im 6 weeks into a test cycle.... First cycle ever going on week 7
im 6 weeks into a test cycle.... First cycle ever going on week 7
Last edited by bisha; 01-29-2010 at 08:05 AM.
wow that's inspirational
what is your diet and routine?
well i have been eating like 2lbs a steak everyday like crazy! Protein shakes threw out the day.. I really dont worry to much about carbs during the day I try to avoid them at night!
test e?
im about to start my first cycle are you just using the test? what are you thinking about for pct
yea test e..... I am prettty much out of test e right now and im going on 7 weeks and the only thing I can get my hands on is Sust 250 so im switching from test e to sust
I used dbol from weeks 1-4 purple hearts and let me tell you man my strength went up like ****ing crazy! I didnt see my self getting bigger but i took a shitload of pictures from day 1 and yea i noticed my self getting a little bigger but after taking some pics recently damn im exploding......
yea man nice work... i start 600mg/wk monday for 10 weeks and am stacking it with methyltrienolone 750mcg/day wks 9-12... rength is supposed to go through the roof with mt
yea man your gonna love it if you have legit stuff! I just got 120lb dumbells up for shoulder press and had peoples jaw dropping but it looks obvious that im on roids now at the gym..... its like you cant even deny if some 1 asks but you still do lol and they know ur full of shit
but your gains are crazy good. what were your stats then and now? im pretty sure everyone who seen u then and sees you now know u are much difference in only 7 weeks. hopefully u keep most of it.
yea pct is planned out i have nolva on hand atm! But I know clomid works great with nolva so im going to get my hands on it and use them together!
the DBOL tho definitely made u gain alot of water wait so its hard to say how much was actually muscle gained.
ya get clomid..
clomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
start 2 weeks after last injection
Age 20 5'9 190lbs
deadlift: 500
yea well i dont think i want to start blowing up much more:\
Well im gonna have to start 3 weeks after last injection because I am switching to Sust 250
eat cottectly and u will look shredded haha
yea its really hard for me to do that though
i hear ya on that... 3 months coming up... its worst part for me
i got shit covered though I eat pretty good for the most part!! before summer im joining up for muay thi and jui jitsu gonna do it hour or 2 a day will get shredded like crazy on a cycle.... I have a question though I have a 50mg/20ml bottle of winstrol should i add this to my current cycle?
how many weeks do u have left
5 weeks left
wait... the min i would run it is 6 weeks... u always have it for your next cycle
id throw in some arimidex if possible.thats what i would do.
500lb deadlift at 190? Bro you are stacked! Great job on your results so far. You have me beat in all of your lifts lol. Great job again bro- lookin good
Looking great brother!!!
God Damn man you blew up like a tank. You sure that scale for 190 is right? haha what was your starting weight? or did i miss that?
looking good mate, yeh dw bout the a-dex unless u getting gyno, just keep the water and youll look much better pct. what dose u runnin?
I did 500 a week for the first 4 weeks then I bumped it up to 600 a week for week 5-6 thats 300 monday 300 thursday now starting weight was 170
ill upload some more pics
looks good!
amazing bro
Great job, keep up the hard work. This is making me want to get back on.....
looking ****ing good man
WOW! Looking good brother!!!
You can definitely add the winstrol in as a backload to the cycle (IE)
(weeks 9 - 14) Winstrol @ 50mg/each day
And start PCT after you discontinue winny.
One word of caution though: winstrol can make your joints verrry, verry dry... it would not go well w/ "muay thi and jui jitsu." So if you're going to run the winstrol make sure you do it prior to your training (i'm assuming this cycle will conclude before that anyways right?)
Great progress so far!
Testosterone is an amazing thing! Great Work!
nice work on upper body, BUUUUUT what about you leg shots? back shots? anyone can get big arms and chest from using test. the real progress comes with back and legs, we need to see some real pics! good work otherwise
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