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Thread: Beginning of my cycle

  1. #1

    Beginning of my cycle

    I just started a 10 week cycle of Test Enanthate at 400mg / week, and deca at 300mg / week. I’m taking the test every four and a half days (that’s 16 – 250mg viles for 10 weeks and 2 days). I have a bit of the problem with the deca cuz I can only get 1ml viles at 25mg each, so in order to take in 300mg I have to shoot 12 damn milliliters! I shot 100mg (4 ml) on the first day and my shoulder was way sore, so I plan on just shooting 50 ml at a time, 6 times a week, what do you all think about this? I can get 250mg/cc deca in about 4 weeks, is it okay to use different brands of deca within the same cycle?? I could finish the last 6 weeks of my cycle with 250mg every 6 days which is right around 300mg per week. Would that be okay? For pct I was just going to start 2 weeks after my last shot, 300mg the first day, 100 mg for 10 days, and 50mg for the last 10 days. Please give me the brutal truth about what you guys think, thanks a lot.

    Lastly, what supplements do you all recommend for this cycle? I’m trying to follow the protein/carb/calorie intake on the “The Bulking Primer” post, it talks about taking glutamine, creatine, vitamin B6 and other stuff, but how much how often? What do you all recommend? Also what do you guys think about straight protein vs. protein that has a million things added to it like glutamine and creatine and what not? What website should I buy from?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    That is some weak ass deca, I wouldnt bother with it go find some that is 200-300mg/ml. Yes you can change brands of deca mid way and what are you running for pct?

  3. #3
    yeah it sucks, i did 100mg (4ml) the 1st night and got a bruise from it, so I'm doing 50mg a day 6 times a week, it's a ****in hassle! I should get the deca 250(or maybe its 300, not sure what my buddy is sending me) in about 2 weeks so I shouldnt have to do this shit much longer, but I mean I have it now so I might as well not waste my money by not using it, it was only like 1.50 or 2 dollars a vile anyways. I was going to start pct 2 weeks after my last injection, 300mg clomid the first day, then 100mg for 10 days, and 50mg the last 10 days, didnt have anything else in mind, is that okay? it's what i found suggested on this site. What do you think about the other supplements and stuff?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    Run clomid this way: 100,50,50,25. 3oomg clomid is too dangerous.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by marine newbie View Post
    I just started a 10 week cycle of Test Enanthate at 400mg / week, and deca at 300mg / week. I’m taking the test every four and a half days (that’s 16 – 250mg viles for 10 weeks and 2 days). I have a bit of the problem with the deca cuz I can only get 1ml viles at 25mg each, so in order to take in 300mg I have to shoot 12 damn milliliters! I shot 100mg (4 ml) on the first day and my shoulder was way sore, so I plan on just shooting 50 ml at a time, 6 times a week, what do you all think about this? I can get 250mg/cc deca in about 4 weeks, is it okay to use different brands of deca within the same cycle?? I could finish the last 6 weeks of my cycle with 250mg every 6 days which is right around 300mg per week. Would that be okay? For pct I was just going to start 2 weeks after my last shot, 300mg the first day, 100 mg for 10 days, and 50mg for the last 10 days. Please give me the brutal truth about what you guys think, thanks a lot.

    Lastly, what supplements do you all recommend for this cycle? I’m trying to follow the protein/carb/calorie intake on the “The Bulking Primer” post, it talks about taking glutamine, creatine, vitamin B6 and other stuff, but how much how often? What do you all recommend? Also what do you guys think about straight protein vs. protein that has a million things added to it like glutamine and creatine and what not? What website should I buy from?
    why 300 mg clomid the first day and then a sudden drop to 100 mg for ten days?

  6. #6
    The 300 mg for the 1st day, and 100mg starting the second day was on this web page:

    Clomid Therapy

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
    Week 1 300 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg
    Week 2 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg
    Week 3 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg


    The 100,50,50,25 pct, is that for 4 weeks, a different amount each week?

    My buddy is taking 750mg of test enanthate a week with no deca, what pct do you recomend for him? Thanks for all the help you guys, really appreciate it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    why 300 mg clomid the first day and then a sudden drop to 100 mg for ten days?
    Old school way of doing it, you still see some writing on this method, this is why some many of us are on

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by marine newbie View Post
    The 300 mg for the 1st day, and 100mg starting the second day was on this web page:

    Clomid Therapy

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
    Week 1 300 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg
    Week 2 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg
    Week 3 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg


    The 100,50,50,25 pct, is that for 4 weeks, a different amount each week?

    My buddy is taking 750mg of test enanthate a week with no deca, what pct do you recomend for him? Thanks for all the help you guys, really appreciate it.
    pct is about the same the only thing that changes is the amount of time you stay on....

    i prefer this one for a normal 12 to 14 week cycle

    1-2 clomid 100mg ed

    3-4 clomid 50mg ed

    1-2 nolva 40mg ed

    3-4 nolva 20mg ed

    I feel this works best for me and before trt got me back on tract..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    Old school way of doing it, you still see some writing on this method, this is why some many of us are on
    thanks for sharing.

    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    pct is about the same the only thing that changes is the amount of time you stay on....

    i prefer this one for a normal 12 to 14 week cycle

    1-2 clomid 100mg ed

    3-4 clomid 50mg ed

    1-2 nolva 40mg ed

    3-4 nolva 20mg ed

    I feel this works best for me and before trt got me back on tract..
    I'll remember your pct.

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