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Thread: Need help not sure if this is good cycle..

  1. #1

    Need help not sure if this is good cycle..

    Hey guys just about to start a new cycle and it is a little bit random.. reason for doing it is the stuff im thinking about using is 100% real and i know this.. because where i live it is very difficult to get real stuff. im going to use 2 ml of max pro 197 ( not the actual stuff but snapped 4ml sus 3ml deca 250 and 3 ml tren 75 into a vial ) that works out to be 150mg deca/ 50 tren and 200 sus. and then im going to add 2 mls of enanthate 200 ontop of it.. grand total of 800mg per week.

    i have used a course of pure test before and one of dbol before that. im far from a training novice used to be elite gymnast and now im a competative body builder. Im not asking if this would be the best mixture of compounds for me to use because i know its not. but im asking would it be ok? because this is all i can really get my hands on. i would run it for 12 weeks.. PCT is not an issue. Thank you and i appreciate your input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    before any of these questions can be answered we need to know more about you.

    body fat
    cycle experience
    workout experience

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    before any of these questions can be answered we need to know more about you.

    body fat
    cycle experience
    workout experience
    answer this first bro... thanks!

  4. #4
    im just about to turn 23 im 6,1 and 98kg.. so i think thats about 220 pounds i always try to stay quite lean even when bulking so in regards to body fat i wouldnt put myself any higher than 9%. i have been a personal trainer for 3 years and studying nutrition.. so my training// eating isnt really a major concern but i have around 4 years gym experience and even since the age of 13 i been lifting due to gymnastics. the last cycle i did was just straight enanthate and that was close to a year ago i kept about 17 pounds was really happy with the results.. spent a long time looking for another trust worthy place to get gear and i finnaly found it but this is all thats on offer. i didnt wanna run just another straight course of test and i couldnt get the deca / tren seperated from the sus because he already mixed it together. so i figured even if im stacking small doses of deca//tren with my enanthate it would be more beneficial to my gains than if i didnt. oh and when i was about 18 i used 8 weeks worth dbol.. just bloated up and lost most of it afterwards. cheers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I advise against that cycle for a couple of reasons but the obvious one is that you don't have enough for a complete cycle.
    Have you thought about pct?

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