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Thread: My SARMs S4 Log

  1. #121
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    i should have rested today! i could barley finish my chest workout today, i normally rest one day before chest day but decided to workout without rest anyway. Regardless i got a good workout, my chest is pumped and already sore. no pain in the joints whatsoever, just the expected minor pain from heavy lifting. i did flys with more weights and felt great, in fact my last set was about 9-10 rep to failure. i am still hovering at about 205 pounds and my belt still feels comfortable or the same when i started.

  2. #122
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    great triceps workout today, my normal weight stack is 120 pounds which is 12 stacks, last workout i went up to 14 stacks, but today i went up to 16 stacks and my feet kept coming off the floor, great stamina and strength. My chest is killing me today from yesterday’s workout, sore as hell. I love it. Today was very noticeable that my belt was loose, almost wanted to pull more but there were no more holes. So this means I am loosing fat and gaining muscle for sure, because I still weigh the same perhaps a little more. I believe the effects are showing now more than ever, I almost don’t want this cycle to end, but I got to take a break and get my vision back to normal. so a longer cycle in my opinion is the way to go if you want to gain muscle. My next cycle will definitely be three months maybe with a lower does.

    PS. Either my syringe was off or the bottle didn’t quite have 30ml of S4, my second bottle is almost empty, this puts me in three weeks and two days for two bottles of 30ml, which means I was dosing an average of 130mgs per day. Also like to mention the first week I dosed at 75mgs per day, so the rest doses could have been more than 130mgs per day.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    This is incredible!! Awesome, Bass!!! SARMs is living up to the hype.

    I'm putting in my order today.

    Again, thanks Bass, you've been a great help.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftsmore View Post
    This is incredible!! Awesome, Bass!!! SARMs is living up to the hype.

    I'm putting in my order today.

    Again, thanks Bass, you've been a great help.
    its my pleasure bro, and good luck with your cycle.

  5. #125
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    ******News flash******

    okay folks, since i am seeing a spike in S4 effects in the last few days, I decided to do another 3-4 weeks. so my log will my chest is still sore as hell and i am loving it, the pain on my shoulders and right elbow is virtually gone, this is the reason why i am continuing this cycle. i will do a blood test in few days just to make sure things are okay. i'll keep you all posted. Today is my rest day.

  6. #126
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    Tryin to get Abs
    hows ur vision been?

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    hows ur vision been?
    Crappy, only at night though, but I think the benefits outweigh the negatives, so I’ll continue...

  8. #128
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Canada
    Good to see ur happy with the results ... I am very tempted to try this thing out

  9. #129
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    So you're extending it another 4 weeks? So it will be 3 months on sarms?

    Please post those blood tests. That will be the deciding factor for a lot of people, I think.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftsmore View Post
    So you're extending it another 4 weeks? So it will be 3 months on sarms?

    Please post those blood tests. That will be the deciding factor for a lot of people, I think.
    no, this cycle with two bottles lasted 3 weeks and 2 days so far, this is why I’ll be doing another two bottles to extend the cycle to 6 weeks total, maybe 7 weeks depending on how accurate i use the syringe.

  11. #131
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    Have you noticed that your stamina is up? Do you feel more fresh at the end of your workout?

  12. #132
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    Ally intrested in the blood work! Keep up the awesome log!

  13. #133
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    another thing i keep forgetting to mention is, my muscles are rock solid, they never felt this hard, i even asked my wife if they felt hard, and she was amazed how hard they were. After tomorrow I’ll take another bicep photo and compare it to the one I already posted and see if there is any difference in size and physique.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    Have you noticed that your stamina is up? Do you feel more fresh at the end of your workout?
    yes more than ever, i keep forgetting i am almost 50 years old and try to push more...

  15. #135
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    i was only able to increase the weights by 10 pounds, but overall it was a good workout, i could have gone more but my right tendon was starting to hurt, so i didn’t increase the weights. now the tendon pain was constant before S4, now i only feel it on the first warm-up set, after that no problem. here are photos of today, not sure if you can see a difference compared to the last one! BTW, today was my biceps and back, back feels sore already.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Bass 10-2-09.jpg 
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    Last edited by bass; 10-22-2009 at 10:08 AM.

  16. #136
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    BTW, i ran out of S4 this morning, so i only took 25mgs today, i guess i wont be getting my two bottles until Monday, hopefully. we'll see if i feel any different without it for few days.

  17. #137
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    great shoulders and legs workout today, even though i ran out ff S4 for few days i added more weights, the only pain i felt was around my right elbow, but again very mild. Now i got the S4 and will continue for the next 3 weeks or so at 100mgs per day.

    PS. Just thought I’d mention it, i think I as about 2-3 days without S4 and the vision did not improve, I think it will take longer, perhaps 4-5 days, I hope! The new S4 tastes different, kind of like fiberglass glue, not that I tasted fiberglass glue, but it tastes like the smell of fiberglass, if that make any sense!

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    great shoulders and legs workout today, even though i ran out ff S4 for few days i added more weights, the only pain i felt was around my right elbow, but again very mild. Now i got the S4 and will continue for the next 3 weeks or so at 100mgs per day.

    PS. Just thought I’d mention it, i think I as about 2-3 days without S4 and the vision did not improve, I think it will take longer, perhaps 4-5 days, I hope! The new S4 tastes different, kind of like fiberglass glue, not that I tasted fiberglass glue, but it tastes like the smell of fiberglass, if that make any sense!

    Thats weird. do you think they made it different or anything?

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
    Thats weird. do you think they made it different or anything?
    i got it from the same place! not sure, he did say its higher quality, so we'll see.

  20. #140
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    well i guess im gonna order two more bottles from lion too cuz i wanted to do a 5-6 week cycle as well. im half way done with my first bottle and its only been about a week

  21. #141
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    Thanks for posting, I'm interested in Bloodwork, can you please post bloodwork before? How far off are you from second test? Cheers

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Thanks for posting, I'm interested in Bloodwork, can you please post bloodwork before? How far off are you from second test? Cheers
    here is my blood test before, i think I’ll weight until i am done to do the after blood test, another 3 weeks...

  23. #143
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    Chest workout today, i felt pain on my right shoulder as if i injured it on my last workout, it wasn't as intense as i expected or even the same as the last one, but still got a decent workout, more intense compared to before the cycle. this new S4 i got is making me feel better, not sure how to explain it, but kind of lighter on my feet. all my vital signs are still in top shape, my blood pressure is 113/73, this is great for my age. my heartbeat is still the same, no signs of testicle discomfort, acne, gyno or anything like that. the night vision really sucks, this the the only thing i can't wait to get back to normal.

    Today I added 10 more pounds doing cable flys, basically I went up to 30 pounds on each side, this is great since I wasn’t able to do it at all even with 5 pounds. I also did 60 pounds x 10 on my last set incline press DB, my max before S4 was 40 pounds, but the rest was the same maybe a little more as my last workout. I think I will increase the dose to 150mgs per day starting tomorrow.

    PS. The weight loss is confirmed, I weighed 201 this morning which is less than what I weighed couple of days ago or so. My chest feels bigger, my arms look more muscular and strength still good if not better, so this tells me that I am still burning fat and maintaining or gaining muscle. I bought a scale that reads body fat as well, its not close at all but I use it for a reference, I check my BF after I take a shower and its been reading very consistent, when I started two weeks ago BF was at 30.1% then kept getting less and less, and now its reading 27%, so this tells me I am burning fat. I still do intense 30 minute cardio 1.5/3.5 minutes for 30 minutes in the morning on empty stomach, and 30 minuet low intensity cardio after workout. My diet has not changed, 300gs protein, 200gs or less carbs, and less than 50gs fat, lots of greens. I eat 8-10 times a day, and don’t count calories.

    Sorry for the lengthy report.
    Last edited by bass; 10-19-2009 at 10:37 PM.

  24. #144
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    60 pounds total on the flys not 60 on each side, sorry about the mistake. i will correct my above posts as well.
    Last edited by bass; 10-19-2009 at 10:43 PM.

  25. #145
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    Hmmm, not sure but i am not as sore as the last two times after chest workout! my right rotator cuff was bothering me all night, damn it i think i pushed too hard. Also for some reason my right elbow pain was more noticeable during the night, not sure what this means, probably i pushed it too hard as well. anyway, i started my 150mgs a day this morning and we'll see what happens.

  26. #146
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    So just for math purposes ... This is 4 times 125us$ ? For 6 weeks of cycle?

  27. #147
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    At 150mgs ed that equals to one bottle every 10 days. so you would need about 4 bottles at $169. holy cow! well, to me its worth it so far, i wasn't expecting to make any gains due to S4, but gains from lifting heavier, which SARMs allowed to do that. also because i can get easily...

  28. #148
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    Your numbers are looking good, bass. Impressive. Don't apologize for the lengthy reports...they're great and informative.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    Your numbers are looking good, bass. Impressive. Don't apologize for the lengthy reports...they're great and informative.
    Thanks Tballz, i like to be as accurate as possible so not to mislead anyone. just took my second does of the day, dam this shit taste like, well shit...i swear it tastes like toxic glue, i hope they didn't send me glue by mistake! this would really freeze my joints. LOL

  30. #150
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    hey do you think it would be okay to take Milk Thistle while on S4? Thanks Bass

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
    hey do you think it would be okay to take Milk Thistle while on S4? Thanks Bass
    not sure bro, i don't even know what milk thistle is! But i eat and drink anything i want as long as its food, health food that is. I try not to take medication or drink alcohol while on the cycle. i also take my does before meals and drink one glass of water so in goes right through my stomach and starts working immediately.

  32. #152
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    Great triceps workout this evening, same weights as last time, endurance is good and strength is stable. I am noticing looking more leaner, even colleagues at work made comments.

    I got the word that this new S4 is more pure for one...the COA on this batch came back at 99% purity, which is very awesome... plus every batch comes out slightly different, depending on the amount of flavoring used. I was told to shake very well before every use. Tomorrow is rest day, Cardio only…

    PS. Few people mentioned irregularity in the bowel movement, like diarrhea or soft stool, in my case its soft stool, but I stopped eating flax seeds and started eating one head of celery every day, and my stool has normalized even with 150mgs ed. So far so good.

  33. #153
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Wow, Bass thank you so much for this. I have been looking for some reliable info on the new SARMs S4 for a while. Did you get the SARMs from arr? Looks like the SARMs S4 is giving you some very good strength results. Is it doing anything for your stamina as well? Love to see that this stuff is working so well, keep it coming. Thanks

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by thane222 View Post
    Wow, Bass thank you so much for this. I have been looking for some reliable info on the new SARMs S4 for a while. Did you get the SARMs from arr? Looks like the SARMs S4 is giving you some very good strength results. Is it doing anything for your stamina as well? Love to see that this stuff is working so well, keep it coming. Thanks
    You are welcome. yes ARR. stamina is great.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Great triceps workout this evening, same weights as last time, endurance is good and strength is stable. I am noticing looking more leaner, even colleagues at work made comments.

    I got the word that this new S4 is more pure for one...the COA on this batch came back at 99% purity, which is very awesome... plus every batch comes out slightly different, depending on the amount of flavoring used. I was told to shake very well before every use. Tomorrow is rest day, Cardio only…

    PS. Few people mentioned irregularity in the bowel movement, like diarrhea or soft stool, in my case its soft stool, but I stopped eating flax seeds and started eating one head of celery every day, and my stool has normalized even with 150mgs ed. So far so good.
    wow 99%. thats awesome. i hope my batch is like that i just got today. where did you here that from?

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
    wow 99%. thats awesome. i hope my batch is like that i just got today. where did you here that from?
    from the big cat himself.

    my first order was in a bottle that looks like what’s on the banner, but the new batch bottles looks more like a vial, dark blue color. also the first batch was kind of separating toward the end, not sure if it was the oil or the sugar! but this new batch i haven't seen any separation.

  37. #157
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    okay, I’ve come to a conclusion and will finish my cycle when my third bottle if finished, i just can't stand the vision being so week at night. i am half way done with my third bottle and have about a week or so to go. so I’ll stop, start my PCT, then go get a blood test done and see what we got. I’ll keep this log going even after my blood test especially if there are major changes.

  38. #158
    Join Date
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    Wow the ARR sarms is 99% purity, that's amazing. This has to be the best sarms around. Loving your SARMs log, very good information. And I am really interested in trying this product. What is the lowest dose you took and still noticed effects? I wanted to try this at 50 mg per day and was wondering if that would be enough to start seeing effects.

  39. #159
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    freakin, you should be fine starting it at 50mg ed. This read on sarms has been posted here before but it's worth posting again. Great read!!

    99% purity is awesome.

  40. #160
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    i mentioned how i was getting comments from colleagues at work, so i took a photo today, and posting a photo from two months ago, just a short time before i started the cycle. i think i see a difference, what do you guys think?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bass_aug-21.jpg 
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    Last edited by bass; 10-22-2009 at 02:29 PM.

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