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Thread: [Mods] Requesting advice of AASs which you have seen the most lean muscle gain?

  1. #1
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    Exclamation [Cycle Help] Requesting advice of AASs which you have seen the most lean muscle gain?

    Hi Guys!

    I was wondering which AASs do i have to use for my next cycle and requesting help from you upon your experiences. My last cycle was 22 weeks and now im resting to fulfill the AAS time+PCT= "Off cycle" equation

    I'm planning make this for my next cycle;

    Boldenon 500mg weeks 1-8
    Test e 500mg weeks 1-23
    Deca 400mg (norma hellas) weeks 9-19
    Winstrol tabs 50mg ED weeks 16-23

    Proviron 2 tabs ED weeks 1-23
    HCG 500 iu weeks 10-14

    Femara in hand for Gyno stuff.
    PCT: Clomid + Nolvadex


    Height: 6'
    BF: 16%-17%
    Weight:200 lbs.
    No elevated LDL HDL levels

    I would really appreciated if you criticize/suggest anything upon your unique experinces. I was actually thinking including Parabolan but couldnt figure out where to insert it then i choose Wins tabs

    Also i wonder your experiences whether i should continue doing long cycles 20+ weeks or short cycles 10 weeks at most? Coz if i do 20+ week cycle, Off cycle time took also long n 1 year passes only by 1 cycle with its resting time.
    What do you suggest about that???


    SEMPER FI!!!
    Last edited by blizzard; 12-24-2009 at 02:13 PM.

  2. #2
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    any kind of suggestions are pretty appreciated guys

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would if it didnt hurt my eyes looking at your post

  4. #4
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    1st for stats you didnt list your weight

    2nd why would you be running eq for only 8 weeks when your running the test for 23 weeks?

    3rd your running winny for too long, stick with 6 weeks

    4th that color hurts my eyes, i need to highlight it to see it

    5th i would stick to shorter cycles so you can get back on faster.

  5. #5
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    Sorry marcus and laduem88, i have written 2much n didnt want to bore u so i made it colorful ... ive corrected it. Thanks for your dealing, time n patience

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The cycle you have posted it awful,
    Your cycling way to long 20 odd wks is to much, its doesn't mean you will build more muscle tissue, once you have stopped growing you might aswell come off and recover, there isnt a chance you will be building for 20 odd wks.

    What is your cycle history?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    1st for stats you didnt list your weight

    2nd why would you be running eq for only 8 weeks when your running the test for 23 weeks?

    3rd your running winny for too long, stick with 6 weeks

    4th that color hurts my eyes, i need to highlight it to see it

    5th i would stick to shorter cycles so you can get back on faster.
    Thanks for your unique thoughts bro,

    i put my weight btw, 200 lbs.

    I have heard that its safe when u run boldenone for 8 weeks though i havent used it before. Thas why im open to any suggestions about that..
    by short cycles u mean 10 week cycles? i got that some AASs kick in after 10th week (test e, Deca..etc) so i made cycles more than 10 weeks..

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The cycle you have posted it awful,
    Your cycling way to long 20 odd wks is to much, its doesn't mean you will build more muscle tissue, once you have stopped growing you might aswell come off and recover, there isnt a chance you will be building for 20 odd wks.

    What is your cycle history?

    Thanks marcus for your suggestions,

    I have been juicing since 2004 and as i pointed out i mostly made 1-2 cycles a year consisting of 20+ week cycles, to add i havent tried too much different AASs, i always stick to DECA (to overcome joint pains n injuries which im prone i guess), Test E, wins tabs, parabolan all with moderate safe dosages..i rather try to be in safe side with havin my blood checked frequently. Also, i believe im good at constant training, i frequently get 2 gym whether i cycle or not.

    I would really be appreciated if you shall give me a solid good cycle (upon your experiences) as an example bro???... so i shall build up according to that.

    Thanks alot for your unique advices
    Last edited by blizzard; 12-24-2009 at 01:55 PM.

  9. #9
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    I have also entered dosages that i plan but as marcus said i had to change cycle n keep it short for 13 weeks i guess. awaiting suggestions guys, especially from marcus and laduem88; ur thoughts r pretty important for me

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Man you need to lay off the juice and worry about your diet. 6 years of long cycles and your 6' 200 lbs your diet is way off.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Man you need to lay off the juice and worry about your diet. 6 years of long cycles and your 6' 200 lbs your diet is way off.
    Actually bro, when ive returned from iraq, amara, i havent trained and drunk alot..i was around 330 lbs. n was just stayin in front of tv. Then i handle myself n moved on , tried 2 get rid of fat n so...

    The time may seem longer but all were low dosaged cycles determined now of course this wouldnt be happened without u guys n anabolicreview family

    Btw, now im taking around 200gr protein everyday, sticked to a proper diet without drinking and trash food.(missin donuts madly uuuggghh


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    Hi Guys!

    I was wondering which AASs do i have to use for my next cycle and requesting help from you upon your experiences. My last cycle was 22 weeks and now im resting to fulfill the AAS time+PCT= "Off cycle" equation

    I'm planning make this for my next cycle;

    Test e 500mg weeks wks 12 (test E?)
    Deca 400mg (norma hellas) weeks 10
    Winstrol tabs 50mg 8 -12

    Proviron 2 tabs ED weeks 1-12 50 mgs
    HCG 500 iu weeks 1-12

    Femara in hand for Gyno stuff.
    PCT: Clomid + Nolvadex =14-18


    Height: 6'
    BF: 16%-17%
    Weight:200 lbs.
    No elevated LDL HDL levels

    I would really appreciated if you criticize/suggest anything upon your unique experinces. I was actually thinking including Parabolan but couldnt figure out where to insert it then i choose Wins tabs

    Also i wonder your experiences whether i should continue doing long cycles 20+ weeks or short cycles 10 weeks at most? Coz if i do 20+ week cycle, Off cycle time took also long n 1 year passes only by 1 cycle with its resting time.
    What do you suggest about that???


    SEMPER FI!!!

    Lets start with the red I listed, as I would run the cycle like it.



  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I really think your diet is off because of your stats and the cycles you have ran, you really have to stop thinking longer cycles are good, in your case they are not, your doing 20+ wk cycles at low dose!!

    I am also concerned with how long have you been back training for? and how long did you have off?

    Your bf is to high to cycle, this needs to drop and you will be in a better position to build lean muscle.

    The cycle you posted is awful, drop the boldenon, even if you responded to it it needs to be ran for longer than 8 weeks.

    I think you need to rest your body and try to return to normal before any other cycle is implemented, the body builds up tolerance in some way or another so staying on to long and running cycles closely together at low dose isn't going to give you the results your after.

    A Test E,Deca and winny cycle should look something close to this:

    1-12 Test E 500mgs wk
    1-10 Deca 400mgs wk
    10-14 Winny 50mgs ED

  14. #14
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    Thanks T! I meant Testerone Enanthate with test E. From now on im gona stuck short cycles for sure... do i have to obey the same off cycle protocol in order to start the new short cycles? (cycle time+pct=off time)


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    Thanks T! I meant Testerone Enanthate with test E. From now on im gona stuck short cycles for sure... do i have to obey the same off cycle protocol in order to start the new short cycles? (cycle time+pct=off time)




  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I really think your diet is off because of your stats and the cycles you have ran, you really have to stop thinking longer cycles are good, in your case they are not, your doing 20+ wk cycles at low dose!!

    I am also concerned with how long have you been back training for? and how long did you have off?

    Your bf is to high to cycle, this needs to drop and you will be in a better position to build lean muscle.

    The cycle you posted is awful, drop the boldenon, even if you responded to it it needs to be ran for longer than 8 weeks.

    I think you need to rest your body and try to return to normal before any other cycle is implemented, the body builds up tolerance in some way or another so staying on to long and running cycles closely together at low dose isn't going to give you the results your after.

    A Test E,Deca and winny cycle should look something close to this:

    1-12 Test E 500mgs wk
    1-10 Deca 400mgs wk
    10-14 Winny 50mgs ED
    Got that Marcus, Ive been properly dietin since 2008 bro, ive returned from iraq in 2007 n for 1 year i have isolated myself somehow n hit alcohol n trash food (i regret those times honestly)..since 2008, i cut off around 120 lbs fat n have a regular training schedule with cardio at first hand. I used Clen alot by the way to get in shape while doin cardio (got checked my heart stuff recently n theres no problem )

    Thanks for your great advices bro, i wont juice till i see 10% bf for sure n gona follow ur cycle advice consisting of 12 weeks.

    i wonder if i want 2 run boldenone in short cycle in the future how do u suggest to use it as it need 2 be run at least 10 can i stuck it with other AASs in short cycles?

    Thanking you heaps and Merry Christmas

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    Got that Marcus, Ive been properly dietin since 2008 bro, ive returned from iraq in 2007 n for 1 year i have isolated myself somehow n hit alcohol n trash food (i regret those times honestly)..since 2008, i cut off around 120 lbs fat n have a regular training schedule with cardio at first hand. I used Clen alot by the way to get in shape while doin cardio (got checked my heart stuff recently n theres no problem )

    Thanks for your great advices bro, i wont juice till i see 10% bf for sure n gona follow ur cycle advice consisting of 12 weeks.

    i wonder if i want 2 run boldenone in short cycle in the future how do u suggest to use it as it need 2 be run at least 10 can i stuck it with other AASs in short cycles?

    Thanking you heaps and Merry Christmas
    My opinion forget Boldenon, for what it will give you its a waste of oil, if you really want to rty it give it a go but its a very weak AAS and its a great muscle builder IMHO.

    Short cycles aren't 12 wks, 12 wk cycles are average. Short cycle's are around 6 wks normally. Cut your BF down to around 12% and you should be fine to go into a cycle, if you have been on cycle for all those wks make sure you use the time on+pct=time off, work on your diet and train hard, dont rush into anything build a solid base first.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    My opinion forget Boldenon, for what it will give you its a waste of oil, if you really want to rty it give it a go but its a very weak AAS and its a great muscle builder IMHO.

    Short cycles aren't 12 wks, 12 wk cycles are average. Short cycle's are around 6 wks normally. Cut your BF down to around 12% and you should be fine to go into a cycle, if you have been on cycle for all those wks make sure you use the time on+pct=time off, work on your diet and train hard, dont rush into anything build a solid base first.

    how bout posting up your diet in detail for a critique?

  19. #19
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    Meal 1 (7:00am)8eggs.. scrambled, and a bowl of oatmeal boiled or with skim milk.
    I try to drink 1-1.5L of water.

    Meal 2 (9:00-9:30am) having protein shake with 50g of protein (i prefer optimum pro complex) and fruits or protein bar.

    Meal 3 (12-1 pm) will be ~300g of chicken or turkey with salad or beans. for carbs I try to eat rice cooked with abit canola oil n without salt. I sometimes switch 2 again scrambled eggs (3-4) with 1 cheddar slice on it..

    (3-4pm) *********GYM************

    Meal 4 (5-7 pm) will be either 100-150g of red meat or turkey instead of chicken, or less if I decide to eat red and white meat during this meal, or replace some with beans and rice. I also make salads sometimes.

    Meal 5: (9-10 pm) Protein shake. Water. an apple or orange if im too much starving..

    I try not to eat something after 7-8 pm..this helped me alot to lose fat during my bad times..

    Apart from this program, i take protein shake 50 gr before and after trainings n put BCAA powder also (its taste is awful)..

    So thats my diet Phate and thanks alot for your dealing , all suggestions are welcome..

    Merry Christmas bro!!
    Last edited by blizzard; 12-24-2009 at 07:07 PM.

  20. #20
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    any comments about that?

  21. #21
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    Not to thread jack but how much do you adjust PCT for shorter cycles?

  22. #22
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    I dun plan to change PCT process in short cycles; 5 weeks of Clomid+Nolva application....its better to be in safe side rather than goin into gyno surgery :S

  23. #23
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    guys can u critique my diet? is it ok at least? Thanks heaps!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    guys can u critique my diet? is it ok at least? Thanks heaps!!
    sorry for the delay, i'm not on as much as i used to be

    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    Meal 1 (7:00am)8eggs.. scrambled, and a bowl of oatmeal boiled or with skim milk.
    I try to drink 1-1.5L of water.
    8 whole eggs?
    How much oatmeal (precooked weight)?

    Meal 2 (9:00-9:30am) having protein shake with 50g of protein (i prefer optimum pro complex) and fruits or protein bar.
    cut out the fruit, fructose(the sugar in fruit) has an affinity for hepatic storage(storage in the liver), have brown rice, sweet potatoes, red potates, quinoa etc...complex carbs bro, you're gonna be eating alot of them shortly

    Try to eat as much whole food as possible(meaning save the shakes and bars for postworkout only when possible)

    Meal 3 (12-1 pm) will be ~300g of chicken or turkey with salad or beans. for carbs I try to eat rice cooked with abit canola oil n without salt. I sometimes switch 2 again scrambled eggs (3-4) with 1 cheddar slice on it..
    try to get around 30-40g of protein and 50-60g of complex carbs 30-45 minutes before workout out to facilitate high glycogen levels during your workout
    (3-4pm) *********GYM************

    Meal 4 (5-7 pm) will be either 100-150g of red meat or turkey instead of chicken, or less if I decide to eat red and white meat during this meal, or replace some with beans and rice. I also make salads sometimes.
    here you can have the protein shake if you want, but make sure you have 50-60g of protein and 70-80g of carbs(from a complex source)
    Meal 5: (9-10 pm) Protein shake. Water. an apple or orange if im too much starving..
    This meal should be an hour after your PWO shake(whey protein digests in around 45-60 minutes so waiting longer than an hour is disadvantageous
    I try not to eat something after 7-8 pm..this helped me alot to lose fat during my bad times..
    you should definitely eat before you go to sleep, cottage cheese is a great before bed food, as is red meat(8-12 hour digestion time) or a casein shake, add in a little good fat to slow digestion and you'll have a good amino acid drip all night
    Apart from this program, i take protein shake 50 gr before and after trainings n put BCAA powder also (its taste is awful)..

    So thats my diet Phate and thanks alot for your dealing , all suggestions are welcome..

    Merry Christmas bro!!
    k, i'll need some things to help

    do you have the macro totals for the meals and the totals for the entire day? if so edit them in

    I assume you're an ectomorph(that's how i did the critique anyway, if you're not then i'll redo it to suit your needs)

    also answer the questions in bold

  25. #25
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    Thanks alot for your feedback Phate!! you are very appreciated...

    let me answer your questions;

    8 whole eggs? yep, i scramble them n cook in the mornings..(i was having egg whites before but after i heard that its proven egg yolk dun have - effects on cholesterol,ive started takin whole eggs bro )

    How much oatmeal (precooked weight)? I assume 100 gr.

    do you have the macro totals for the meals and the totals for the entire day?
    Im really sorry, i dun know macro totals for the meals :S

    I'm endomorph Phate coz i easily gain fat n have endomorph traits (slow metabolism..etc)...

    I dun know how to thank you for your dealing, thanks for your help n every unique advice..

    I forget to mention also, i have wounded in iraq n thas why i was kept at hospital for about 1-2 months n i dun know what they gave me but i started to put weight very fast after hospital treatment (mostly fat of course)

    Cheers! and awaitin to hear from u guys!
    Last edited by blizzard; 12-28-2009 at 06:42 PM.

  26. #26
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    Thanks alot for your feedback Phate!! you are very appreciated...

    let me answer your questions;

    8 whole eggs? yep, i scramble them n cook in the mornings..(i was having egg whites before but after i heard that its proven egg yolk dun have - effects on cholesterol,ive started takin whole eggs bro )

    How much oatmeal (precooked weight)? I assume 100 gr.

    do you have the macro totals for the meals and the totals for the entire day?
    Im really sorry, i dun know macro totals for the meals :S

    I'm endomorph Phate coz i easily gain fat n have endomorph traits (slow metabolism..etc)...

    I dun know how to thank you for your dealing, thanks for your help n every unique advice..

    I forget to mention also, i have wounded in iraq n thas why i was kept at hospital for about 1-2 months n i dun know what they gave me but i started to put weight very fast after hospital treatment (mostly fat of course)

    Cheers! and awaitin to hear from u guys!
    get a good nutrition book with a food calorie chart and start weighting your food with kitchen scales so you knw the macros, you'll soon get to know how to portion your meals, even by eye

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