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Thread: Insulin Cycle (For those interested)

  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler;493***5
    I don't care how slow the lifts are, I would never even get a decent warm up with those weights... Why risk any form of extreme supplement like AAS or slin? To take you to your next level? Maybe after slin you can put weight on the bars? Really man, SLIN CAN KILL YOU, post some pictures if I'm wrong but you risking death and you don't even have a base
    If you perform perfect form, you won't be going higher then this, my normal curl is 55 pounds dumbell each arm, and basicly i'm growing bigger by just doing this.

    use the perfect form, and curl your arm when you reach top, then put a pressure while you go on the negative part of the exercise, once you reach full extension of your biceps go up again without any burst slowly, and keep going that see if you can do it with 80% of your weight you normal take and do 8 reps.

    go try it out buddy and see if you can't get a decent workout,

    "speak less arrogant and ask before putting some stupid comment like you said"

    *and my base is 185, 13% bodyfat* I can show you a list of all my body parts measured.

    *also this morning 5.2 Blood sugar / 183 pounds* <-- happy normaly my weight in morning is below 178.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house


    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    *and my base is 185, 13% bodyfat* I can show you a list of all my body parts measured.
    don't forget to mention that your 6' tall there mr. Coleman... Sorry for ever questioning your god-like body...

    ...I also like how you assumed Ive never done hypertrophy before.
    Last edited by thenextcutler; 11-09-2009 at 05:44 AM.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I will probably switch to a carb / protein shake, whenever I'm done my weight gainer( probably 20 scoops left) if everything goes well and see if it will keep the fat off.
    A little bit worrying that you don't know that a "carb / protein shake" IS a weight gaining shake. And you are taking insulin... holy shit.


  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    If you perform perfect form, you won't be going higher then this, my normal curl is 55 pounds dumbell each arm, and basicly i'm growing bigger by just doing this.

    use the perfect form, and curl your arm when you reach top, then put a pressure while you go on the negative part of the exercise, once you reach full extension of your biceps go up again without any burst slowly, and keep going that see if you can do it with 80% of your weight you normal take and do 8 reps.

    go try it out buddy and see if you can't get a decent workout,

    "speak less arrogant and ask before putting some stupid comment like you said"

    *and my base is 185, 13% bodyfat* I can show you a list of all my body parts measured.

    *also this morning 5.2 Blood sugar / 183 pounds* <-- happy normaly my weight in morning is below 178.

    he might have said what he did, in an arrogant fashion. but he is right regardless. you lack any form of muscle base to begin with. and you must not have much time in the gym, judging by the low weight you are using for your excercises. which is all fine, as everyone has to start somewhere.

    but the reason you keep getting flamed, is because you have chosen to experiment with something, you are clearly not ready for. when you havent even put in any effort naturally yet.

    people here only want to see others succeed. and you are setting yourself up for failure, so of course people are going to try and talk you out of it, in their own way. when you start messing around with AAS before having a base, you turn yourself into a yo-yo gainer. you gain when you use, then lose it all when you go off. i realize you arent messing with AAS yet, but this is worse. you have decided to skip a step for some reason. /rant

  5. #85
    nilrac, you can take protein shakes, and also carbs, just a fyi, weight gainers have a bunch of other stuff.

    and someguy, i've been at the gym for 5 years, and if you wanna see about the size I am without me putting a picture, go look at BJJ's picture and I almost look alike.

    and my natural limits are this weight sadly, I will not gain more weight,

    maybe when my metabolism slows down but that might be till like 35 or later,

  6. #86
    I didn't also really skip a step, my goal was and more then likely still is, to do 1 week of insulin, then jump on some aas when I get the dose right unless I see a significant gain, and then I will cycle AAS again at the 10th week in my AAS cycle.

    and if I gain a significant amount of weight on insulin alone, I just won't jump on AAS

  7. #87
    and basicly I am at the point in my life that I wont have another chance to be on a perfect diet, and train at the gym religiously, and have the money and the time to do everything properly, and this will only be 3-4 months.

  8. #88
    And basicly I am stubborn so you won't stop me, even if you try I'm old enough to know the dangers that this stuff can possibly do to my body I've done the research on AAS and also insulin,

    And basicly I am posting a log at what will happend in the next 3-4 months span, and if you wanna keep reading on it go for it, if not no one is forcing you to read it.

  9. #89
    And I will be posting my picture one week in, and keep posting every week after that, just need to get a camera with a usb link

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    nilrac, you can take protein shakes, and also carbs, just a fyi, weight gainers have a bunch of other stuff.

    and someguy, i've been at the gym for 5 years, and if you wanna see about the size I am without me putting a picture, go look at BJJ's picture and I almost look alike.

    and my natural limits are this weight sadly, I will not gain more weight,

    maybe when my metabolism slows down but that might be till like 35 or later,
    Listen to what I am saying... a weight gainer shake is a caloric dense supplement. It contains Carbohydrates, usually mostly starch based, and protein. It is usually a ratio of 2:1 carbs to protein, but ofcourse varies.

    Obviously, this is not the topic at hand, but you keep saying that you are taking weight gaining shakes, but then say you want to stop the weight gainers and start "Carb/Protein" shakes. Protein shakes have next to no carbs in them, a couple of grams if you are lucky. And while some gainers contain good amounts of L-Glutamine and BCAAs these days, they are simply carbs and protein. Nothing else other than vitamins and traces of certain elements.

    My point was that if you don't even know what a weight gainer shake contains, then you certainly have no business taking insulin. However, I wish you goodluck and I hope that you don't have any seizures and/or slip into a coma, as other members have quite rightly pointed out. To be fair, you seem to be ontop of your blood sugar levels, though that must be fairly annoying having to constantly monitor it. I would suggest some natural training and after some experience, maybe qualify for AAS use. But it's your life, not mine.

    Best regards!

  11. #91
    my weight gainers have some fat inside of it also, and basicly I wanted to take waxy maize or whatever its called to get carbs into my system right away, and take a protein shake on side to keep my protein intake high.

  12. #92
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    So you are not taking any AAS but just insulin? Yes you should gain some with just a slin but its not really alternative to AAS.
    Both combined is dif story.
    I have been on AAS for a long time before decided to get on slin. Now curently at 10ius morning and 10iu's evening.
    Just make sure u cut on fatty foods especially after the peak of slin.

  13. #93
    I'm currently staying at 7 IU post workout for now, till I jump on AAS,

    my blood sugar level at peak time is droping fairly low, that I normaly need to take a juice, to get it back up till my complex carbs get digested and starts to run in the blood stream.

    normaly at 1 hour and 30 minute post-workout this is where its peaking, and even with a weight gainer post workout and a / pasta meal with tuna I'm still droping to 3.8 blood sugar level, then I take few drinks out of orange juice, gets me back up and then it hits 7.0 blood sugar and then for the rest of the day it stays above 5.0

  14. #94
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    just be careful. Cold sweats and shaking are not fun been there bunch of times till i dialed up my food , carbs, shake intake. Now i feel great.
    It can hit you when you least expecting.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    morning, 9am worked out chest

    80lbs dumbells bench 8 reps 3 sets
    65lbs incline dumbells 8 reps 3 sets
    15lbs flys 12 reps 4 sets

    also did abs

    took 6 IU insulin, took weight gainers, got back home my blood sugar is at 6.2 after 1 hour, taking a high protein/carb meal,
    is it me, or is something wrong here?

    are you posting warm up sets?

    Do you have light/heavy days? Whats the deal?

  16. #96
    i take my sugar level pretty frequently, and post-workout make sure to take it 1 hour after and 30 min till 3 hours to make sure it dosen't go down too low.

    not the most fun thing to do but it keeps me alive without any hypo.

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    morning, 9am worked out chest

    80lbs dumbells bench 8 reps 3 sets
    65lbs incline dumbells 8 reps 3 sets
    15lbs flys 12 reps 4 sets

    also did abs

    took 6 IU insulin, took weight gainers, got back home my blood sugar is at 6.2 after 1 hour, taking a high protein/carb meal,
    is it me, or is something wrong here?

    are you posting warm up sets?

    Do you have light/heavy days? Whats the deal?

    do to broken colar bones, broken arm, broken ribs, rip ligaments, disk displacement, herniated disks,

    i'm sorta limited to my abilitys to lift heavy weights, to a certain point.

    I can't do straight bars benches, and dumbells one side is somewhat stronguer then the other one and basicly 80 lbs per arm is enough for dumbells, I can go up to 100/ each arm with a spot and do 3 reps.

  18. #98
    And I dont really wanna be a very big boy, considering I'm doing MMA and kick boxing on side and my flexibility and agility is needed.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    And I dont really wanna be a very big boy, considering I'm doing MMA and kick boxing on side and my flexibility and agility is needed.

    ok, now i am very confused as to why you are bothering with this at all??

  20. #100
    trying to get to 210-220lbs to change brackets

  21. #101
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    You getting hot flashes at all?

  22. #102
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    Very interested in hearing what the end results will be and what your opinion on it are. Stay safe.

  23. #103
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    GSXRACER, What your cycle experience in the past.

    I too think Insulin is extremely dangerous, and would prob never reach the need to take it.

    You take tooo much Test....... Your horny and grow like a mofo.

    You take too much Winstrol.......You get ripped.

    You take too much Fina.............Your lower back mite hurt and youll have trouble sleepin

    You take too much EQ................nothing happens.

    You take too much insulin...........YOU DIE!!!!! Plain and simple. (COMA!!)

    Good luck and i hope u have the expereince to know what your doing. keep us posted on how its coming.

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    do to broken colar bones, broken arm, broken ribs, rip ligaments, disk displacement, herniated disks,

    i'm sorta limited to my abilitys to lift heavy weights, to a certain point.
    You are 'doing' MMA? Good luck with that... Not exactly the best sport for someone with Orthopedic problems, but hell, your doing an insulin only cycle... This is wrong on so many different levels...

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by got fina? View Post
    GSXRACER, What your cycle experience in the past.

    I too think Insulin is extremely dangerous, and would prob never reach the need to take it.

    You take tooo much Test....... Your horny and grow like a mofo. There are implications but one wouldn't run 3000mg's for a 1st cycle.

    You take too much Winstrol.......You get ripped. Hairloss and liver problems

    You take too much Fina.............Your lower back mite hurt and youll have trouble sleepin. Potential kidney problems and tren is harsh on the body

    You take too much EQ................nothing happens. LMFAO! THATS SOME FUNNY SHIT

    You take too much insulin...........YOU DIE!!!!! Plain and simple. (COMA!!)

    Good luck and i hope u have the expereince to know what your doing. keep us posted on how its coming.
    Comments in red.....


  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Comments in red.....

    Yes i understand. But i meant if u slipped and just did it once.. Just one shot.

  27. #107
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    The problem with this thread is that some other idiot will come along and read this shit and die because he read on some forum that some guy was doing an insulin only cycle and didnt have any problems... The OP might get away with it, but the next poor bastard... I guess its Darwinism... OP, u got any kids?

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by rcmf5525 View Post
    OP, u got any kids?
    He's probably 16, so I doubt it.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by rcmf5525 View Post
    The problem with this thread is that some other idiot will come along and read this shit and die because he read on some forum that some guy was doing an insulin only cycle and didnt have any problems... The OP might get away with it, but the next poor bastard... I guess its Darwinism... OP, u got any kids?

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    gsx??? u ok?

  31. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by idrockasupra View Post
    Honestly i wanna see what happens, op has obviously done his research and thats all you can really hope for. Good luck and be safe man.
    Good luck, ok yes. Is this smart and safe, emmm NO!!!

  32. #112
    Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    morning, 9am worked out chest

    80lbs dumbells bench 8 reps 3 sets
    65lbs incline dumbells 8 reps 3 sets
    15lbs flys 12 reps 4 sets

    also did abs

    took 6 IU insulin, took weight gainers, got back home my blood sugar is at 6.2 after 1 hour, taking a high protein/carb meal,
    is it me, or is something wrong here?

    are you posting warm up sets?

    Do you have light/heavy days? Whats the deal?

    do to broken colar bones, broken arm, broken ribs, rip ligaments, disk displacement, herniated disks,

    i'm sorta limited to my abilitys to lift heavy weights, to a certain point.

    I can't do straight bars benches, and dumbells one side is somewhat stronguer then the other one and basicly 80 lbs per arm is enough for dumbells, I can go up to 100/ each arm with a spot and do 3 reps.
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    And I dont really wanna be a very big boy, considering I'm doing MMA and kick boxing on side and my flexibility and agility is needed.
    :aaok****t: Honestly people, I think this KID is full of shit and getting a kick out of this whole thread. IF he had that many broken bones and fvcked up injuries. I highly doubt, he would be in MMA. And gsxrgirl, why are you even taking anything if your goal is not to increase strength and size. PLEASE, Do explain!!!

  33. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxracer View Post
    trying to get to 210-220lbs to change brackets

  34. #114
    Join Date
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    lol guys seriously, everyone in this forum thinks this kids an idiot

    yous have been trying to pursuade him to stop using it for 3 pages now

    just give up and let the baby do what he wants

    plus we all know hes not going to get any descent results

    leave the kid be and have a laugh at his stupidity, i think this thread is gonna be fun to watch

    the kids a joke, his lifts are a joke, his idea of using insulin as an alternative to steroids becuase it could be safer is the biggest joke

    lets all just sit back and watch this kids dissapointing results, and let him learn his lesson

    he is just stubborn and the only way hes gonna learn is from his mistakes

    know everyone in this forum trys to look after each other, especially the vets, but sometimes just gotta let people be and let them learn for themselves

    the kid knows insulin can kill him and its risks but he still persists, let him be now

  35. #115
    Lemme ask u guys something im 6 2 250 18%bf my lifts are :

    bench 275x 5 reps
    squat 405 x 5 reps
    dl 425 x 5 reps

    lifting 2.5years total have lost alot of fat and gained alot of mass, im 23, do you think my lifts are too low for only 2.5 yrs of natural lifting? i ask bc another forum said i should get my lfting stats up before i cycle, i always thoughtthey were pretty good.

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by idrockasupra View Post
    Lemme ask u guys something im 6 2 250 18%bf my lifts are :

    bench 275x 5 reps
    squat 405 x 5 reps
    dl 425 x 5 reps

    lifting 2.5years total have lost alot of fat and gained alot of mass, im 23, do you think my lifts are too low for only 2.5 yrs of natural lifting? i ask bc another forum said i should get my lfting stats up before i cycle, i always thoughtthey were pretty good.
    I think they are very good but I also think you are too young for aas!

  37. #117
    Really i thought 21 was the general concensus around here, i was thinkin 400 mg test + epistane to start, im gonna use it as a recomp hopefully lose fwt and gain some muscle hopefully

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I think they are very good but I also think you are too young for aas!
    BJJ arent you the same age?

  39. #119
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    and someone send an ambulance to gsx house

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    BJJ arent you the same age?

    I am 37 yo

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