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Thread: fresh start

  1. #1

    fresh start

    im 23 5'10'' 173lbs deployed in iraq will be here for the next 9 months our mail gets checked for contraband i.e. illegal shit, so i cant get any thing else unless its leagal in the states. now that that's out of the way i have 9 viles of sus-a-ton 250mg left 11 1ml viles of primobolin 100mg metenolon enantat and about 7-8 ml of decabolon 200 nandrolone decanonate
    ive been taking one vile of sus a week half on mon the other on thur i did that
    for one vile then i took last weeks dose all at once.ive noticed that the arm i took the whole vile in haas a knot and is still sore to the touch is this normal its been 7 days since i recived the injection. my other question is what is the best thing or plan for me to do with the limited supply that i have. any help would be great i work 14 hours a day in 110-145 degree weather i dont have time to research anything right now all i have time for is to eat workout and hour a day sleep shower and go back to work so thanks for any future help guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Do you have anything on hand for PCT (post cycle therapy)? PCT is to get your system functioning again after its shutdown from the hormones.

    Considering where you're at and your limited supply of product you might be best to wait until you can give more attention to your training, eating, sleeping and proper planning of supplementation.

  3. #3
    just stuff from gnc i can get that shipped here no problem and i eat sleep and train enough and have time for that its required accually but the planning not so much what could you sugest for pct and how long should my cycle be ?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    What have you injected up to this point?

    And how much?



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    im almost sure you can get test e, deca, tamoxifen,clomophin... in the iraqi pharmacies super cheap. 250mg test e for less than a dollar if it is the iranian test e or similar. if it is made in iraq then it should be even cheaper.human grade ftw

  7. #7
    so far ive had two viles of the sus 250mg im supoosed to get a dose today but i hvent done it yet and we have no access to there meds i cant just get out of the hummve at the neres pharmacy place if its not a mission from higher we cant leave the wire
    Last edited by evobullit2017; 12-27-2009 at 02:26 AM. Reason: typo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I would stop the cycle for the following reasons.

    One, that you do not have enough sust to run a good cycle.

    Two, you don't have your PCT compounds on hand.

    Your age jumps out @ me the most.

    So, with all due respect for your services to your country, I suggest stopping it and running a short PCT regiment.

    Sust does have 2 longer esters tests going on, so that is what I would do.

    And if you have done previous cycles, then you need to take my advice in respects to having all your compounds on hand.

    I usually do not give advice to members under 25, but I respect what you are doing, and where you are.



  9. #9
    would liguid letro 2.5mg/ml (30ml)
    clen 200mcg/ml (30ml)
    liquid clomi 35mg/ml (70ml)
    work as a pct if so how much to take and how often?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The Clomid - Yes

    Look at Nolva (Tamox) as well. Do not use the Letro unless you need to destroy your negative estrogen-related side effects.

    Order the Clomid and Tamox. Just one of each

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I didn't recover immediately after a 4 week PCT on research chems. It took 2 weeks after

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Also, if you are worried about your mail being checked, ask AR-R to remove the labels off of the bottles (If they aren't being printed on yet). The Clmoid will smell like cinnamon. The Nolva will smell like mint leaves

  13. #13
    i met a guy here that had thoes already and he gave the to me cus he is leaving in less than a week ive been taking sus about 500mg per week ive been on it for 3 weeks now along with my gnc pills amp 189 creatine, mega men sport,prime and a pill called tri methylplex .what should i take of thoese three and how much/often

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    none of the clen, none of the letro, and clomid alone wouldn't be a good pct. what are your plans, to continue the cycle and hope pct falls into place, or stop and try to pct with what you have?

  16. #16
    i plan on finishing the sus cycle i have 8 weeks left and if it will help i wanna use the clen letro and clomi

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Clen, Letro and Clomid for pct?

    I have never heard of that. Why don't you try the 'tried and true' Nolva and Clomi pct?

  18. #18
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by evobullit2017 View Post
    i plan on finishing the sus cycle i have 8 weeks left and if it will help i wanna use the clen letro and clomi
    well I advised as to the clen and letro usage above, so I'm out of this one. good luck.

  19. #19
    whats wrong with thoes two?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    clen is neither a serm or AI. clomid and nolva are a better combo. Letro will WIPE your estrogen out to nothing.

  21. #21
    so letro is just a stronger nolva? y would the same company offer both? doesnt clen preserve protine and burn fat y would this be bad?

  22. #22

  23. #23
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    Clomid and Nolva for pct

  24. #24
    i was doing a little reading and read thataking letro during cycle and then clomi and nolva for pct, would this work and would i benifet from this?
    and what is the best locations to inject sus without hindering my abilaty to move around without someone noticing the pain

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Holy shit dude... You should not be running a cycle without having any knowledge of what should be done, get some clomid and nolva ASAP , stop the cycle then run a proper PCT as suggested

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Looking East
    Its obvious you havent even read the profiles dude. Come on. Please just read these will take you 5 minutes.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Clomid and Nolva for PCT

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