I have been reading about the various types of TRT out there and a few months ago I ran into this Nebido which is Testosreone undecanoate at 250mg/ml coming in a 4ml aplication which is supposed to be given each 12 weeks.
After making the maths, this comes up to 83mg of testosterone undecanoate per week, which is way below the standard trt protocol for test cyp or enanthate which is 100-150mg per week. If you take into account that the undecanoate ester is much heavier and displaces a lot more hormone that either cyp or enanthate, you end up receiving almost half the test you would receive from either cyp or enanthate. How can this product be so hypped right now?
Not to speak of the price which is outrageous when compared to the other esters. I refuse to pay 133€ (195$) for 1g of test.
I know Marcus swears by this product and he knows his stuff and that is why I am confused. The only real advantage I see with this product the the injection frequency, nothing else really. Even the claim that the blood levels remain more stable due to the longer ester goes away because you shoot either the cyp or enanthate on a weekly basis while the undecanoate is injected every 12 weeks.
Could someone shed some light here?