I am 33, 5'8" 195lb @15%bf.Been training for 4 years, but only in the last year have i really got my diet and workout solid thanks to what I've learned from all the guys here at AR.Thanks everyone.
So now it's time to start my first cycle.Being scared of the needle (yeah i know) i was thinking of doing an oral only cycle Andriol/Anavar or Dbol only, but the cost and availability of some the drugs made that a no-no.
I knew if i was going to do this i was going to have to inject.This is what i have decided on,
wks 1-4 Dbol 30mg
wks 1-10 Test Enanthate 500mg
Did my first shot this morning and it really wasn't that bad.I was thinking of glutes, but i just didn't feel i could reach round and hold the pin steady so i went in the leg instead.Suprised at how easy the pin went in 23g1/12 and also how hard you have to push the plunger, but there was no real pain more like a dull ache like someones given me a dead leg.Felt dizzy and wasn't sure if i was going to black out or not after the inject, but that only lasted for a moment.Had a cup of coffee and jumped in the shower and now i feel fine.
So after all the years of waiting and researching and then the paranoia of ordering the gear and waiting for it to arrive hoping i don't get scammed,it doesn't get seized or that i get a controlled delivery it's finally on!