What are your new years resolutions going to be?, i've been thinking of what mine will be but have come up with nothing
What are your new years resolutions going to be?, i've been thinking of what mine will be but have come up with nothing
dont make them.
i follow what U2 said.
and that is" nothing changes on new years day"
nothing but" stone cold lies"
why set urself up for failure.....i have enough gloom in my life, no need to add to it.
Moose your new years resolution is to be more optimistic,Think positive no negatives.
To be debt free.
not to whore that much
Be more dedicated to my cardio.....
and my condom use.
stop shaggin fat bitches and stop smoking
my resolution,...not from new years but for life,,,,is to have a better judgement in my time management and not to procrastinate......
Def to make more money than last year!
The last resolution I made was to quit smoking when I was 20 years old. I didn't quit that year, but the next year I did.
I had the same two last year, never stoped smoking, and new years day i woke up next to a fat 47 year old better luck this year
Dan it sounds like you need to quit drinking. This could be the reason youre waking up next to fat girls.
My new years resolution is to start doing cardio. I ship to boot camp end of march and I haven't ran in years.
yep i agree, i supose its all fun and games dont tell me you never took one for the team
I've put my time in as wingman don't get me wrong, but there's a point where you have to draw the line. If she weighs more than I can bench for 12 reps it's a no go. I haven't had to take one for the team in a while tho. Ins and my buddy find groups of girls that way there's more of them than us and we have more of a chance to get the hotter skinny ones.
I will say tho the biggest girl I had sex with was not fat she had the softball build to her. Most of the time I played wingman by talking to the less attractive one as afar as facial features.
Win next years tournament here in March for my mom, starting my computer business so to hopefully make it a living.
Drop down to 8% BF for the summer lake season.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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Lol that should be a rule if you cant bench it you cant fvk it
Dan stay away from the fatties
ill do my very best
Get laid
Get my diet to 150%.
Start leaning up and drop my bf a bit more, really wanna lean out.
Graduate and finally start a career.
Save some money up next semester interning, working and going to school.
Start designing my new studio
And possibly consider settling down with a female.. not sure yet if I'm ready for that one.
I get big, but never get lean.....I want to see that....10% is the target.
Stop doing steroids and live healthy.
Cal if u go after bigger fatties then u current have u will have to roll their fat ass in flour just to find the wet spot...
Tell her to go on a diet
and get on a fvking treadmill....
see ya later fattie..............
Beginning of Glorious Five Month Plan.
what cala said stop horing it up
To pass my classes and gain weight. Same resolutions as every one of the last few years.
Bnag out more weight and try and tone down my swearing. I have a problem with swearing.
New years resolution, Keep up the same as Im doing now except also to sleep (have sex) with 4 girls at the same time. That should be taken care of before Jan 15th
To start juicing!
to make siggy SIGGAY!
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