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Thread: Never really posted but was hoping for a little advice...

  1. #1

    Never really posted but was hoping for a little advice...

    I've currently been running test C 600mg a week. I've ran test before alothough it was years ago. I've also ran several prohormones in the last few years. I've not gotten really any size gains during the first seven weeks of this cycle. If it wasn't for the strength gains I would be convinced I got bad gear. I've also had other test sides like increased body acne mild gyno irritation. I guess I'm wondering why my size isn't increasing with my strength.
    I eat well over 4,000 cals a day. Protein is usually in the 400's. I just switched from westside for skinny bastards to dc. Im at about 215 and bench has gone from 275 for 12 to 315 for 10 in the seven weeks. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    How do you train? If you wanna look like a bodybuilder you have to train like a bodybuilder.

    Give us an example. I believe its all in the training.

  3. #3
    like i said i was doing westside for skinny bastards and now im doing dc style training. Im running the programs exactly how they are laid out.

  4. #4
    Im not really looking for bodybuilder looks, im in the military so to much size will hinder my performance. But i was looking for a little extra size here with my strength.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    Sorry bout that. Forgot my reading glasses. I cant comment on dc training so I am bumping this.

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