Whats up fellas?
I am currently on some Kefei blue tops and getting great results from it. But hygepropin just became available to me. I still have to purchase 200iu and was wondering if Hyge is a better option. I am pretty convinced that hyge is the better option here by what I have read on my research but I am looking for some confirmation.
I dont like how some many people say that Kefei is 192. Also I did get welts from it for the first 4 weeks or so. But also got all the sides at only 3iu. Should I go to the hyge? Is hyge 191 for sure? They are only a bit more expensive.
194 5'8 around 12% bf
Currently on Test E 900mg/week hgh 5iu 6on 1 off
--Thanks in advance--