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Thread: Those who inject in Quad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Ontario, Canada

    Those who inject in Quad

    I have injected into the quad twice now. The first time there was some residual pain for 48 hours just manned up and worked thru it. I injected Sat morning and had to pull out because the pain was indescribable. I moved the injected an inch higher and was fine. Within an hour it felt like I had muscle cramp. Its been 48 hours now and I can barely walk. There is a small amount of swelling, no redness but it hurts to put pressure on the leg, stand still for more than 10 seconds and for my first 10-20 steps. I just got some serious pain medication from my father and some anti inflamitories.

    Any idea what I hit?
    Anyone with previous experience?
    At what point should I go to the doctor?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ummm... I always inject in quad. Sounds like its your first cycle.

    That said... it could be your body getting used to what you injected in there.

    Could not be cut down with oil, i know people who do vet test and they say its ok, just feels like their leg was run over for a day or two.

    Are you aspirating?

    Are you changing pins between filling the syringe and injecting?

    Are you cleaning both the top of the vial and your leg with alcohol and letting the area dry before entering?

    Reliable source?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Squating at the Curl Rack
    I shoot quads every seconds day, two spots, just above the knee on the lastus medialis and about half way up the quad on the vastus lateralis on the outer side.

    When i first shot, i could barley move my legs for 3 days, the pain was unbearable, i couldn't even bend my knee's, thats because i've never shot quads before, after my third short the pain never came back, and i could walk as normal. Its prob just cause its a virgin muscle.

    Did the syringe move around while you were injecting? that could cause some issues.

    There are many nerves there, every now and then when i shoot i'll hit one upon pinning myself and i have to change spot and shoot again, no biggie, but they do hurt like a f***, just re-sanitize again.

    See the doctor if swelling persist and or increases, redness occurs, tingling, nausea and such.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    I am not aspirating.
    Not changing the pins
    I am cleaning both
    Its a fairly reliable source. The injections in my glutes went by with little or no pain.

    the injection went fine.

    This is my first cycle but I was showed by a veteran (who uses this site regularly) and then did some research myself.

    I just wanted to make sure this isn't something worse then a pinched nerve or virgin muscle.

    I dont think Ill be shooting in the quads again because I cant even work or chase my toddler

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I do quad shots quite frequently and every now and again you'll have a painful shot. Last week i thought there was a steak knife on the end of my syringe..... normally the pain is minimal and you power through it. This time it felt like someone was twisting the steak knife durring the whole injection. The pain lasted for about 5 minutes post injection and then I was fine.....

    If it hurts for days..... than it's probably the BA content in the oil. The muscle just isn't used to it. I've found that I can inject painful prop in my glutes and not feel a ton of pain..... inject that same prop in my quad and I can't walk for days on end.....

    Maybe switch to delts.....


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LastFighter View Post
    I am not aspirating.
    Not changing the pins
    I am cleaning both
    Its a fairly reliable source. The injections in my glutes went by with little or no pain.

    the injection went fine.

    This is my first cycle but I was showed by a veteran (who uses this site regularly) and then did some research myself.

    I just wanted to make sure this isn't something worse then a pinched nerve or virgin muscle.

    I dont think Ill be shooting in the quads again because I cant even work or chase my toddler
    fix it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Squating at the Curl Rack
    ALWAYS aspirate, the consequences of not are outstanding. I've heard story's of people blacking out hitting their heads on table sides, of peoples hearts going nuts and having to be administered to hospital. Not to mention that in the blood stream infection can spead where ever it pleases.

    Change the pins, it will help make the injection easier, but its not necessary, its a comfort thing.

    Its most likely a virgin muscle but keep an eye on it and make sure!,

    dont worry the pain will go away after the second injection or so, then your free to inject there without fear of pain, not to mention that its easier to aspirate and what not at front. Like now, i can barley reach around to my ass to aspirate and inject properly, haha.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    needles are dirt cheap, not only that but they loose there sharpness after you pin something...even the vial! what are you thinking!!!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by LastFighter View Post
    I have injected into the quad twice now. The first time there was some residual pain for 48 hours just manned up and worked thru it. I injected Sat morning and had to pull out because the pain was indescribable. I moved the injected an inch higher and was fine. Within an hour it felt like I had muscle cramp. Its been 48 hours now and I can barely walk. There is a small amount of swelling, no redness but it hurts to put pressure on the leg, stand still for more than 10 seconds and for my first 10-20 steps. I just got some serious pain medication from my father and some anti inflamitories.

    Any idea what I hit?
    Anyone with previous experience?
    At what point should I go to the doctor?
    You may have hit a nerve. I dont do good with quad injections either.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You might just have dirty gear. Quad shots are the best for me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    I got a little confused with some of the questions. I do "aspirate" (I thought that meant problems breathing) each shot. I dont change the pins between withdrawing the winny and injecting it but I use a new needle and syringe every injection.

    Now on to the update:
    It turned into an infection yesterday morning, I was cuddling my toddler when he first got up. He got off me after an hour and I noticed a big red blotch on my leg at first i thought it was from him laying there. I went and had a shower, the muscle cramping seemed to have disappeared but it still hurt to walk.

    After the shower the red blotch was still there. I went to the hospital and told the doctor everything. He chastised me of course. I didnt expect or want any symathy since it was my own fault. They did a full blood work up including these weird infection tests that looked like a glass vinegar bottle filled with salad dressing. They took so much blood I went into shock. I became nautious, dizzy and sweating from everywhere on my body. I think this too is my own fault because Ive felt a little dehydrated since taking winny no matter how much I drink. I was given a course of inter-venous anti biotics and I have to go again today. The pain is more manageable I feel the best when I am laying down with my leg elevated. Ive had to miss 3 shifts (work 2 jobs) so far probably with more to come, thank god I have an emergency fund.

    Why I think this happened? Like I said in OP that I moved injection sites after hitting a nerve. I didn't clean the new injection site and used the same pin.... it was a rookie mistake one I hope others can learn from me.

  12. #12
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    Nov 2007
    Aspirate means pulling the plunger out to check if you are in a vein..... You really should know this stuff before cycling.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What is your cycle?

  14. #14
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LastFighter View Post
    I got a little confused with some of the questions. I do "aspirate" (I thought that meant problems breathing) each shot. I dont change the pins between withdrawing the winny and injecting it but I use a new needle and syringe every injection.

    Now on to the update:
    It turned into an infection yesterday morning, I was cuddling my toddler when he first got up. He got off me after an hour and I noticed a big red blotch on my leg at first i thought it was from him laying there. I went and had a shower, the muscle cramping seemed to have disappeared but it still hurt to walk.

    After the shower the red blotch was still there. I went to the hospital and told the doctor everything. He chastised me of course. I didnt expect or want any symathy since it was my own fault. They did a full blood work up including these weird infection tests that looked like a glass vinegar bottle filled with salad dressing. They took so much blood I went into shock. I became nautious, dizzy and sweating from everywhere on my body. I think this too is my own fault because Ive felt a little dehydrated since taking winny no matter how much I drink. I was given a course of inter-venous anti biotics and I have to go again today. The pain is more manageable I feel the best when I am laying down with my leg elevated. Ive had to miss 3 shifts (work 2 jobs) so far probably with more to come, thank god I have an emergency fund.

    Why I think this happened? Like I said in OP that I moved injection sites after hitting a nerve. I didn't clean the new injection site and used the same pin.... it was a rookie mistake one I hope others can learn from me.
    Yikes !
    Glad you got medical attention .
    Hope all turns out ok .

  15. #15
    I have only done 1 cycle so far myself and didn't have the balls to inject anywhere other than glutes. not one was i sore or had any problem whatsoever. it was so smooth and painless, i recommend you shoot up there instead

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Minnesota U.S.A
    i like to also go to my delts roatate from my quads to my delts seems to work well for me

  17. #17
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    A to the Z
    Yeah I rotate my thighs and shoulders. Glad you got help. Good to hear things aren't too serious for you.

  18. #18
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    I used to shoot quads until i changed suppliers. And i shot with one guys test in my quad. and it was swollen for days. changed legs and did the next same thing but worse. I talked to my guy who brews it up. And he uses a cutter known as EO(ethyl oleate) which causes it a little more painful to users who arent used to it... I ended up going to the doctor and it was so swollen.. I told him what happened he thought it was infected and wanted to cut me... I refused so he put me on antibiotics... It went away like it did the first time just faster.

    See whats in your gear. definitely aspirate, and change needles. they are cheap.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    sounds like you hit a nerve to me

    i always shoot in quads but theirs always the occasion on my right quad when i pin and all sudden their a sharp pain and my muscle twitches and cramps up

    and i know ive hit a nerve

    then it hurts like a bitch for a few days

    i wouldnt worry about it

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    nc triangle
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    I shoot quads every seconds day, two spots, just above the knee on the lastus medialis and about half way up the quad on the vastus lateralis on the outer side.

    When i first shot, i could barley move my legs for 3 days, the pain was unbearable, i couldn't even bend my knee's, thats because i've never shot quads before, after my third short the pain never came back, and i could walk as normal. Its prob just cause its a virgin muscle.

    Did the syringe move around while you were injecting? that could cause some issues.

    There are many nerves there, every now and then when i shoot i'll hit one upon pinning myself and i have to change spot and shoot again, no biggie, but they do hurt like a f***, just re-sanitize again.

    See the doctor if swelling persist and or increases, redness occurs, tingling, nausea and such.

    Agreed. Although I am a little different. If I shoot close to the knee never any pain whatsoever. Any higher than that and half the time I get post injection swelling and pain. I hate shoulder and bicep.. will never do those 2 areas again. calf is bad too.

  21. #21
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    if you are injecting winny in you quad that might be the problem... lots of ulg's make the winny a little stronger and that means it hurts a little bit more... the cycle im on right now is test tren winny and the winny kills me come to find out the ulg who made it said he "jacked" it up a little to like 120 -150 that is too strong for a winny shot. imo.

    suggestion is shoot glute till you figure out what to do with the pain... or take half the amount and shoot more often... if that helps you might feel like a pin chushin for a few weeks.

    i read you were using winny (i think you said that) what else are you using? i have used prop that locked my leg up with pain for days... i eventually cut it with test e 50 /50 to lower the pain, and it worked just fine.

    the other thing is when you put the needle in dont shake it, some ppl do that to ease the pain of the injection... dont. push straight in (it shouldnt hurt much past the skin and first layer of what ever then slide in nicely...

    if it still kills you send you stuff to me i will use it and c what happens

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    i injected my pecs recently, was pretty painless. Needing to find new spots as i am using prop now. My delts tend to get sore when i inject them for some reason, i dont have the stones to do quads yet, ive heard to many horror stories. Mabye try pecs or delts , i reccomend it.

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