I'm curious - why did you take 100mg per day (I think you went up to 150 at one point?). Or Jumpman taking 175mg per day.
Was there a reason for specific amount?
I'm curious - why did you take 100mg per day (I think you went up to 150 at one point?). Or Jumpman taking 175mg per day.
Was there a reason for specific amount?
i like to mention that last night was the first time i could see the window, but not when i look at it directly, i have to turn away then i can barley see it on the side of my eye, also the tinted lights color is starting to go away slowly.
Did a great biceps workout yesterday, no loss in strength or stamina so far, my arms looked more defined and bigger, so far so good.
I meant, why 100mg, instead of 50mg or 25mg. I wasn't sure if there was a reason.
I'm keeping mine at 50mg to see if there's any effect. If I get the night vision thing and there's effect, then I may even bump it down to 25mg to see if that is enough. Just trying to see what works and what don't. Thanks
There's another log on a different board where the guy is doing 10mg ed. He says he's getting results.
i guess i didn't have patience, i took 50 for about a week then went up to 100, it may very well worked the same with 50. and like Tballz said, i wouldn't be surprised if 10 would have some effects as well. the effects are not small, they are very noticeable, so you will know whether the 50 is working for you or not, if not then go up a little every week until you reach your maximum dose.
bass thats great that you have no loss in strength, and actually look even better! Glad your vision seems to be improving too.
I am at 50mg each day. 10mg? Wow thats low, I thought i was low
I hear ya - I want to up my dosage so badly, the temptation is so great. Still I want to stick with this dosage because I want to keep this going for at least 8 week, better 12 weeks. Even 12 weeks go too fast when you're feeling so good.
Tballz, can you pm me the link?
Forgot, I'm splitting my dose into 3 servings. 1ml = 50mg - so I take 1/4ml in the morning, 1/2 ml for afternoon workout and 1/4ml before going to bed. The timing is based on what I read, about the half life being 8 hours - is that correct, anyone?
Last edited by endus; 11-04-2009 at 02:28 PM.
i read half life was about 4-6 hours. but this brings an interesting question maybe a stupid questions because i am not a chemist, if half life is 4, 6 or 8 hours, why doest it take 10-15 days to get your vision back to normal? doesn’t this suggest that it is still active in the body for days?
It was one of the article sited here but can't find it again - it might of been 4 hours but somehow 8 hour stuck - old age does thatAs for vision restoration, only thing I could think of it is accumulation?
I do have to say, I had one of the more intense workout ever tonight. It was my shoulder/trap day and my normal weight of 120x10 shoulder press was not enough and had to go up another 20lb. It might of been a fluke as I've just changed my routine (sling shot) where rest period is longer. I'll wait till evidence is bit more concrete and/or repeatable - its only been 5 days so far. I'll chuck this into placebo effect.
bass, I would assume its because of the binding going on. The eyes must have receptors or something and whatever is active in this stuff is binding to them. That would take longer to get rid of then the active S4 in your system. And half life is sort of confusing too. The way I inderstand it is after 4 hours, it is only 50% still there. Then after another 4 hours its half of 50, so 25% still there. And so on....
well my vision is doing exactly the reverse, now i can see where the window and patio door is clearly but not when I look at them directly. t its nice to see my vision is coming back. the yellow tinted color is still there but not as severe...
Patent 6,569,896 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=zmS...BAJ&dq=6569896) shows that the half-life of SARMs to be about 6 hours in dogs. I saw another study *(I am looking for the link and will post it when I can)* that showed the half-life in rats to be around 500 minutes (just over 8 hours).
Regardless, it is apparent in both studies that nearer the time of ingestion (or shortly thereafter) the concentration of S-4 would be most prevelant in your system. (Within the first 100 minutes).
Therefore, I believe it would be easy to conclude that this should be taken pre-work out. This would allow for the proper 'pump' during work out, and sufficient blood concentration afterward to help with recovery.
Its very interesting to note that SARMs seem to have a much more lasting effect in females.
Note: In the introduction, SARMs are referenced for use in testosterone therapy, etc... That isn't what is interesting. What is interesting is that it is also referenced as a male 'contraceptive'
Last edited by STnewbie; 11-05-2009 at 10:19 AM. Reason: Addition of Note
i just realized the blood work order my dr. requested only checking for liver and kidney activates, but i also want to check for test levels, i asked him and he said we already did one and there is no need for another. can i order a blood test from a lab myself? i mean i'll pay for it my self bypassing my insurance. and is there a lab that have a technician that comes to your home or work and take a blood sample?
You could use one of these service - http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Male...ne_Testing.php
never mind, i see the one lab i use all the time, so I'll give them a call. any recommendations as to what to test for? Testosterone level, liver, kidneys...anything else?
how about these two packages?
that looks good. I've never used Health one as I live in NJ (can't do test with NJ address). I did use Private MD for my last cycle (while back) as they don't require NJ address - I just had to do the blood drawing in PA.
With PrivateMD, they post everything online in 2 days. I used to do 2 to 3 test while on cycle to see where I'm at. With them, I only did Free/total testosterone count. For rest, I just went to my doctor every 6 months.
Thanks Endus, here is what my dr. ordered,
is there a need to do this posted in my previous post?
this is my last photo I’ll be posting here just for comparison sake, i worked my chest today and went just as good as last time.
Thanks Bro. i would love to do some serious gear one day, i am just not ready yet, still have lots of fat and only been lifting for less than a year. i love to look you up for some help when the time comes though.
do you know your starting and up to date bmi?
is pct required after a sarm??
never got it checked professionally, but from what I’ve seen based on estimates, i was 235 and not whole lot of muscle, so i am estimating BF about 35%-40%, now some members are estimating it at 20% or less based on the photos. You can go to my photo albums and see the diet photos just to get an idea.
I will be conducting PCT but only because I am taking Tren/Stane....I will do the following:
Clomid: 100/100/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/40/20
Just read a thread from another board and this person is saying that S4 shut him down hard. He mentioned acne, shrinked teste, etc. I would do a PCT for few weeks at least. Probably Nolva is all you need.
Yes, this one particular gent is saying it does suppress HTPA. I could PM the post if anyone wish (this is on paid board).
At this point, its all hearsay since there's no concrete proof (blood test). I guess we'll know when Bass gets post his blood work. Still I would think it would be a good thing to have your PCT/SERM materials on hand - just in case.
as of last night my vision is back to normal, and still doing heavy lifting, no strength has been lost so far, i am still losing weight (fat), for the last three days I’ve been weighing at 197 pounds...
Last edited by bass; 11-10-2009 at 01:20 PM.
Excellent! It must feel great to not have the night/tint vision issue. Let us know if there are any changes to see how long it take (if any).
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