I'm on a 12 week primobolan cycle right now. I have plenty of time before I am done with the primobolan but I was wondering what I should take between cycles... Thx
I'm on a 12 week primobolan cycle right now. I have plenty of time before I am done with the primobolan but I was wondering what I should take between cycles... Thx
your doing a pct?
PCT is what you should be taking between cycles as well as time off.
k--i'm gonna repost my question in a different section---- and I am asking what i should take for my PCT
and no I am not currently doing a PCT
As far as PCT goes you should run as follows
HCG @ 1000ius EOD for 4wks
Tamoxifen @ 20mg ED for 4ks
In the past I ran Clomiphene in place of Tamoxifen. Due to the side effects (moodiness, visual disturbances, and emotinal issues.) I chose not to take it again. With the above regimine I rarely ever experience any Post cycle issues. Not to mention the HCG gets your testicles back fairly quick and the loads you shoot are insane! The Tamox really helped me with my nipple sensitivity toward the end of my 10 week Test Cyp Cycle.
Both Clomiphine and Tamoxifen increase pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - secretion by blocking negative feedback on the hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - . Combined together, they are much more effective during PCT. Regardless, PCT should consist of hcg. The action of hcg is identical to that of pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - . It works independantly and is not affected by preexisting hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - suppression and exogenous hormones. There is nothing more effective than hcg for restoring endogenous testosterone production, spermatogenesis and testicular volume.
What are you refering to when you say "Between cycles?" you should complete your cycle then follow with proper PCT. If you choose to begin another cycle once PCT if complete then so be it. But I give it a little more time in between. I will continue with a few necessary supplements such as:
Creatine, Glutamine, Vitamin C, Protein, and my favorite mega vitamin ever Animal Pak.
PS: You should always have a Test base in all cycles.
great info--- Thats just what I was looking for thx! When I said between cycles I ment once I finish this cycle and before I start another--- I am taking Test as well with my current cycle ..... thx again!
HCG gets used during cycle, not part of PCT.
You need clomid and Nolva.
Nolva = 40/20/20/20
HCG @ 250 IU's X 2 wk
Titanium when u say
Nolva = 40/20/20/20"
Do u mean ml per weeek?
100 is 100 mgs per day for one week.
Then 50 mgs per day wk 2, and so on.
Same idea for nolva.
If you have liquid, then it's dosed accordingly.
cool ---- Thx guys!
great-- I like it and i don't have any real complaints about it--- This is the 1st time I have ever used it..or any thing for that matter---so I can't really compare it
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