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Thread: post-comp issues

  1. #1

    post-comp issues

    I competed June 27th. I just got my full panel blood work back and my free test levels were very low, 182..... not the best feeling. I did not run any test during or before pre-comp prep. I did not PCT because with what i was taking i thougth i would have been ok. However my prep was 16weeks.. looked great, but paying for it now. I just started some PCT after seeing the results. My question is does anyone think i have ruined my natural levels? will my body rebound from this?

    I am 25 and this is the 1st time i have been this low.

  2. #2
    C'mon guys someone has to have something on this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Souf Afrika
    Quote Originally Posted by JJs1712 View Post
    I competed June 27th. I just got my full panel blood work back and my free test levels were very low, 182..... not the best feeling. I did not run any test during or before pre-comp prep. I did not PCT because with what i was taking i thougth i would have been ok. However my prep was 16weeks.. looked great, but paying for it now. I just started some PCT after seeing the results. My question is does anyone think i have ruined my natural levels? will my body rebound from this?

    I am 25 and this is the 1st time i have been this low.
    Run an Aggressive PCT...Hopefully it will return ur Test levels to normal.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JJs1712 View Post
    I competed June 27th. I just got my full panel blood work back and my free test levels were very low, 182..... not the best feeling. I did not run any test during or before pre-comp prep. I did not PCT because with what i was taking i thougth i would have been ok. However my prep was 16weeks.. looked great, but paying for it now. I just started some PCT after seeing the results. My question is does anyone think i have ruined my natural levels? will my body rebound from this?

    I am 25 and this is the 1st time i have been this low.
    How long was your last cycle for?

  6. #6
    I was on for 16.. i have never done a cycle that long but this was also my !st comp.

  7. #7
    not long been to a seminar by a doctor in the uk who said that if you had been on a cycle for 12 weeks then thats how long it can take for your body to start responding naturaly. It could depend on what you had been taken also, I took gear for about the same amount of time in 2007 and things started getting right with me around three months after.

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