No, i agree with you, but as of lately the most common Terrorist are the Al-Qaida/Taliban which all praise Allah. Ofcourse there are other terrorists in this world, but lets be honest..............
No, i agree with you, but as of lately the most common Terrorist are the Al-Qaida/Taliban which all praise Allah. Ofcourse there are other terrorists in this world, but lets be honest..............
Diablo, its all about media exposure and selling newspapers. The Media keeps muslims in the limelight in both the US and the UK. Why aren't they talking about the Red Brigade? Oh yeah because that happens in Italy so it doesnt matter. Why arent they talking about Maoists? Oh yeah because that happens in Nepal and we dont care about them so it doesnt matter. Columbian Communist party. And so on.. I expect the newspapers in those regions run stories on these groups and just these groups like the rest of the world doesnt matter.
Governments + Media + political correctness = scared/paranoid public
I do agree with you 100% , the biggest fcking Terrorist this world has are the Press and Media, and media dictates to what they think the world needs to hear. Fooking bollocks i tell ya, but i still dont like the previous mentioned fvkers, i have a few that work around me, they grate me, and my main reason is because they think they are inferior to others...............
I can't stand Al Kee-yida (or however you spell it) or any of these crackpot nutjobs. I say totally leave the Middle East and stop sending foreign aid to the countries that harbour these fcvks. We have the means of keeping an eye on them but I really don't think they are as big a threat as the press, media and government make them out to be.
Most people here come from countries that are leaps and bounds ahead of these shithole countries as far as intel, technology, medicine and weaponary goes. We need to take a zero tollerance action against these radicals preaching "Death to the West" in cities. They should be deported immediately, for basically threatening the sovereignity of said nation they are preaching to hate. Sounds like treason to me.
What seriously, can a group of camel fvckers in Afghanistan, the second poorest country in the world, do to us? Nothing! It's ludicrous to think they will simply sail to our shores and we'll be in pitched firefights with them in the street over here if we leave that region of the world.
I really don't know what's worse, Fundamentalist Islam, the Media or stupid people that blindly believe it all.
Ill tell you whats worse, the Goverments are worse, i dont know if u are aware of the situation of Zimbabwe , they had 1 million percent inflation the last year, YES... 1 Million percent, due to the corrupt president, there is a 97% unemployment rate, and whats does SA and UK and US do? Give aid.!!!!!!!!!!! WTF
This is how bad their currency is
All the money on that table equals to 1US dollar
It is bigger than what the press state and Goverment, there are camps springing up in all the major cities, there is that much intelligence its shocking what doesnt get released, they are using British born Muslims to try and get under the radar of the British Intelligence agency's, the current terrorism threat level in the UK is "substantial" but IMHO i feel it should of stayed at "severe"
and how many of these groups attacked the USA on our soil killing innocent people in the name of their god in the last 10 years?
let me think......none
how many have kidnapped innocvent americans and cut their heads off in the name of their god.......none
this arguement can go on forever, but facts are facts and the largets terrorsit group that is a threat to the world is muslim based, and being donre in the name of their god.
u cannot defeat an enemy who looks forward to death, they just dont give a fvk....eliminate them all and move the fvk on...............
Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace
"He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause"
Muhammad, prophet of Islam
2009.12.07 (Lahore, Pakistan) - At least fifty people are incinerated by twin bombings at a crowded marketplace.
2009.12.07 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Seven children are among eight dead when Sunni radicals bomb a Shia school.
2009.12.07 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - A Buddhist man and woman are murdered by Muslim bombers at a busy market.
2009.12.07 (Pattani, Thailand) - A pro-government cleric is gunned down by Islamic separatists.
2009.12.07 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - Eleven people at a courthouse are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2009.12.06 (Bosaso, Somalia) - A cleric is assassinated by suspected Islamic militia
but again people dont see reason they speak out there azz with hate
so let me guess if are government says england is housing and training terrorist we should wipe them out too
hey the man in the moon gave u the middle finger last night wanna nuke it
this war is pointless as its a war we will never win
ok im done posting in this thread![]()
if anyone is housing and training muslim terrorist then they should be destroyed, meaning govt. based.
if the man on the moon bombed innocent people and did the things ur friends the muslims did then hell yeah, blow that fvker out the sky..
the war on terror needs to be stepped up, i agree with flagg we need to cut all aid/funding from any area that is not willing to decry terrorism and fight to destroy it...but that will not be enough, these fvkers are hoping to die, i say lets give them their 72 virgins sooner then later...
kill em all and let god sort them out.......
Hell fvckin yeah brother. That shit right there got the hairs to raise on my back lol. I am not ignorant to world affairs involving extremism, so I don't want to catch any flaming. When you see the disregard for human life in Iraq/Afghanistan, you will understand that this is an age old problem that needs to be fixed.
In the UK the government and the mainstream media run down the indigenous population and permit the immigrants to complain and get away with many, many things the locals wouldn't get away with.
It is a bit like the States where you can only be racist if you are white. The police are run by Marxist, liberal,white hating, homosexuals .... lol
lol. I am tellin you. Watch Team America, and you will gain a new appreciation for US Involvement in Islamic affairs lol
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