lots of help/suggestions.
I can't wait to see what you say/tell me. I have found this web site to have VERY knowledgable folks that know their s**t!! I am open to all comments and criticism, you won't hurt my feelings....I know I have my work cut out for me! Thank you for your time!
My stats:
Age: 22
Height: 5'4"
Weight: anywhere from 110 ( give or take a cupple lbs.)
BF: 17%