what size of needles are you guys using? does it change by where your injecting or which type of gear your using?
what size of needles are you guys using? does it change by where your injecting or which type of gear your using?
Yes it does:
delts/pecs - 25g 1"
glutes - 25g 1.5"
(I bloged this)
for me 23 gauge x 1 inch quads 25 gauge x 1 inch delts best of luck
glutes 23g x 1.5in
delts 23g x 1in or 1.5in
25g 1" i do quads and delts. painless unless ya hit a nerve -_-
23ga 1" for Delts and Quads
23ga 1.5" for Glutes
i use 25g 5/8" for delts and 23g 1" or 1 1/2" for glute.
im looking at a winny cycle is there any benifit between injection sites
I use 23's for my ass at 1". I've used 25's before but unless you really warm up the gear theyre hard to push 3.5cc's through one of those.
For my shoulders (I am lean) I use a 5/16" 30g 1cc needle. Yes its painless and I've never had a problem with it. You have to push it in good, but their painless you can do em daily and never flinch.
Glut shots w/ a 23g 2x a week I can only handle for so long before I need a break.
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