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Thread: Getting sick and tired of drunk people.. really

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New Joisey

    Getting sick and tired of drunk people.. really

    (starts off more of a rant, ends with a philogical question that may force you to think - not a complete waste of a thread lol)

    Moreso drunk family.
    Noone in my family has a real "problem", just all my brothers are football fanatics, I'm not, so naturally they are always throwing parties, and I'm always cleaning up the mess.
    I don't mean just beer cans and food, I mean human bodies too.

    I'm not looking for a solution, I just wanna vent is all.
    But EVERY FVCKN time, they either miss the toilet to vomit, or vomit all over the floor. One time my brother vomited on the floor, tried to stand up, slipped, then literally fell back down and fell asleep in his own vomit. (most disgusting thing in the world)

    I couldn't pick him up, nor did I want to, so I just fvckn left him there till morning and shut my door so I didn't have to smell it.
    Tonight its all over the bathroom, I still gotta shave and shower and I'm not now. Theres no fvckn way I'm cleaning a grown mans vomit I'm not taking that role. If it was a once in a blue moon occurence, sure, cause occasionally I get sick a couple times a year myself.

    But I CAN NOT understand this whole obsession with FOOTBALL + ALCOHOL. Is football just an excuse just to get drunk on a sunday? Its the most boring fvckn thing you can possibly have on tv, meanwhile everyones cheering/screaming like lunatics.
    Or do you have to drink beer to first make football exciting? Maybe thats why it doesn't make sense to me, cause I'm not drunk like you.

    What astonishes me is also the manner in which some people get drunk, maybe I just tolerate alcohol differently, but the last time I got drunk and started crying about how much my life sucks, I had to be 16-17.

    2 weeks ago I must have had around 16 beers, then a dozen shots later in the night. It was an all day b-day event and my BAC couldn't possibly have been any higher. Yet I'm seeing people heavier then me, who were drinking less, who are acting completely different.
    We would then say "well everyone handles their liquor different", right?
    But I say, "people handle their liquor how they want to handle it".

    So 2 weeks ago, as drunk as I was, I was the one calling the cab, I'm the one apologizing to the driver because my drunk family/friends can't keep their drunk fvckn mouths shut. Literally harassing the cab driver and hes 2 seconds from kicking us all out, I'm drunk as fvck, but STILL have the common sense to know how to act.
    Even at the bar, my brother bearhugged a bouncer and lifted him in the air (like when you crack someones back) Im running around telling the bouncers "I'm sorry, its his b-day, you guys see him every week you know hes a regular/well paying customer".

    But I think what I mostly don't understand is if I'm just different.
    And this leads to a question I suppose.
    I want people to try this next time they're drunk because it seems some people can do it and others just can't.

    When/if you are drunk, can't you just realize its the alcohol making you that way, but still act somewhat normal?
    For instance:
    Hypothetically speaking, I'm drunk now (I'm not lol)

    The alcohol will effect my coordination, it will effect my speech, it will also effect my BRAIN.
    But THIS is my main point.
    What does alcohol ACTUALLY do to the brain? It really doesn't do a lot. What it "depresses" you, or fires off more endorphins? Yeh but how does that lead to changing thoughts or behavoir? You are still very much CHOOSING all of that.

    So what is the symptom you get when you drink, that makes you wanna cry to the world about your life? The symptom is how your body feels. Alcohol makes your body feel weak, like its not functioning right, so your brain assumes it must not be functioning right too.
    I'll admit you prob can't pass a test if you're drunk, but what is actually affecting someones BEHAVOIR. It is ALWAYS the person, NOT the alcohol.

    I've realized this by mixing certain rec drugs with alcohol overtime. You end up in weird states where you can be drunk as shit, but still be rather normal (think scarface). I don't dabble in that shit like its my thing cause its not, but I learned a valuable lesson which was you absolutely CAN CONTROL your BEHAVOIR when your drunk, its a LEARNED response.

    Some people never learn it for some odd reason. Buts its very odd for me to say, when I'm drunk, I still can about 90% have a real good idea what is inappropriate to do or say, and I simply don't do or say it, and overtime I've realized even in a completely drunken stupor, if you are CONSCIOUS, you can control your behavoir pretty well just due to that fact.
    I have no real point, but I have a weird habit of anaylzing what my brain/body feels like when its drunk. And it literally clicked one night when I was stumbling around drunk, but just BEGAN to act normal for no reason other then I really had no reason not to.
    And I realized "wow I don't need (scarface) to be normal if I'm drinking, its simple mind control". I'm only mentioning the scarface word because it was the first time I ever had this thought.

    But now without having done it in years, when I DO drink, it seems no matter what the condition, I still haven't forgot that I can control my behavoir. I just pisses me off that not a lot of other people seem to ever realize this fact. Am I crazy or does anyone know wtf I mean?

    I think in society we learn how to get drunk, but more importantly we learn how to BEHAVE a VERY SPECIFIC way when we're drunk too. I think that WAY winds up converting into 90% of how someone acts, and the alcohol itself maybe 10%.
    If we were brought up in a society that got drunk and studied physics, would we be laughing and crying like some complete jerkoff complaining about all the problems in the world?
    Look at a hospital, some of those patients are shot up with enormous amounts of morphine, codiene, barbituates (common relatives of powerful streetdrugs) but you don't see people in the hospital behaving terribly. The environment of the hospital changes our expecation of how we should act. I think ultimately this is what has turned me off most about alcohol over the years. Yeh its a cool relaxing thing to do, but how often do people REALLY do it, because they simply don't have the power to behave a certain way when they're sober? Its a broad statement but you should know what I mean.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    ur SOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky i actually read all that

    anyways man do agree people dont know how to contorl themselves when their drunk, but alcohol can cause eractic behaviour in soem people

    everyone responds differently to things, its like steroids, drugs etc,

    you dont know exactly how people react, some people turn violent drunk, others cry, some are idiots, rude, funny, some are just average and normal, it all depends on the person, personality, mood and alcohol consumption

    just becuase u can control yourself so easily doesnt mean others can so easily,

    their is a point of self control

    and then theirs a point where behaviour can be heavily influenced by alcohol

    it really depends on the person you are and the mood your in

    thier are some people who can be the friendlist people in the world on alcohol

    and then theirs others who just go looking for fights and act tuff

    from personal expereince i can agree that alcohol does effect your behavior drasticaly

    ive had times (when i use to drink, more of recreational MDMA user now since i have better control of myself and moods) when ive been really drunk and just past out coz i feel so tiered and weak, once when i was younger where ive cried with an old mate (weird story), once where i had a fight with a mate, and another where i hooked up with a fat chick, and another where i broke my mates towel rack coz i was uncooirdinated and stumbled over

    but i dont get completely drunk anymore coz i know things like that can happen when your to drunk, i get mildly drunk now on rare special occasions but its eqasy to contorl ones self like this IMO

    i understand that ur sick of ur brothers getting drunk and agree that would piss me off to, but i wouldnt stress it, if i found them lying in vomit id just go pee outside lol, or wash up sumwhere else, and also play a prank on them while their lying their hehehe

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    ur SOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky i actually read all that

    anyways man do agree people dont know how to contorl themselves when their drunk, but alcohol can cause eractic behaviour in soem people

    everyone responds differently to things, its like steroids, drugs etc,

    you dont know exactly how people react, some people turn violent drunk, others cry, some are idiots, rude, funny, some are just average and normal, it all depends on the person, personality, mood and alcohol consumption

    just becuase u can control yourself so easily doesnt mean others can so easily,

    their is a point of self control

    and then theirs a point where behaviour can be heavily influenced by alcohol

    it really depends on the person you are and the mood your in

    thier are some people who can be the friendlist people in the world on alcohol

    and then theirs others who just go looking for fights and act tuff

    from personal expereince i can agree that alcohol does effect your behavior drasticaly

    ive had times (when i use to drink, more of recreational MDMA user now since i have better control of myself and moods) when ive been really drunk and just past out coz i feel so tiered and weak, once when i was younger where ive cried with an old mate (weird story), once where i had a fight with a mate, and another where i hooked up with a fat chick, and another where i broke my mates towel rack coz i was uncooirdinated and stumbled over

    but i dont get completely drunk anymore coz i know things like that can happen when your to drunk, i get mildly drunk now on rare special occasions but its eqasy to contorl ones self like this IMO

    i understand that ur sick of ur brothers getting drunk and agree that would piss me off to, but i wouldnt stress it, if i found them lying in vomit id just go pee outside lol, or wash up sumwhere else, and also play a prank on them while their lying their hehehe
    Yep see thats all the stuff I tell myself too to work my way back out of what I originally thought.

    Fvcked a fat chick when I was drunk (a lot more to the story like it was on someones front lawn for one)
    Got into countless fights where I acted like a complete douchebag
    Have confronted people about completely inappropriate topics, embarassing personal issues, etc.

    I can go on forever but I'm going somewhere with it all.
    ALL THAT STUFF I DID, when I look back, its just way too convenient to blame the alcohol.
    Because what about the other 40times I got drunk and nothing happened?
    Or what about the 1 time I got drunk and studied, then aced my psych test?

    If it goes both ways, I just don't understand how we derive alcohol as the culprit, vs the actual person.
    I do understand people are soooo different and its such a hard topic to get specific about, but I still think the common deniminator is the person, rather then the alcohol.
    I can submit my own arguements all day just to disagree with myself, but idk, it really is weird. Like have you ever yelled at a drunk SO LOUD that for 5 mins they actually just start acting normal?
    Well why not just act like that to begin? The ability is obviously there, but I do see what you're saying its really hard to make generalizations about this I suppose.

  4. #4
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    i just killed a 40

  5. #5
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    i remember hearing of a study that questioned whether or not alcohol makes you violent... it turned out that alcohol only made certain people violent...these people, they hypothesized wanted to be violent but basically needed an excuse to act out that way... Others who had no internal desire to act violent, weren't affected in this manner. I think for me for example... when I drink I become some sort of "girl getting machine". That's the way I want to act deep inside when I'm sober but I don't have the guts to do it to the same degree vs. when I'm drunk. I think the same goes for people who are violent, rude, etc... when then are drunk, that's how they would want to act if they had less of a social filter putting them in check to not do those things. Like the saying goes "en vino veritas", in other words the "truth" comes out when you drink as it relates to who you are as a person (or what you think/feel). Personally I have no complaints about the "girl getting" that's really my whole intention for drinking in the first place, but everyone's different.. If I just acted stupid when I was drunk and made a fool out of myself I don't know that I'd really want to drink, I don't do any other recreational drugs precisely because of that. I see no improvements in "girl getting" with them so they are useless as far as I'm concerned. If you were to consider steroids a "drug" then, yes, the reason I do those is for their "girl getting factor" I'm pretty transparent I guess
    Last edited by GZA; 01-18-2010 at 12:18 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69;502***1
    Yep see thats all the stuff I tell myself too to work my way back out of what I originally thought.

    Fvcked a fat chick when I was drunk (a lot more to the story like it was on someones front lawn for one)
    Got into countless fights where I acted like a complete douchebag
    Have confronted people about completely inappropriate topics, embarassing personal issues, etc.

    I can go on forever but I'm going somewhere with it all.
    ALL THAT STUFF I DID, when I look back, its just way too convenient to blame the alcohol.
    Because what about the other 40times I got drunk and nothing happened?
    Or what about the 1 time I got drunk and studied, then aced my psych test?

    If it goes both ways, I just don't understand how we derive alcohol as the culprit, vs the actual person.
    I do understand people are soooo different and its such a hard topic to get specific about, but I still think the common deniminator is the person, rather then the alcohol.
    I can submit my own arguements all day just to disagree with myself, but idk, it really is weird. Like have you ever yelled at a drunk SO LOUD that for 5 mins they actually just start acting normal?
    Well why not just act like that to begin? The ability is obviously there, but I do see what you're saying its really hard to make generalizations about this I suppose.
    its funny how when you get pulled over by cops after a night of drinking how fast you sober up.

    i have to say thought some of my deepest thinking and best learning/realizing what i actualy know comes when im drunk.

    i used to be the crazy stupid kid back in the day(when i say back in the day i mean like 4 years ago) but i just matured and realized that besides not being as cordinated im completly normal as far as brain function goes.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GZA View Post
    i remember hearing of a study that questioned whether or not alcohol makes you violent... it turned out that alcohol only made certain people violent...these people, they hypothesized wanted to be violent but basically needed an excuse to act out that way... Others who had no internal desire to act violent, weren't affected in this manner. I think for me for example... when I drink I become some sort of "girl getting machine". That's the way I want to act deep inside when I'm sober but I don't have the guts to do it to the same degree vs. when I'm drunk. I think the same goes for people who are violent, rude, etc... when then are drunk, that's how they would want to act if they had less of a social filter putting them in check to not do those things. Like the saying goes "en vino veritas", in other words the "truth" comes out when you drink as it relates to who you are as a person (or what you think/feel). Personally I have no complaints about the "girl getting" that's really my whole intention for drinking in the first place, but everyone's different.. If I just acted stupid when I was drunk and made a fool out of myself I don't know that I'd really want to drink, I don't do any other recreational drugs precisely because of that. I see no improvements in "girl getting" with them so they are useless as far as I'm concerned. If you were to consider steroids a "drug" then, yes, the reason I do those is for their "girl getting factor" I'm pretty transparent I guess
    Well tramadol absolutely does 1000times better then alcohol imho. It works directly on SNRI instantly, (seretonin and adrenaline) increasing your mood in a very discrete MDMA ish fashion. Alcohol is sloppy for getting women.
    Tram allows you to be smart, while increasing confidence to a higher degree from my experience. Also, I can list several others that in combination would nuke alcohol for getting chicks, especially if you plan on getting sober ones.

    Not saying you cant do it sober, just dont see why alcohol becomes a better go to for the purposes of putang shopping. Inderal and xanax too is excellent for guys who get nervous, and it wont make you slur like a drunk. Lots of other things I shouldnt get into. But everything above that I agree with absolutely 100%
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 01-18-2010 at 01:46 AM.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Canada eh?
    I totally hear you man. I'm the sort who can have 16 beers in me, and watch in shame as friends who have 6 beers in them act like complete idiots. The thing is, some people are simply douchebags. They are idiots. They don't have the where-with-all to handle their lives properly while sober, let alone while drunk.

    That said, I quit drinking about 4 months ago. I'm sick of "booze culture". I'd rather sit at home with a cup of coffee and my favorite episode of The Simpsons.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    GZA is that your misses in your avi?

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    Nothing wrong with having a drink every now and again, but for some people its a must. Like they go out on the weekend and they MUST get drunk. In the UK there is a massive drinking culture mentality. When Brits go to parts of Europe for holidays, especially the 18-30 crowd, it really is appalling and abysmal how we act, because its all fueled by alcohol. Now I admit I got really hammered on Boxing Day, but before that it was back in June or July of the summer. For some people they have to get pissed (drunk) every weekend. Heh, being at Uni ive noticed my younger peers seem to have to get drunk at least 3 or 4 times a week. We have this place called "Jesters" and every monday, most drinks are 1 pound. Most pints of beer are 50p and they do for 30p a disgusting "drip tray pint". You can imagine how most Monday evenings end.

    They had this promotional company called "Carnage" that basically organised "pub crawls" for Uni students...they used to arrange to have ambulances following the crawl. Now some may think thats a good idea, but im not sure...its like they always expect someone to get hospitalised, which is supposed to be a good thing? Well Carnage recently got banned as some student from Exeter pissed on a poppy wreath a little after Rememberence Sunday. This would be like some douche pissing on the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in DC for you Americans.

    Ive sat in lectures in the morning with students who are still drunk from the night before and its irritating.

    At some point in the future I will probably get drunk myself, maybe on my bd in March, but for some...actually for many it seems necessary for them to get drunk every single week.

    If I had to clean up all the time after siblings who were always hungover and sleeping in their own puke then i'd be fvcking irrate as well.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Well tramadol absolutely does 1000times better then alcohol imho. It works directly on SNRI instantly, (seretonin and adrenaline) increasing your mood in a very discrete MDMA ish fashion. Alcohol is sloppy for getting women.
    Tram allows you to be smart, while increasing confidence to a higher degree from my experience. Also, I can list several others that in combination would nuke alcohol for getting chicks, especially if you plan on getting sober ones.

    Not saying you cant do it sober, just dont see why alcohol becomes a better go to for the purposes of putang shopping. Inderal and xanax too is excellent for guys who get nervous, and it wont make you slur like a drunk. Lots of other things I shouldnt get into. But everything above that I agree with absolutely 100%

    Id agree about Ultram. Theyve had me on 10mg vickies and trams as well for about 5 yrs now for pain. I really don't like taking the vics becauise of the drowsiness. I'm nopt goign to say no to getting them though. I take the trams instead. They do the job for my pain and are very subtle. The funny thing is that my friends have taken some of mine at times because I explained it as "like you've drinken, but with none of them bad sides" No slurring, wobbling, crazy slow reaction time, bad breath... etc it goes on and on... Don't get me wrong, I love a few beers now and then, but Bo is exactly right on with that comment.

  15. #15
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    AAAwww. I got way to fd up the other night on pain killers and booze. I hurt my back at work and the doc gave me some percs. Stared out good until i was puking in the bath room at the club and then trying to hit on every girl. I feel so dumb about it today

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Nothing wrong with having a drink every now and again, but for some people its a must. Like they go out on the weekend and they MUST get drunk. In the UK there is a massive drinking culture mentality. When Brits go to parts of Europe for holidays, especially the 18-30 crowd, it really is appalling and abysmal how we act, because its all fueled by alcohol. Now I admit I got really hammered on Boxing Day, but before that it was back in June or July of the summer. For some people they have to get pissed (drunk) every weekend. Heh, being at Uni ive noticed my younger peers seem to have to get drunk at least 3 or 4 times a week. We have this place called "Jesters" and every monday, most drinks are 1 pound. Most pints of beer are 50p and they do for 30p a disgusting "drip tray pint". You can imagine how most Monday evenings end.

    They had this promotional company called "Carnage" that basically organised "pub crawls" for Uni students...they used to arrange to have ambulances following the crawl. Now some may think thats a good idea, but im not sure...its like they always expect someone to get hospitalised, which is supposed to be a good thing? Well Carnage recently got banned as some student from Exeter pissed on a poppy wreath a little after Rememberence Sunday. This would be like some douche pissing on the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in DC for you Americans.

    Ive sat in lectures in the morning with students who are still drunk from the night before and its irritating.

    At some point in the future I will probably get drunk myself, maybe on my bd in March, but for some...actually for many it seems necessary for them to get drunk every single week.

    If I had to clean up all the time after siblings who were always hungover and sleeping in their own puke then i'd be fvcking irrate as well.
    Thats fvckn horrific.

    Its crazy because it honestly has began to smur my reality of what the fvck is normal and what is not normal.
    My brothers, and all my friends are the SAME WAY. We're all a little bit older then the uni crowd (even though I'm still in a uni) but they still ALL get wasted easily at least once a week.
    And its a balls to the wall free for all.
    This week it just happened to 2 days in a row.

    I couldn't believe how sick some of these guys were sunday morning but they all woke up and went straight to the bar to watch the Jets game and get shitfaced.

    The only 2 people I really know, who don't drink at all are my parents. And the more and more I see this crap happening year after year, the quicker I'm begining to realize how disgusting the behavoir really is. Its hard to say because I do it myself, but its becoming so much about acting as stupid as you can vs just chilling with a few beers and having a good time.
    I've seriously contemplated going straight edge over it, just to show how digusted I am by it.
    But I did actually figure out a solution. I bought a blow up mattress today and put it at my folks house. They said I'm welcome to sleep there anytime I want if theres a bunch of drunks vomiting in the house. So I know I'll be sleeping there next Sunday night (for the game). Its finally urked me to the point where I'm either gonna do something real stupid to embarass them, or just avoid it all together. And I figure it'll be smarter to just ignore it.

  17. #17
    I hate watching football, and I hate the drunk fat ****s in this country who do it.

    It's gotten so lame to the point that chicks have to make believe they're in love with football to get a guys approval.

    I've had girls say to me in the past "What, you dont watch football, WTF is wrong with you?" But the fat slob is cool in her book

  18. #18
    I hate watching football, and I hate the drunk fat ****s in this country who do it.

    It's gotten so lame to the point that chicks have to make believe they're in love with football to get a guys approval.

    I've had girls say to me in the past "What, you dont watch football, WTF is wrong with you?" But the fat slob is cool in her book

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    GZA is that your misses in your avi?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Well tramadol absolutely does 1000times better then alcohol imho.
    Thanks for the tip I'll definitely look into it

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GZA View Post
    Nice one bro!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Thats fvckn horrific.

    Its crazy because it honestly has began to smur my reality of what the fvck is normal and what is not normal.
    My brothers, and all my friends are the SAME WAY. We're all a little bit older then the uni crowd (even though I'm still in a uni) but they still ALL get wasted easily at least once a week.
    And its a balls to the wall free for all.
    This week it just happened to 2 days in a row.

    I couldn't believe how sick some of these guys were sunday morning but they all woke up and went straight to the bar to watch the Jets game and get shitfaced.

    The only 2 people I really know, who don't drink at all are my parents. And the more and more I see this crap happening year after year, the quicker I'm begining to realize how disgusting the behavoir really is. Its hard to say because I do it myself, but its becoming so much about acting as stupid as you can vs just chilling with a few beers and having a good time.
    I've seriously contemplated going straight edge over it, just to show how digusted I am by it.
    But I did actually figure out a solution. I bought a blow up mattress today and put it at my folks house. They said I'm welcome to sleep there anytime I want if theres a bunch of drunks vomiting in the house. So I know I'll be sleeping there next Sunday night (for the game). Its finally urked me to the point where I'm either gonna do something real stupid to embarass them, or just avoid it all together. And I figure it'll be smarter to just ignore it.
    do you think this will change anything, or could it cast you out if the "group"?

  23. #23
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    I've finally learned how awesome alcohol can be. I used to do all the traditional stuff, fights, sex, etc. But now its simply a social lubricant for me. Make meeting people more interesting, make dancing more fun, just gives me an elated mood. I am NOT dependent on alcohol to have a good time, but there is no harm for me in having a few drinks and having a good time now.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalspic View Post
    do you think this will change anything, or could it cast you out if the "group"?
    Yeh I don't think it'll change anything because its me vs the entire group basically.

    People will make comments for a few weeks like "oh I see you stopped drinking, thats good for you", but then I know in a month or 2 it'll come off like I think I'm better then them, and they'll most likely rebel and stop calling me cause I prob WILL act like I'm better then them.

    To be honest though, at this point I just don't care enough anymore. I've been through periods in my life where I haven't had a single friend for years, and never went out and did anything (mostly when I was on parole). So if I need to withdraw from the group I will. I honestly don't enjoy the weekends anymore. All anyone seems to look forward to is getting drunk and what bar to go to. Noone plans trips, or thinks of anything unique. I'm not about to start orchestrating events myself, so I'm just gonna roll with it and what ever happens happens. But I'm not fvckn babysitting drunks nomore, I can't take it. I'm not better then anyone, but its creating too much anxiety in my life.
    Like wtf am I gonna do for fun when I'm 40? Be calling my friends to go watch a jets game and get sauced? There has to be more sophisticated ways of having fun that are still relatively cheap. If not, I'll sit home and read a book lol.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    I've finally learned how awesome alcohol can be. I used to do all the traditional stuff, fights, sex, etc. But now its simply a social lubricant for me. Make meeting people more interesting, make dancing more fun, just gives me an elated mood. I am NOT dependent on alcohol to have a good time, but there is no harm for me in having a few drinks and having a good time now.
    Yep I hear yah completely.

    Alcohol can have a verrry prolonged phase of "novelty seeking", where even when you repeat the same things you did last week, or the week before, they still seem new because you were too drunk to remember what happened.

    Thats one thing about alcohol that I think keeps people from growing out of it. You can go to the same bar with the same people and do the same thing, but still have it feel like you're doing something new, cause you're most likely gonna get drunk and act like your 40th altered ego.. "ok last week I acted like a Mel Gibson drunk, this week I think I'll act like a David Hassleholf drunk.. next week I'll be a quiet sophisticated drunk". It doesn't happen consciously like that but I think that aspect of alcohol helps keep it like a fresh experience for some. I just really think I'm growing out of it at this point, my friends WILL drink their lives away for the next 20-30 years. Sure they'll hold down jobs and be successful, but they will also have wasted nearly every weekend hungover. It is a serious problem imo, and I just can't turn a blind eye to it anymore, truley urks me. Just don't get caught up in the party life, sometimes you get stuck and leaving it can mean leaving all your friends.

  26. #26
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I just really think I'm growing out of it at this point, my friends WILL drink their lives away for the next 20-30 years. Sure they'll hold down jobs and be successful, but they will also have wasted nearly every weekend hungover. It is a serious problem imo, and I just can't turn a blind eye to it anymore, truley urks me. Just don't get caught up in the party life, sometimes you get stuck and leaving it can mean leaving all your friends.
    That is spot on.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69;5031***
    Yeh I don't think it'll change anything because its me vs the entire group basically.

    People will make comments for a few weeks like "oh I see you stopped drinking, thats good for you", but then I know in a month or 2 it'll come off like I think I'm better then them, and they'll most likely rebel and stop calling me cause I prob WILL act like I'm better then them.

    To be honest though, at this point I just don't care enough anymore. I've been through periods in my life where I haven't had a single friend for years, and never went out and did anything (mostly when I was on parole). So if I need to withdraw from the group I will. I honestly don't enjoy the weekends anymore. All anyone seems to look forward to is getting drunk and what bar to go to. Noone plans trips, or thinks of anything unique. I'm not about to start orchestrating events myself, so I'm just gonna roll with it and what ever happens happens. But I'm not fvckn babysitting drunks nomore, I can't take it. I'm not better then anyone, but its creating too much anxiety in my life.
    Like wtf am I gonna do for fun when I'm 40? Be calling my friends to go watch a jets game and get sauced? There has to be more sophisticated ways of having fun that are still relatively cheap. If not, I'll sit home and read a book lol.
    there are over 300million ppl in this country and you live in new jersey which just happens to be very heavaly populated. i wouldnt worry too much about being alone. plus who says you are going to be there the rest of your life. the chances of you staying there till you die are slim, no impossible but slim. all i can say is for the remainder of your stay in jersey make the best of whats around and look for a new group of people who are more mature and responsible to hang out with.

    p.s. i started looking up the books and subjects you pm'ed me about... they're awesome thanks

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by kalspic View Post
    there are over 300million ppl in this country and you live in new jersey which just happens to be very heavaly populated. i wouldnt worry too much about being alone. plus who says you are going to be there the rest of your life. the chances of you staying there till you die are slim, no impossible but slim. all i can say is for the remainder of your stay in jersey make the best of whats around and look for a new group of people who are more mature and responsible to hang out with.

    p.s. i started looking up the books and subjects you pm'ed me about... they're awesome thanks
    Thanks man I appreciate it.

    And as far as the books, the first one I recommended, you will NEVER come accross a book like that again for the rest of your life. I'm serious.

    I've had a lot of people tell me "read so and so book it changed my life", but thats one book that I guarantee will change the way you think about anything remotely related to sex. I've come by a lot of good authors, but no single author has took on such a difficult task, and succeeded so well in doing it.

    I also don't get excited easily for other people, but I really can't wait till you read it. I didn't even like to read when I picked that book up and books basically became heroin after that. Its seriously the kind of book that will make you wanna skip work and the gym just to isolate yourself in a room to read, amazing read. Really can't say enough good things about it. Enjoy!

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