So any improvements so far ?
So any improvements so far ?
Yesterday was my rest day from lifting, I only did one hour cardio.
Today, I just finished my chest workout, it felt great again, I used the same weights as last time but all exercises felt much easier, again I did 12 reps of the 60pounds DB flat press, I think I will upsize in my next workout, maybe to 65 pounds, I want to make sure I don’t rip or tear anything. As I mentioned before regarding my shoulder injury that I couldn’t do chest flies, last week I did DB flies, well today for the first time in over six months I did cable flies at 25 pounds on each side, and felt no pain, I could have gone more but again I wanted to play it safe. I believe the S4 helps joints and perhaps speed up recovery of torn muscle and tendons, I say this because my shoulder pain is almost gone, and my elbow tendon pain is disappearing slowly but much quicker than my last elbow injury on the left arm. My chest looked pumped up more than usual and even my son who competes with me said “wow” when he saw me afar workout.
PS. As I said before, I still have way too much fat around my chest and belly, but my chest looks much rounder than before and leaner. the transformation is much quicker with S4 in my opinion.
BTW, I wasn’t comfortable in posting my pics because I still have allot of work to do, but I think it is important to show you guys where I was and where I am now, so I am posting a pic before I started dieting and one from few days ago. I don’t want you to get disappointed thinking I’ll look like Jay Cutler or Ronnie Colman when I post my pic after this cycle!!
NOTE: corrected the cable flys number from 50 to 25 pounds, sorry i misread the weights.
Last edited by bass; 10-19-2009 at 10:40 PM.
That's an impressive improvement Bass. I think you're going to be very pleased with your physique in another couple of months if you keep it up (which I'm sure you will).
thanks for logging this!
thanks guys, i think its important to tell you that even though my chest workout was easier last night, i am absolutely sore to the core today, so that means i got a good workout despite how easy it felt. another thing i like to report is the vision side effect. my last report was that it took about an hour or so to get my vision adjusted after i turned the lights of, now its not adjusting at all. i woke up around 4:00am and still couldn't see the window when i looked directly at it, but as soon as i turn away i see it from the side. so the vision is getting worse, however during day its fine, its even fine at night when the lights are on, its only when I turn the lights off to go to sleep.
thanks Killface, i have been working so hard since early this year, so many injuries and so much sacrifice especially when it comes to food. but i have learned so much, even now i try to look for easy answers, but the more i am here the clearer it becomes that i need to keep working hard and make sacrifices to reach my goal, and i will.
You are looking awesome, bro. Keep up the great work and keep us posted.
So you have no water retention either with SARMs? No bloat?
Great job bass! your journal is very informative. i just ordered S4 today from Lion. they just got some back in stock this morning. i will too be logging my day by day. do they give u a measuring device to figure out how much to take or do i have to buy one myself? thanks
Thanks Jumpman, yes they do give a syringe measured in mls, one ml is 50mgs. the syringe is a cheapy though, the numbers erase easily, i suggest to wrap it with clear tape to protect the numbers from being erased, or just buy a good one. i look forward to your log, have you decided what dose you'll be doing and how to divide it?
BTW, even though i don't need to do PCT, i am doing Clomid 25-50mg a week for 4 weeks and Nolva 20mg a week for 4 weeks.
SARMS is something that I'll like to look into in the future... Maybe next cycle?but I'm not really convinced about it's results. Did you notice any difference when adding the SERMS? The reason I ask is because some athletes do "cycles" of just SERMS to "boost" test levels. An endurance athlete dosent need body builders doses of testosterone so that does the trick.
I'm not knocking it in anyway. I will still try it out down the road.
Anyways... Really excellent log. Lots of great info. Great progress!
thanks, you are probably right, SARMs may not do much for younger people but for me it did what i needed, relive or maybe healed my joint pains, have more energy and strength for sure. i don't know hope to compare it with anything else since this is my first cycle of anything, perhaps maybe that’s why i am pleases so far, but i know its not going to put allot of muscles, but just the fact t hat i can lift more and get sore for days is great.
Great job bass I'm really happy for u ... Seems like u are going to be getting a very nice shape soon... U can really see the hard work in the difference ...about the guy who asked for s4 it's good cuz it's not illegal .. Even lion sells it from the top banner ...
thanks bro, actually i read someone's post asking where can he get S4, and he was bombarded by others telling him he can't ask for sources, i didn't want him to get in trouble.
anyway, i just finished my triceps workout, wow...better than last time, i increased the weights by another 15% and no pain whatsoever. here is a photo i just took right after triceps workout,
Okay cool. I just wanted to make sure. I will probably start of at 50mgs, taking 25mgs twice a day, for about 5 days. And then ill probably up it to 75-100... I havent read back in this thread, but are you taking it everyday or are you doing 5 days on and 2 days off?
p.s. and about the PCT. I also have clomid. Do you think i should cycle it with my S4? Will the results be better?
yes i am taking it everyday, and for the PCT question sorry i wish i can answer it for you, actually i asked couple of friends here about the PCT and that’s how i decided to do it. Phate also did the S4 cycle and he said you don't need it, but because i am almost 50 i don't want to take any chances. i hope someone can answer your question...
Freaking awesome post Bass.. This is very informative. I have been doing a real deal cycle but I am always interested in different options. This is very cool, keep up the hard work brother and you have made excellent improvements.
i purchased two bottles, so 4 weeks. i will start PCT right after i am done with S4.
Hi everybody,
I am 7 days into Liquid S-4 now and I feel its time for a short notice of my current "results". Taking 1 ml (i.e. 50mg) ed in 3-4 doses. I am 160 lbs with BF around 10%.
Well, good things first. Fact is, I do/did not experience any negative sides from the stuff at all. No vision thing, nothing.
Now the problem is, I do not see ANY positive effects, either! No strengh increase, not the slightest visual change of the body, no change in body weight, just nothing.
I did not take any AAS for the last 20 years and considering myself to be very sensitive to any performance enhancing stuff...
Anybody else had similar (non-)results ?
Maybe I got a spare bottle of the 3mg/ml batch ?!
I have a question....What if you run S-4 and some PH/DS????? Say like SPAWN or M-Drol???? What results would you get? Do you think it would have the same affect as say HGH? Let me know waht you think....Thanks....
I'd suggest grapefruit juice. Not only will it mask the taste, it inactivates the CYP3A4 enzyme, which breaks down S4, among many other drugs. It could lead to higher peak levels or a longer half-life of S4. Certainly can't hurt.
i just squirt it in my mouth and drink glass of water immediately. i try to take it on an empty stomach.
BTW, rest day from lifting today, i only did one hour cardio. my chest is still sore from two days ago.
Good log. Great progress for ur age
good stuff, bass.
thanks guys,
i need to report this even though yesterday was my cardio only day. last night i felt the pains for the vision side effects, literally. i went outside while the lights were off and tripped over a chair, it hurt like son of a btich, even my son who was walking with me looked at me like (how in the hell you didn’t see that chair!). also went driving and it was terrible, the only thing i could see was where the headlight were pointing. so driving at night while on SARMs is not recommended.
as far as i have read yes, and according to Phate who ran this cycle his vision went back to normal in about 5 days after he stopped, he had it worse than me, i think because he was doing 150mgs a day, i am doing 100mgs a day.
Today was my shoulders and legs day, but decided to do biceps and back, I was able to increase 10 pounds more than my last workout on the cable curls, same pain on the right elbow but very tolerable. So far I don’t see major gains, but definitely strength and endurance.
Last edited by bass; 10-11-2009 at 09:52 PM.
sorry, yes 100mgs per day...i'll correct the post above.
Yesterday i did shoulders and legs, strength still good but no increase since last workout. vision problem is getting annoying especially at night when i turn the lights off. i can't wait to finish this cycle, i want to see if my joint pains will come back and if the strength gains will stay. normally i rest before chest day, but my chest feels great and completely sore free, so I’ll do chest today, triceps tomorrow then rest one day.
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