(starts off more of a rant, ends with a philogical question that may force you to think - not a complete waste of a thread lol)
Moreso drunk family.
Noone in my family has a real "problem", just all my brothers are football fanatics, I'm not, so naturally they are always throwing parties, and I'm always cleaning up the mess.
I don't mean just beer cans and food, I mean human bodies too.
I'm not looking for a solution, I just wanna vent is all.
But EVERY FVCKN time, they either miss the toilet to vomit, or vomit all over the floor. One time my brother vomited on the floor, tried to stand up, slipped, then literally fell back down and fell asleep in his own vomit. (most disgusting thing in the world)
I couldn't pick him up, nor did I want to, so I just fvckn left him there till morning and shut my door so I didn't have to smell it.
Tonight its all over the bathroom, I still gotta shave and shower and I'm not now. Theres no fvckn way I'm cleaning a grown mans vomit I'm not taking that role. If it was a once in a blue moon occurence, sure, cause occasionally I get sick a couple times a year myself.
But I CAN NOT understand this whole obsession with FOOTBALL + ALCOHOL. Is football just an excuse just to get drunk on a sunday? Its the most boring fvckn thing you can possibly have on tv, meanwhile everyones cheering/screaming like lunatics.
Or do you have to drink beer to first make football exciting? Maybe thats why it doesn't make sense to me, cause I'm not drunk like you.
What astonishes me is also the manner in which some people get drunk, maybe I just tolerate alcohol differently, but the last time I got drunk and started crying about how much my life sucks, I had to be 16-17.
2 weeks ago I must have had around 16 beers, then a dozen shots later in the night. It was an all day b-day event and my BAC couldn't possibly have been any higher. Yet I'm seeing people heavier then me, who were drinking less, who are acting completely different.
We would then say "well everyone handles their liquor different", right?
But I say, "people handle their liquor how they want to handle it".
So 2 weeks ago, as drunk as I was, I was the one calling the cab, I'm the one apologizing to the driver because my drunk family/friends can't keep their drunk fvckn mouths shut. Literally harassing the cab driver and hes 2 seconds from kicking us all out, I'm drunk as fvck, but STILL have the common sense to know how to act.
Even at the bar, my brother bearhugged a bouncer and lifted him in the air (like when you crack someones back) Im running around telling the bouncers "I'm sorry, its his b-day, you guys see him every week you know hes a regular/well paying customer".
But I think what I mostly don't understand is if I'm just different.
And this leads to a question I suppose.
I want people to try this next time they're drunk because it seems some people can do it and others just can't.
When/if you are drunk, can't you just realize its the alcohol making you that way, but still act somewhat normal?
For instance:
Hypothetically speaking, I'm drunk now (I'm not lol)
The alcohol will effect my coordination, it will effect my speech, it will also effect my BRAIN.
But THIS is my main point.
What does alcohol ACTUALLY do to the brain? It really doesn't do a lot. What it "depresses" you, or fires off more endorphins? Yeh but how does that lead to changing thoughts or behavoir? You are still very much CHOOSING all of that.
So what is the symptom you get when you drink, that makes you wanna cry to the world about your life? The symptom is how your body feels. Alcohol makes your body feel weak, like its not functioning right, so your brain assumes it must not be functioning right too.
I'll admit you prob can't pass a test if you're drunk, but what is actually affecting someones BEHAVOIR. It is ALWAYS the person, NOT the alcohol.
I've realized this by mixing certain rec drugs with alcohol overtime. You end up in weird states where you can be drunk as shit, but still be rather normal (think scarface). I don't dabble in that shit like its my thing cause its not, but I learned a valuable lesson which was you absolutely CAN CONTROL your BEHAVOIR when your drunk, its a LEARNED response.
Some people never learn it for some odd reason. Buts its very odd for me to say, when I'm drunk, I still can about 90% have a real good idea what is inappropriate to do or say, and I simply don't do or say it, and overtime I've realized even in a completely drunken stupor, if you are CONSCIOUS, you can control your behavoir pretty well just due to that fact.
I have no real point, but I have a weird habit of anaylzing what my brain/body feels like when its drunk. And it literally clicked one night when I was stumbling around drunk, but just BEGAN to act normal for no reason other then I really had no reason not to.
And I realized "wow I don't need (scarface) to be normal if I'm drinking, its simple mind control". I'm only mentioning the scarface word because it was the first time I ever had this thought.
But now without having done it in years, when I DO drink, it seems no matter what the condition, I still haven't forgot that I can control my behavoir. I just pisses me off that not a lot of other people seem to ever realize this fact. Am I crazy or does anyone know wtf I mean?
I think in society we learn how to get drunk, but more importantly we learn how to BEHAVE a VERY SPECIFIC way when we're drunk too. I think that WAY winds up converting into 90% of how someone acts, and the alcohol itself maybe 10%.
If we were brought up in a society that got drunk and studied physics, would we be laughing and crying like some complete jerkoff complaining about all the problems in the world?
Look at a hospital, some of those patients are shot up with enormous amounts of morphine, codiene, barbituates (common relatives of powerful streetdrugs) but you don't see people in the hospital behaving terribly. The environment of the hospital changes our expecation of how we should act. I think ultimately this is what has turned me off most about alcohol over the years. Yeh its a cool relaxing thing to do, but how often do people REALLY do it, because they simply don't have the power to behave a certain way when they're sober? Its a broad statement but you should know what I mean.