Kratos has cop hair.
Kratos has cop hair.
moose, you need to get on the phone with anybody who was in that house and have them decline to speak with the police should they be called.
Tiger Woods style.
If they call you do the same.
What smells like doughnuts in here??
aaaah nice final solo....
awh come on. Everybody should get married... at least once.
That’s better! I thought you were ignoring me.
And cops smell like bacon or ham. But their breath smells like doughnuts.
Cool. I didn't realize she was somebody I knew!
I'm involved as a witness in a self defense trial now.
It couldn't have been any clearer, but the dude said he hit the guy, so it's up to the court to determine self defense or not.
copy that kratos..
Thanks man
I'll tell you about it actually
So me and a group of about 5 of my friends were out drinking in the local town musta been the day before easter or the day before that.
I ran into an ex-gf in one of the more pretentious bars in town.
My buddies were leaving to go to the a more low class bars where the drunks hang out.
I stayed and had a drink with my ex and chilled with her for a bit and figured I'd meet them there.
the drunks bar is the only place in town with a pool table and one of the guys wanted to play.
Well, this little wigger kid he was playing (they didn't know each other) tells him they're going to play for a drink. He's like no, I'm not good, I'm not betting anything. Then the little wigger says, "you're gonna buy me a drink right now bitch." He's like, "no, until you grow tits, I'm not buying you anything." Then the wigger kid walks up to the bar, and tells the bartender my buddy is paying for his drink and points at him. He tells the bar tender no, that isn't happening. This is all before they even break the balls.
so the kid is all pissed off cause he musta really wanted a drink or maybe he wanted to start a fight, idk.
So, anyway on the break this wigger kid chips the cue ball up in the air and it hits my friend in the neck.
They argued about it for a min and the wigger kid was causing a scene so the bar tender told him to leave.
He stayed outside the bar with his fat disgusting gf smoking cigs until they left.
im craving chocolates/cakes but i only have healthy food at home!!! aaarg
So, they leave the bar eventually and I was on my way walking from the other bar. They were about 50 yards from the alchy bar when I met up with them and the wigger kid and his gf were still right outside.
Then this mf'er decides to bull charge the group of us and jump on the back of my friend he was playing pool with.
So, his gf who turns out to be his fiance runs up on the two of them trying to get her bf not to fight. What does he do but elbow his own gf in the face and break her nose.
Then we're all trying to break it up, and there was a cop who saw the ending of it a block over and she runs up on us.
You have the statements of all of us, and the bartender...the white trash people kept contradicting themselves in their statements. Two of my friends got arrested and 3 of them are being sued.
The guy she says hit her could get 2nd degree assault along with a few other charges, it's going to trial.
dammit man..
that is fvked up..
no it's girl speak for "i don't like the huge ****ers, they hurt"
Cruelty is funny when it isn't happening to you.
pft, this 19 year old chick i useto fvck hits me up on IM all the time. She's not interested, she's not a friend, but we talk on IM and sometimes txts just to shoot the shit.
I haven't seen her in over a year, and I don't expect to. I have no interest in seeing her, and she doesn't want to have sex with me. I don't know why I respond to her txts and IM's but I do. And I always try to make her laugh or feel better about herself. But when it comes down to it, I don't give a shit about her, she doesn't give a shit about me. It's not a friend, it's someone in your past you keep in touch with.
a friend is someone who's a part of your life, has been a part of your life and will be in the future
not someone you talk to about your life
what up gents and women whores?
what does that mean? she is engaded? living with some dude?
You should stay away from girls with babies.
Girls with babies have no morals or ethics. They don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Trust me. They'd start to brag about how awesome they are and how much you should respect them because they are moms. So what? thats what you are genetically born to be, a mom, duuuh.
stay away unless she is a cougar and the baby is outta home with his own family.
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