hey guys. nothing special here, just got an arm pic. just snapped it real quick lol... i'll have to get some more but this is all i have for right now...
hey guys. nothing special here, just got an arm pic. just snapped it real quick lol... i'll have to get some more but this is all i have for right now...
Last edited by Rex9933; 01-28-2010 at 11:06 AM.
Looks like a thick arm!!!!
thanks OP! appreciate it! its not too big, 18.5" flexed.....i'm 5'8" 215 or so
yup, thats an arm.
But are those panties hanging above your shoulder![]()
post up another picture of the actual bicep or delt...
that will help a lot more with judging. lol.
but yah, looks decently thick bro!
yeah ill have to get more.... thanks bro
so why are we doing this again?
what bf% are you?
sorry guys, haven't been able to get online today..... and yes, that is my gf's bathing suite in the back lol..... should have taken that down, doh!..... my bf% is high guys, at least 15% i'd say.... you can see that i dont have a single vein in my arm/forearms lol... i def need to lean up, no doubt about that.... let me get some pics up soon. and they will be better than this pic lol
sorry about the shitty pic. getting a new one up tomorrow
tick tock
waiting........... btw it dont look that big!
nice panties
i wonder why everyone ask the op to show a pic but he turned to houdini lol poof pof gone
haha, im just wondering why hes hiding from us all dehind the door haha. you aint shy are you?
hahaha is this a joke ha.
That's a fine door.
sorry guys..
ty357- holy shit your back is great. awesome genes bro!
Ty looks like a smaller Dexter Jackson!!!!!!!! Once he goes to the dark side he is going to be a ****ing beast!!!!!
if i was you ty i wouldnt touch steroids...from what iv seen theres no need
My guess is that som1 is throwing dbol in this guy cheerios in morning and hitting him with a shot of test when hes asleep :P or maybe got bite by a radioactive spider :S, who know
hahaa. radioactive spider?
yes i do eat cheerios actually...again guys, i will have to get more pics up. im not saying my arms are fabulous or anything, this was just the first time i posted a pic up so i got a little anxious lol....i recently moved so i dont have anyone to take any pics yet, so they will all be selfshots....please keep in mind though that i havent worked out in about 11+ weeks now, so dont be too mean on me lol
Ho man aha sorry, I was talking about Ty357, that was my theory for his size.
Your got a good arm btw bro!
lol.. i open and i see an arm. and someone hiding. :x ninja!!
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