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Thread: packaged ripped open..delivered anyway

  1. #1

    packaged ripped open..delivered anyway

    a friend of mine had a package ripped or accidentally torn open and sloppily taped back up with clear tape. and the large rip was on the back of the package not the front. it wasn't the green customs tape people talk about. a couple amps broke and he thinks that it made the envelope rip cause it was a little wet. or it was just poorly handled. it wasnt just a small tear, it looked like someone opened it. the package was delivered and was stamped "received in damaged condition" by the local post office. he took the package anyway and their was no raid or warrant to search his house. he has another pack coming from the same source that hasnt arrived yet. should he pick it up? what happens if u refuse to accept a package? cause the return address is probably not real.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Then your friend's source sucks ballz.

  3. #3
    if my friend closes his mailbox, will the future packs on the way be returned to the sender?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Kinda depends on where you are from. If there is not returnadress, then (at least here in Denmark, Europe) it packet will remain at the postaloffice for aprox. 2 months, and then it'll get opened and/or send to destruction.

    But where are you from? It's difficult to say anything about risking a chance unless we know what country you're stationed in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    id say hes fine

    i work in shipping and items, large or small get damaged and opened and taped back up all the time. everyday. no one reports shit. ppl hate their jobs. ppl dont go above and beyond.

    it probably ripped. some worker taped it. and kept going

    if there was no paper work
    or customs info

    hes fine

    have the other packs delivered

    everyone always thinks the feds are gonna sit at the post office and wait for ppl

    not happening

    they have lots of other ways to find you and to come to you

    on their own time

    after they build a case

    and the feds arent gonna waste times with a few amps delivered to no one (no offence to your friend)

    and the local cops dont have the time or man power to do so either

    they want the big guys
    the distrubutors

    your friend can keep his mailbox open

    but as its been said

    his source sucks. lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Earth (currently)
    i would assume that IF anything was going to happen, it would've been in regards to the first package of which the contents were already known and NOT have anything to do with the next package that they may or may not even know is coming and have NOT confirmed the contents of.

    short answer - he got the first one with (almost) no problems, i'd DEFINATELY go pick up the second.

    all in all i can see why it feels so weird, tho

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i had a powder package come like that to but the bow had been cut open w the powder envelopes hanging out but USPS put it all in a clear plastic bag. i had nvr been so sketched in my life lol i was expecting feds to swarm me when i walked outa the post office lmao

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I've been reading a lot about steroids and how they are handled differently from other drugs. I keep reading that they are going after the end user and not the big king pin because they are typically out of the country. So, that being said instead of trying to get you to rat on the big wig they will go after the individual user.

    Just be careful...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Ur only 1 possible package from being operation****** butthole. No ur ok. I sure wouldn't have the next one going to the same box tho.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    @PistolPete: Depends on country, and its current drug-policy; the war on drugs has definately meaned increased manpower and such, but give me one good reason why they'd go after the average person who just runs a few cycles? They'd have to go after at least the one selling it, meaning a pusher of some sort, other than that, they would in NO WAY have the needs justified (all the money they spent on preventing drugs such as AAS) - it's too damn expensive.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I don't know from personal experience if they are doing this or not it's just what I've heard. IN one of the magazines this month (I believe it was MuscleMag) there was an article related to this that was pretty good. They basically state that because most of the dealers are out of the US they can't go after them so they are going after the end use.

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